A family comes out of history, becomes a part of history and even makes history. The actual beginning of a family line with its given name may not be clearly definable, but what has gone before is carried on in the human mind as tradition, culture and even nationality. We learn from those who were here before us, and we expect to do more and do it better.


The human brutality that was practiced by the Egyptians cracking whips to build their pyramids and by Romans soldiers as they subdued and enslaved conquered people, was just a way of life for centuries. A seed was planted in the midst of Roman rule when allegiance to a human emperor was challenged by a people who believed in an invisible God with no name. For eons people who had looked to the sun, the moon and to gods of their own making now found new hope in the story that this God came among them in the form of His own Son, and all who would believe would be adopted into His kingdom.


Much of our early history was influenced by belief about that event. Charlemagne s armies violently converted northern Europe to Christianity. While still savagely swinging their axes and swords in fierce hand-to-hand combat, men acquired a vision of a better life. The great hope of the new faith would strengthen the willingness of people to challenge the power of the mighty. The realization of individual worth and the desire for justice and freedom became a motivational force which moved against the power of kings and bishops.


Faith has been the inspiration for many people as they strive to live a worthy life. Beliefs held in the human mind may set restricting limits or strengthen action and new ideas. A soul that cries out to be responsible for its own destiny looks upward, seeking, hoping, and finding direction to make life better. Such faith equips one with a set of beliefs that are above and better than our basic human nature. Such faith has been an empowering force for leaders as they break away from the old to make way for the new.


The earlier members of our Warner family chose a set of beliefs that ran into conflict with the beliefs held by others. It became necessary to leave the land where we first find them. This story is about several generations of a more than ordinary family of Warners. These are my ancestors, and the ancestors of my many relatives.


I ve tried to include something of the times they lived, their compassion for family, their contributions, and something of what they believed.




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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17