This is the Index for
Surnames beginning with the letter H in
Death Record Book # 2 (1891 1908)
Death Record Book # 2 is too large for the website but it
is available on CD from the
Habermehl, Albert |
82 |
Habermehl, Margaret |
84 |
Habig, Josaphine |
84 |
Habig, Raphiel |
84 |
Hackathan, Pusilla |
78 |
Hackens |
80 |
Haga, Benjamin |
83 |
Haga, Cora May |
83 |
Haga, Mary Ruth |
83 |
Haga, Sadie |
85 |
Haga, Selena Jane |
84 |
Haga,Eliza |
85 |
Hagerman, John |
78 |
Hagerman, Mary |
81 |
Haglett, Bessie Belle |
79 |
Haldiman |
81 |
Haldiman, John W. |
84 |
Haldiman, Maggie |
82 |
Haldinson, Fred |
77 |
Haldman, Frederick |
79 |
Haldmeyer, Joseph |
78 |
Halerman, John |
80 |
Hall |
86 |
85 |
Hall, Chas. Kyle |
80 |
Hall, Emma P. |
85 |
Hall, Ephraim |
86 |
Hall, George Logan |
81 |
Hall, Greudue |
77 |
Hall, Isaac C. |
81 |
78 |
Hall, John M. |
81 |
Hall, Mabel L. |
83 |
82 |
Hall, Mary K. |
83 |
Hall, Oaklin |
81 |
Hall, Oddie Ray |
77 |
Hall, Sarah M. |
82 |
79 |
Hall, William G. |
85 |
Hallet, Robert |
83 |
Halstead, Vard |
78 |
Haltsclaw, Minnie I. |
77 |
79 |
Hamilton, Doliver |
84 |
Hamilton, |
79 |
Hamilton, Ellen M. |
84 |
86 |
78 |
Hamilton, John |
85 |
Hamilton, Maggie M. |
80 |
Hamilton, Malisa M. |
86 |
Hamilton, Matilda |
81 |
Hamilton, Sinclair |
80 |
Hamilton, Syrene |
84 |
Hamilton, Thomas |
80 |
86 |
Hamilton, William |
77 |
Hammon, Wm. |
79 |
Handenchild, John |
77 |
Handenschild, Mary C. |
79 |
Handlon, Goldie B. |
81 |
Handnghs, Rebecca |
82 |
Handschumacher, C.O. |
83 |
Handschumacher, Dorothey |
80 |
Handschumacher, Ed |
83 |
Handschumacher, Fern |
81 |
Handschumacher, Ladie |
81 |
Handschumacher, Myrtle |
81 |
Handschumaker, Jacob |
82 |
Handshumacher, Anna |
78 |
Handshumaker, Daisy |
82 |
Handucks, Mary J. |
79 |
Hanlon, Harriet |
80 |
Hanlon, Meloon |
79 |
Hannahs |
83 |
Hannahs, Jno. W. |
80 |
Hanney, Daniel |
78 |
Hanson, Nancy Ellen |
77 |
84 |
Harbin, Lucinda |
85 |
Hardist, Joseph |
82 |
2 |
Harell, Mary Jane |
86 |
Haren, Caroline |
78 |
Haren, Jacob |
80 |
Haren, Mary A. |
83 |
Harfels, Paul Arthur |
83 |
Harm, Gregous |
83 |
2 |
Harman, Alex |
80 |
Harman, Benj. M. |
78 |
Harman, Benjamin Sr. |
81 |
Harman, Brady |
79 |
Harman, Daniel |
84 |
Harman, David |
86 |
Harman, Flaudus |
85 |
Harman, John |
77 |
Harman, Mary B. |
85 |
Harman, Shannon |
81 |
Harman, Sydia |
77 |
Harman, William |
80 |
Harmen |
78 |
Harper, Harison |
77 |
Harper, Hiram |
79 |
Harper, Rachel |
77 |
Harper, S.E. |
78 |
Harper, Susan E. |
84 |
Harrisen, Christina |
84 |
Harrison, Flora A. |
80 |
Harrison, Julia F. |
80 |
Harrison, Martin |
79 |
Hars |
80 |
2 |
Harsman |
77 |
Hart, Conydon |
83 |
Hart, Emma B. |
