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Nine elementary school houses, or districts were located in Perry Township. They were designated by name and by district number. Five male citizens were elected as board members for the township and one director was elected or appointed for each district. The board members had the same duties as those of today, while the director had the right to select the teacher. The director was-abolished after the County Superintendent was employed.

The schools in Perry Township were viz.: Antioch, Davidson, Greenbrier, Harmony, Lyman, Mechanicsburg, Pumpkin Ridge, Rice (later - Plainview). and Wildcat.

Since the writer received all his elementary education in the Lyman School, an attempt will be made to deal particularly with that school. Much of what might be said of it could also be said of most of the other schools. Like the proverbial flapper's dress, it is hoped this article will be short enough to be interesting, yet long enough to cover some areas of interest.

The Lyman School was located about five miles east of Antioch. Ohio, on County Road No. 9, near the West Union Church House. The building was constructed by Benjamin K. Starkey for the sum of $100. Two small auxiliary buildings and a coal house were erected near the school building. The two small white structures were located, one on the port side and the other on the starboard side and at the rear of the main facility. The one on the port side was recognized as "His'm" and the other, as "Her'n". Each had only one door with no "fire escape" provisions, neither did they have windows. By today's standards, they would not meet the Ohio Safety Requirements. Some of these small buildings in other areas were decorated with a star or half-moon design which was sawed through the gable end of these structures.

These served a three-fold purpose: (a) they were decorative, (b) they let in light, (c) they were used for ventilation. The third building was the coal house which was used to store fuel for the cold weather.

The size of the school building was probably 24' x 36'. According to the building code, the height of ceiling was equal to one-half the width of the building. In the center of the room was a No. 1 Burnside stove. Two rows of

double seats, with an ink well in the middle of the desk, were arranged on each side of the room. One set of maps with window blind rollers was hung above the blackboard. The only mobile equipment were the teacher's desk and chair, an unabridged dictionary, globe, a granite water pail and a dipper which we all used when thirsty. Many times during very hot weather two boys would get permission to bring a pail of fresh water from a neighborhood well. The teacher would then permit the boys to water the flock. One boy carried the pail while the other boy, using the dipper, passed it to each of the pupils.

At one time, it was said, that there were 63 pupils enrolled in Lyman School. They ranged from age six to twenty-one. Many of the early teachers went directly from the elementary school to teach school in another district. They were required to pass a teacher's examination in Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, History, Orthography, Penmanship, Spelling, and Reading.

The pupils were graded as primary, intermediate, and advanced. While James M. Cox was Governor of Ohio, the system of education was drastically changed. A County Superintendent was appointed for each county. Assistants were also used in some counties. J. V. Nelson, as the writer recalls, was the first Monroe County Superintendent. Ed. C. Feiock and Worth Goddard were the assistants. It was at this time that all pupils were graded from grade one

through grade eight. When Mr. Goddard visited our school the first time, he was asked by Mr. Eisenbarth, the teacher, to place us in our correct grades. The writer was placed in the eighth grade.

The "school" itself, was graded sometime around 1910 or 1911. In order for a school to meet the second grade requirement, it must have a drinking fountain, a globe, and about twenty-five dollars worth of books; to meet a first grade requirement, about fifty dollars for books, a metal jacket around the stove, and a Babcock milk-tester was required. Our school met all of these requirements and therefore became a first-grade school. In order to raise the necessary amount of funds, pie socials, box socials, and cake walks were held. Occasionally, plays or other types of entertainment were sponsored by the school.

No school books, paper, pencils, pens, ink, or other supplies were paid for by the board of education. However, the board did supply chalk, fire shovels, water pails, etc. The first blackboard erasers were made from rectangular pad cut from the top of felt boots.

The three R's - readin', ritin', and rithmetic - were considered the most important part of the elementary curriculum. McGuffey's readers from one to six were the standard text books in reading until year about 1912 when the

Aldine Reader System was introduced into our school system. Milne's Arithmetic, Rigdon's and Harvey' Grammars, Overton's Physiology, Montgomery's American History, Irish's Orthography, McGuffey's Spellers were in common usage.

Geography and Penmanship were also taught. For the more advanced students Royer's Mental Arithmetic and Ray's Arithmetic and Algebra were used.


