A. J. Tubaugh
was initially only in the furniture business.
His establishment known as The Woodsfield Furniture Store was located on
the west side of the public Square.
There he marketed all kinds of furniture, carpets, wallpaper, sewing
machines and musical instruments. In
the musical line he carried Henry F. Miller, Kimball, and Chickering Bros.
Pianos. As was frequently the case in
those days, associated with the furniture business was the undertaking and
embalming business. A. J. Tubaugh
graduated from Prof. Eliab Myers
College of Embalming of Springfield, Ohio and
later on of Prof. Renard, of New York.
Later he studied under Prof. Will Hoenschoe of Iowa City, Iowa and took
post graduate courses under Prof. Fitzhue of Pittsburg, PA. His A. J. Tubaugh Undertaking and Embalming
establishment was located on the same lot as his furniture store. Click here for a photo of the Tubaugh house.
Picture from the book, Souvenir of Woodsfield and Monroe County 1906
issued by The Monroe County Republican, Woodsfield, Ohio, 1906
Photo scanned and provided by Richard Harrington -- e-mail: richardharrington@cox.net
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