79 |
Hart, Frank V. |
86 |
Harter, James |
81 |
Harter, Margaret |
79 |
Hartlieb |
77 |
Hartlieb, Christina |
81 |
Hartlieb, William C. |
84 |
Hartline, Adaline |
77 |
Hartline, Amanda R. |
85 |
Hartline, Iva Jane |
83 |
Hartline, Serena E. |
86 |
Hartman, Emma C. |
77 |
Hartshorn, Cecil V. |
80 |
Hartshorn, Eugene |
85 |
Hartshorn, Mariah |
85 |
Hartshorn, Samuel |
77 |
Hartshorn, |
84 |
Haskinson, Adaline |
77 |
Haskinson, Arthur |
77 |
Haskinson, George |
77 |
Haskinson, Irama Jane |
77 |
Haskinson, John O. |
77 |
Haudlin, Eli |
86 |
Haughs, Mary |
86 |
Haughs, Rachel Tabicho |
86 |
Haught, Benj. |
82 |
Haught, Bert Alphouss |
81 |
Haught, Ernest O. |
85 |
79 |
Haught, Hensel |
80 |
Haught, Jessy |
85 |
Haught, John T. |
85 |
Haught, John W. |
84 |
Haught, Martha Ellen |
80 |
Haught, Noah Pold |
85 |
Haught, Samuel |
83 |
Haught, Susanna |
77 |
Haught, Wm. C. |
82 |
Hauson, Idda |
77 |
Havilon, Albert |
83 |
Hawkins |
78 |
Hawkins, Clifford C. |
77 |
Hawkins, Gertrude Jane |
83 |
Hawkins, Isabella |
86 |
Hawkins, Lavina |
77 |
Hawkins, Leon W. |
85 |
Hawkins, Louisa |
81 |
Hawkins, Martha |
77 |
Hawkins, Wm. H. |
77 |
Hayes, Susan |
81 |
Haynes, Herbert |
81 |
Haynes, Homer |
81 |
Hays, Ruth |
81 |
Haythorn, Anna May |
80 |
Haythorn, John C. |
80 |
Haythorn, Martha Jane |
79 |
Haythorne, Mary J. |
86 |
Headley, John |
83 |
Headley, Nancy |
83 |
Headley, Nancy |
83 |
Headly, Elid |
78 |
Heald, Lula Alice |
83 |
Heald, William |
82 |
Heath, Catharine |
78 |
Heckler, George |
81 |
Hedinger, Alex |
80 |
Hedinger, Edward |
78 |
Hedinger, Rudolph |
86 |
Hein, Wm. B. |
78 |
Heinlein, Aldo |
82 |
Heinlein, John Sr. |
79 |
Heinlein, Vera |
80 |
Heischer, Albert |
79 |
Helbling, (unknown) |
80 |
Helbling, Barbara |
78 |
Helbling, Christian |
80 |
Helbling, Emma |
77 |
Helting, Chas. Fredinand |
78 |
Hendershot, Elias |
83 |
Hendershot, Fannie |
82 |
Hendershot, Frederick L. |
85 |
Hendershot, Hattie F. |
78 |
Hendershot, Marry |
85 |
Hendershot, Mary Ann |
83 |
Henderson, John N. |
80 |
Henderson, William Henry |
79 |
Hendrix, N.O. |
81 |
Henning, Freda L. |
82 |
Henry, Harrison |
86 |
Henry, Simon |
85 |
Hensel, Emily |
83 |
Hensel, Mary E. |
82 |
Hensel, Nathan |
82 |
Henthorn |
80 |
Henthorn |
81 |
Henthorn, Albert V. |
82 |
Henthorn, Amanda Belle |
80 |
Henthorn, Andrew |
81 |
Henthorn, Charles G. |
82 |
Henthorn, Clancy G. |
77 |
Henthorn, Clasalta Louella |
77 |
2 |
Henthorn, Delila W. |
80 |
Henthorn, Elizabeth |
86 |
Henthorn, Harold |
83 |
Henthorn, J.B. |
86 |
Henthorn, Jno. Wesley |
79 |
86 |
Henthorn, Maria |
84 |
Henthorn, Marvel |
83 |
Henthorn, Nancy J. |
82 |
Henthorn, Nimrod E. |
83 |
Henthorn, Thos. W. |
