A. Some Warner Statistics per US Census

1990 U.S. Census counted 77,500 Warners


B. Cousin Chart


A cousin chart, or table of Consanguinity, is helpful in identifying the degree of cousin relationship between two individuals using their most recent common ancestor as the reference point. Cousinship between two individuals can be specifically described in degrees and removes by determining how close, generationally, the common ancestor is to each individual. Additional modifying words are used to clarify the exact degree of relatedness between the two people. Ordinal numbers are used to specify the number of generations between individuals and a common ancestor, and further clarification of exact cousinship is made by specifying the difference in generational level between the two cousins, if any, by using degrees of remove. For example, "first cousins once removed" describes two individuals with the common ancestor being the grandparent of one cousin (one degree) and the great-grandparent of the other cousin. The cousins themselves are one generation different from each other (one remove).


If one person's →











Great 3



Great 4



Great 5



is the other person's

then they are


1st cousins

1st cousins once removed

1st cousins twice removed

1st cousins thrice removed

1st cousins four times removed

1st cousins five times removed


1st cousins once removed

2nd cousins

2nd cousins once removed

2nd cousins twice removed

2nd cousins thrice removed

2nd cousins four times removed


1st cousins twice removed

2nd cousins once removed

3rd cousins

3rd cousins once removed

3rd cousins twice removed

3rd cousins thrice removed


1st cousins thrice removed

2nd cousins twice removed

3rd cousins once removed

4th cousins

4th cousins once removed

4th cousins twice removed


1st cousins four times removed

2nd cousins thrice removed

3rd cousins twice removed

4th cousins once removed

5th cousins

5th cousins once removed


1st cousins five times removed

2nd cousins four times removed

3rd cousins thrice removed

4th cousins twice removed

5th cousins once removed

6th cousins


C. The Last Will & Testament of Capt. William Warner 1706


I WILLIAM WARNER of the Township of Blockley in the County of Philadelphia & province of Pensilvania Yeoman Being at this time in Reasonable Good Health of Body And of a Sound & well disposed Judgment & Understanding praised be the Name of the Lord for his Mercy and Goodness Towards me But considering the Frailty of this Transitory life & the uncertainty thereof I have thought good at this time to make my last Will & Testament And as to that Worldly Estate as it hath pleased Allmighty God to bestow upon my Will is that the Same be disposed on by my Executors after my Decease after all my just Debts that I owe are paid In manner & form Following that is to Say

First I comitt my Soul into the Hands of Allmighty God my Saviour & Keeper And my Body to be decently buried by my Executors hereby named.


Secondly, I give & bequeath unto my Dear & loving wife[Ann]e Warner the full & equill halfe of my backward Meadow during [her?] Natural Life And after her decease to decend to My Son Isaac Warner as is herein after menconed As also I give unto my Said wife during her natural life the one half of my Plantation whereon I now Live and after her decease to my said Son Isaac as also I give unto my said Dear wife the one half of all my Cows Sheep & Cropp of Corn both within & without Doors As also all & Singular my Horses Mares & Colts And all the rest & residue of my personal Estate as Goods & Chattles not given or otherwise disposed of by this my last Will


Thirdly I give & bequeath unto my Son John Warner one hundred acres of my Backward Land Together with the one half of the Meadow thereunto Belonging over & above the said one hundred acres of Land before given him as above To Hold unto him his Heirs & Assignes for ever With the use of my Iron Tow Hetchel & Iron Barr As also one of my Setts of Curtains after my wife s Decease I also give unto my sd Son John Warner the Sum of Twenty pounds to be paid him by my Executors or Executor within Twelve months after my decease.


Fourthly I give & bequeath unto my Son Isaac Warner fifty acres of my Backward Land Excepting out of the Same the meadow wch I have otherwise disposed on Until after the decease of my said Dear wife And then I do ordain that the said one half Shall descend to my said Son Isaac Together with the one half of my plantation all which said Land Meadow & one half of my plantation with the other half of my plantation after the Decease of my Dear wife (or thus to make it plain) I give to my said Son Isaac Imeddeatly after my Decease the fifty acres of backward Land & half of my plantation with the other half plantacon & half ye Meadow after his mother s decease To hold unto my said Son Isaac during his Natural Life And after his Decease to his Eldest Son then living And for want of Such Son to his Eldest Daughter & So to his or her Heirs & Assignes for ever & I Also give to my said Son Isaac the one half of all my Cowes Sheep & Cropp of Corne whatsoever with the use of my Iron Tow Hetchel & Iron Barr


Fifthly I give & bequeath unto my Son William Warner the Sum of Ten pounds to be paid him by my Executors within one year after my Decease As also Six bushels Corn each year for Eight Years together next after my Decease to wit three bushels of Wheat & three of Rye by my said Executors.


Sixthly I give & bequeath unto my Son in Law James Kite fifty acres from off my Backward Land (Excepting the Meadow before given) All which said Backward Land I do desire may be divided in the most Equillest manner for the benefitt of all my said Children And I also give unto my said Son in Law James Kite one hundred acres of Land where he now liveth To Hold the said one hundred & fifty acres of Land with All the Improvements & appurtenances during his Natural Life And then to one of his Son s That is to say James Kite or to Abraham Kite or to whether of them two my sd Son in Law shall see fit to Nominate in & by his last Will or by word of Mouth To Hold my said Son in Law & after his Decease unto Such of his Sons as he Shall name his Heirs & Assigns for ever I also give unto my said Son in Law James Kite All my Interest in ? to that Meadow by Schuylkill side which I have upon Lease unto him his Heirs & Assigns As also the use of the Iron Tow Hetchel ? Iron Barr which my Will is Shall remain for the use & Benefit of my Son John s Family, Isaac s family & James Kite s family for ever.


Seventhly I give & bequeath unto my Son Robert Warner All & Singular my two Houses Scituate & being in Draycot in Worcester Shire in the Kingdom of England wch I bough of Joseph Woodward To Hold unto him his Heirs & Assigns for ever he paying therefore unto my Brother Isaac Warner five pounds Sterling mony of England or to his Assigns And Lastly I do ordain my Dear & Loving wife Anne Warner & my said Son Isaac Warner Executors or Executor of this my last Will & Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made & this I do declare to be my last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Let my Hand & Seal this Eighth day of September Ano Dom 1703 William Warner Seal Signed Sealed published and declared in presence of us Eph: Johnston Francis Cooke Elizabeth Binghurst Philada October 18th 1706 Then psonally appeared the within named Francis Cook & Elizabeth Binghurst two of the Witnesses to the within written Will & on their Solemn Affirmacons according to Law did declare that they were present & Saw the within named William Warner Sign Seal publish & Declare the within writing as his last Will & Testament And that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind Memory & understanding to the best of their Knowledge

Coram Pet Evans D Regr


Be it Remembered that the 18th 8ber 1707 The last Will & Testament of William Warner

was proved in due form of law And probat & Letters of Adminon was granted to Anne

Warner & Isaac Warner Execs therein named being first Attested well & freely to administer & to bring an Inventory of the Testators Estate into ye Regrs Office at Philada on or before the Eighteenth day of October next ? also to render Accot when required. Given under the Seall of the said Office. [C] Pet Evans D Regr



D. A section of Warner Family Pictures


We need to thank those who sent pictures for this work. We also need to acknowledge the hours Harvey V. Warner has spent in with his mastery of Photo Workshop in cleaning up old pictures and in developing the following pages.



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Go to Introduction

Go to Chapter:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17