CD Order Form


Title of CD


Number of CDs required

Unit Price


Total for each item














































Sub-total for CDs _______________


Total for this order _______________ Date of this order __________________


Ohio/County Tax (d) _______________


Your Name ___________________________________________________________


Shipping Street ____________________________________________________


City ______________________________________________________


County (Ohio Residents only) ________________________________

State _____________________________________________________

Zip Code _______________________________


Telephone Number __________________________________


e-mail address _____________________________________


Make checks payable to: R. E. Harrington

Mail your order to: 9517 Mount Vernon Landing, Alexandria, VA 22309


(a)                 Please use the Title from the table of available CDs found on the website at: (b). You can also e-mail your order to .

(b)                 Note: The Internet address above may not be a clickable link from this order form. Copy and paste the blue address above into your Internet address line and click Go.

(c)                 Price includes shipping and handling

(d)                Ohio residents please add $0.70 for each CD for State and County taxes. CDs cannot be shipped unless payment is received in full.