81 |
Henthorn, Toutelus |
84 |
2 |
Heren, Hosen Francis |
82 |
2 |
Herlan, Jane |
84 |
Herling, Mary K. |
83 |
Hers, John |
82 |
2 |
Hers, Katie |
82 |
2 |
Hess, Ethel L. |
82 |
Hess, George Philip |
79 |
Hick, Jacob |
80 |
2 |
Hickenbottom, Coleman |
85 |
Hickenbottom, Ida |
83 |
Hickinan, Henry |
80 |
Hickinbotham, E.J. |
82 |
Hickinbotham, John |
81 |
Hickman |
83 |
Hicks, Elizabeth |
83 |
Hicks, Elizabeth |
86 |
Hicks, Jas. |
79 |
Hicks, John |
78 |
Highley, John |
78 |
Highman |
83 |
Highman, Duncan |
86 |
Highman, Jacob P. |
83 |
Highman, Ola Oleta |
81 |
Highman, William H. |
84 |
Hile, John |
82 |
Hill |
83 |
Hill, Avery T. |
86 |
78 |
Hill, Earl Jay |
81 |
Hill, Ervin O. |
86 |
78 |
Hill, John C. |
78 |
80 |
80 |
Hill, Ode |
78 |
Hill, Selva Lenora |
79 |
Hill, Triend |
79 |
Hill, Vilima |
85 |
Hill, Vilima Jane |
86 |
Hinderlong, Alex |
85 |
Hinderlong, Ida E. |
85 |
Hinderlong, John F. |
84 |
Hinderlong, John R. |
82 |
Hinderlong, Mary |
79 |
Hinderlong, Maytibena |
78 |
Hine, Baltzer |
86 |
Hines |
82 |
Hines, Linus |
85 |
Hines, Thomas |
77 |
Hinltini, John |
78 |
2 |
Hinton |
82 |
Hinton, Julia |
84 |
Hissom, Alex |
77 |
Hissom, |
79 |
Hissom, L.B. |
82 |
Hissom, Luther A. |
86 |
Hissom, Mary |
85 |
Hissom, Rachel |
79 |
Hivick, Roy |
82 |
Hixenbaugh, Henry B. |
82 |
Hobick, Matilda |
85 |
Hodel, John |
86 |
Hodge, Catharine |
84 |
Hodge, Charley L. |
82 |
Hodge, Gertrude |
81 |
Hodge, J. W. |
83 |
Hodge, Mary Virginia |
81 |
Hodge, Robert |
84 |
Hodge, Samuel |
79 |
Hoeffer, Louisa |
83 |
Hofer, Lucy A. |
79 |
Hofer, Martin S. |
79 |
Hoff, Clemson Henry |
86 |
2 |
Hoff, Elizabeth |
86 |
Hoff, George |
85 |
Hoffman, Mary Elizabeth |
77 |
Hogue, Chas. V. |
85 |
Hogue, Cora Olivia |
84 |
Hogue, Damsel |
78 |
Hogue, |
78 |
Hogue, Elizabeth |
77 |
Hogue, Golia |
86 |
Hogue, Isaac |
85 |
Hogue, J.M.T. |
86 |
Hogue, James Frank |
82 |
Hogue, Nelson Harrison |
86 |
Hogue, Wilson |
Holiday, Sarah E. |
79 |
85 |
84 |
84 |
84 |
78 |
Holmes, Bertie |
80 |
Holmes, |
82 |
Holtsclaw, Johnithan |
82 |
Holtzworth, Thekla |
81 |
Homer |
77 |
Hoover, Jacob |
78 |
Hopkinson, Archabald |
78 |
Hopton, |
80 |
Hopton, Eusel B. |
85 |
Hopton, Frank Dewey |
80 |
Hopton, Manard |
83 |
Hopton, Mary Ada |
83 |
Hornbusch |
42 |
Horseman, Evret R. |
86 |
Hoskins |
82 |
Hoskins, Eldora |
82 |
Hoskinson, Azariah |
79 |
Hoskinson, Azariah |
81 |
Hoskinson, C.E. |
84 |
Hoskinson, David |
80 |
Hoskinson, Eliza |
82 |
Hoskinson, Elizabeth |
81 |
Hoskinson, Eva |
79 |
Hoskinson, Joseph |
84 |
Hoskinson, Rosy C. |
81 |
Hoskinson, Thedcia |
84 |
2 |
Hossman |
82 |
Hossman, Benedict |
82 |
Hossman, Elizabeth |
85 |
Hossman, Karl H. |
84 |
