A history and pictures of the town as it appeared in 1906


The town of Woodsfield was founded in 1814 by Archibald Woods, of Wheeling, for whom the town was named. In 1820 Woodsfield contained but 8 houses. The first court house and jail was built in 1816 and cost $137.00. The second court house was built in 1828-29 and burnt in 1867, and was succeeded by a brick structure costing $40,000, which was burned in 1905, and was again being succeeded by a magnificent structure costing $150,000. [This article was written about 1905 so the construction of the last and current court house was still in progress.] The town was incorporated in 1834, Henry Johnson being its first mayor.

Woodsfield had a slow but steady growth up until the oil field surrounding began to be developed, since when it has rapidly grown until today it is one of the most prosperous and enterprising towns for its size in southeastern Ohio, with paved streets, electric lights, many handsome and modern business blocks and fine residences. It has 5 churches, 2 banks, 5 newspapers, 4 grocery stores, 3 grocery and general merchandise stores, 2 dry goods stores, 2 drug stores, 3 hardware stores, 5 meat markets, 2 bakeries, 4 livery stables, 2 jewelry stores, 2 furniture stores, 3 hotels, 7 saloons, 1 flouring mill, 1 machine shop, 1 planing mill and lumber yard, 3 Oil Well Supply companies and many other industries. Its many merchants and business men are a very enterprising class of gentlemen, working for the general, financial and moral upbuilding of their town.

Its present officers are Mayor, E. D. Thompson, Treasurer, A. J. Tubaugh. Members of the town council, B. F. Paulus, W. F. Haney, M. F. Archer, R. M. Graham, D. O. Watson. The town Marshall is John Keyser, and Wm. Salsbury is policeman and street commissioner.


The above was copied verbatim from the book, Souvenir of Woodsfield and Monroe County 1906. The book was issued by The Monroe County Republican, Woodsfield, Ohio in 1906. This book has been reprinted and is offered for sale by the Monroe County Historical Society. The following is a list of pictures scanned from an original issue of this book and may be accessed by clicking on the name below. Alternately, these pictures can be accessed by going to the list of photos included in the Photos section of this site under the town of Woodsfield.





Bank Old Monroe Bank Building

Bank New Bank Building

Building Reymann Building

Children s Home

Confectionery and Tobacco Store Mrs. J. Bertram

Court House before fire of 1905

Court House after fire of 1905

Flouring Mill

Hardware Helbling Brothers Hardware

Hospital Woodsfield Hospital

Hotel Columbia Hotel

Hotel Eagle Hotel

Hotel Smith Hotel

House Bertram, Fred Bertram

House Bott, Louis Bott

House Diehl, Fred Diehl

House Kerr, George Kerr

House Mehl, A. C. Mehl

House Mooney, Samuel L. Mooney

House Parry, Dr. J. R. Parry

House Schumacher, William Schumacher

House Taylor, E. D. Taylor

House Tubaugh, A. J. Tubaugh

Infirmary Poor Peoples Home

Junk Man

Livery Stable Manhattan

Livery Stable O. D. Watson

Lumber John Burgbacher Lumber Company

Monument Store Menkel Bros Monument

Oil Well Feldner # 7

Photographer, W. T. Pennington Photography and Art

Saloon A. J. Staudt

School Woodsfield High School

Square Town Square looking south along Rt. # 800

Store Armstrong Corner

Store Lude & Egger Hardware Store

Store Joost Meat Market (exterior)

Store Joost Meat Market (interior)

Store P. Schumacher Jr. & Son s Grocery





Armstrong, E. W. Armstrong 1906

Cochran, Dr. R. L. Cochran 1906

Devaul, John G. Devaul 1906

Diehl, Fred Diehl 1906

Gertler, G. F. Gertler 1906

Goebel, Rev. Tiburtius S. Goebel 1906

Haren, Ben Haren 1906

Huth, Dr. F. C. Huth 1906

Little, Charles O. Little 1906

Mehl, Albert C. Mehl 1906

Mooney, Samuel L. Mooney 1906

Mooney, W. C. Mooney 1906

Morris, James 1906

Norris, Dr. J. W. Norris 1906

Norris, John Norris 1906

Parry, Dr. J. R. Parry 1906

Pope, R. W. Pope 1906

Randall, W. E. Randall 1906

Schumacher, A. J. Schumacher 1906

Schumacher, P. Schumacher 1906

Shenker, Abe Shenker 1906

Staudt, A. J. Staudt 1906

Staudt, N. T. Staudt 1906

Staudt, R. Z. Staudt 1906

Staudt, William Staudt 1906

Stewart, Harry E. Stewart 1906

Taylor, E. D. Taylor 1906

Tubaugh, A. J. Tubaugh 1906

Watson, D. O. Watson 1906

Wuestenberg, Rev. Robert C. Wuestenberg 1906

Zesiger, E. E. Zesiger 1906

Zitzmann, B. Zitzmann 1906





Monroe County Republican

The Sentinel

The Spirit of Democracy

The Monroe Gazette




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