Howell, Aaron |
80 |
Howell, Addie F. |
86 |
Howell, Amanda |
78 |
Howell, Benjamin E. |
77 |
Howell, Bessie |
84 |
Howell, Christena |
81 |
Howell, Cycil |
83 |
Howell, |
80 |
Howell, |
86 |
Howell, Estella B. |
85 |
Howell, Grace Alma |
79 |
Howell, Hannah J. |
77 |
Howell, Isabel |
85 |
Howell, Levi |
79 |
Howell, Mary |
82 |
Howell, Oda |
81 |
Howell, T.J. |
85 |
Howell, William |
80 |
Howell, Wm. A. |
78 |
Howiler, Margaret |
77 |
Hoxie |
86 |
Hoxsie |
86 |
Hubacher, Bertie |
79 |
Hubacher, Jacob |
77 |
Hubacher, Jacob W. |
79 |
Hubacher, Nicholas |
86 |
Hubbard |
85 |
Hubbard, Alonzo |
77 |
Hubbard, Annie |
84 |
Hubbard, Floyd |
85 |
Hubbard, H.C. |
85 |
Hubbard, Harriet |
80 |
Hubbard, Hester |
83 |
Hubbard, Jerome |
81 |
Hubbard, |
80 |
Hubbard, Province |
79 |
Hubbard, Susan |
81 |
Hubbard, Tarnarence |
79 |
Hubbord, B. |
86 |
Hubbord, George D. |
86 |
Hubbord, James O. |
86 |
Huchison, Norman C. |
84 |
Huck, Mary |
79 |
Hudson, Eliza E. |
81 |
Huff, Cara |
77 |
Huff, Catharine |
77 |
Huffinan, Minnie May |
78 |
Huffman |
84 |
Huffman, (no name) |
80 |
Huffman, Charles |
79 |
Huffman, Frank |
84 |
Huffman, George |
81 |
Huffman, Jacob M. |
86 |
Huffman, Mary Adaline |
84 |
Huffman, Sarah V. |
83 |
Huffman, T??? |
78 |
1 |
Hughes A.G. |
85 |
Hughes, Bernard |
85 |
Hughes, Fred Gordon |
86 |
Hughes, Mildred |
82 |
Hughes, Wilma Bell |
85 |
Hughs, Fanny |
79 |
Hugi, Jacob |
84 |
Hugle, Benedict |
84 |
Humphrey, Harry |
84 |
Hunter, John W. |
77 |
Huntsman, Mary M. |
78 |
Hupp |
83 |
Hupp, Clinton O. |
84 |
Hupp, Edith G. |
85 |
Hupp, William Clyde |
84 |
Huran, Laurenew R. |
79 |
Hurd, Robert |
77 |
Hurel, William H. |
78 |
Huris, Abbie |
80 |
Hurlman, Floyd Guy |
78 |
Husun, Farmy |
78 |
2 |
Hutchinson, Edith S. |
81 |
Hutchinson, Phebe J. |
78 |
Hutchinson, Samuel |
79 |
Hutchison, Ebenezer E. |
77 |
Hutchison, M.J. |
82 |
Hutchison, Rhody |
79 |
Hyer, Godrey |
85 |
3 |
Key to the Remarks column
in the index above (ignore if there is no remarks column). The users of this index should read the
following remarks as being from the transcriber of this index, to them.
1. I
cannot read the name. The handwriting is too poor.
2. My best
effort to read the name leads me to two (or more) possibilities. It could
be (a) or (b).
3. The
writing is clear but the spelling appears to be different from the usual
spelling of the name.
4. I
checked the name with the handwritten name on the designated page and
found the typed index name to be in error.
5. I
found something other than the above 4 problems that I want to call to your
attention. See the footnote at the end of the page.
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