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Slater were in common use to solve the problem, in arithmetic. A single slate could be purchased at any store for ten cents or the price of a dozen egg,. A slate pencil cost two for a cent. New slate pencil was about four inches long. Since these pencils were very fragile, the upper half was wrapped with barber pole color, thin paper to prevent them from breaking. One did not really need two pencils since a new pencil rarely survived one day's use. It was usually dropped on the floor and when it was retrieved. there were three or four pieces - all usable. When a slate pencil was less than an inch long, it was usually tossed into the coal bucket which also served as a waste paper basket. It should be stated here that when a slate was covered with figures or writing, they were removed by spitting on the slate and wiping it with the heal of the hand. If a figure was wrong, it could be removed by rubbing it with a forefinger. The girls, who were a little more particular than we were, kept a damp cloth in the desk with which to clean the slates. One might add, that the cloth, after a few days, developed a bad case of halitoris.

The only school buildings now standing are Mechanicsburg. located at Aitch, Ohio (Mechanicsburg. OH.) and Harmony at Dog Skin Run.



As nearly as can be ascertained, the following list of teachers are listed in chronological order:


C. E. Straight 1900-1901

Robert Crawford

Bert Schoonover

Russell D. Tubaugh

Spencer H. Wayne 1906

Bessie Tubaugh

Ollie Forrest 1907

Dairy Huffman

Homer L.Wright 1908

Marie McCaslin

Charles Saffle 1908-1909

John Mayfield

Owen Hurd 1909

Harold Turner

Chas. A. Eisenbarth

Azel Norris

Harold Baker

Amos Copeland


The following information was furnished by Mrs. Hugh Herndon. It was taken from a school, souvenir given to the pupils by the teacher, Mr. Charles Saffle, at the close of the school session 1908-1909.


Acel Kinney

Hazel Wohnhas

Alonzo Fox

Harold Hayes

Bert Pittman

Herman Wright

Bertha Hartshorn

John Wright

Benjamin Fox

Lillian Schar

Charles Kinney

Laura Marty

Charlar Eikleberry

LeRoy Schar

Celona Hayes

Martha Fox

Irma Wohnhas

May Pittman

Arthur Pittman

Otto Howell

Berl Beckett

Ralph Fox

Bertha Schar

Thurman Fox

Bert Eikleberry

Rosa Stine

Charles Schar

William Eikleberry

Clement Stine

Godfrey Marty

Cecil Kinney

Harry Schar

Catharine Wohnhas

Hattie Fox

Emma Wohnhas

Ida Schar

Everett Eikleberry

Jocelyn Straight

Earl Stine

Louise Wohnhas

Emil Hartthorn

Lorena Beckett

Elsie Kinney

Mary Fox

Ernest Marty

Myrtle Eikleberry

Eugene Wohnhas

Olive Fox

Erwrin Straight

Ruble Fox

Ella Marty

Ross Kinney

Frank Wohnhas

Thelma Hartshorn

George Stine

Walter Marty

Glenn Wohnhas

Wilbert Fox

Written by I. M. Straight



Page 32




Board members:


G. B. Cox, President

J. Lentz, Clerk

R. M. Cline

S. P. Eddy

J. F. Haythorn

C. W. Lude



Written by F. S. Hogue


In passing, I wish to note only one vivid recollection of Mr. West. He recalls as of yesterday when Thomas Hall stopped at their cabin one bitterly cold night. He had secured a furlough to visit his sick daughter. She was buried before he reached home. Mr. Hall gave young Oliver the striped candy (a rarity in those days) which he had brought for his sick daughter. Mr. Hall returned to the war and was never heard from by anyone here again. He was reported missing after a battle. It was rumored that he had been seen in Andersonville prison shortly before the close of the war but this was never

verified. The Mr. Hall mentioned here was the grandfather of Edgar Hall of Woodsfield, and an uncle of McClellan Cox. This incident brings close home to us the sentiment which inspired the erection of the tomb for the Unknown Soldier.

Three church buildings have been built in this community. The United Brethren on what is now the Charles Yerian farm. It was later used by the Church of Christ people. Some of the original building, which was constructed of round logs may still be seen. The Baptists had a log building where Roger Briggs now lives. A sadly neglected graveyard, mute

evidence of man's forgetfulness, is all that now remains. The present Church of Christ building was erected in 1901. It has been lately renovated and is being used for services by a large congregation. A noteworthy fact brought out in the service of the Lord's Day was that no time in the history of this congregation has any means of financing ever been used except the contribution of the morning Lord's Day service. From the dedication of the building in 1901 until the death of Dias Givens in 1934, this congregation was under the eldership of Oliver West, John Thomas, and Dias Givens. Dias

for a time was a teacher in the public schools but was more widely known as a singing teacher. Throughout most of his life he had charge of the Church singing and also the music for the various community affairs. The community suffered a severe loss by his passing. His influence will endure no one knows how long.

The first Plainview school was erected about the year of 1840, about a 150 yards east of the present church building. It was constructed of round logs, heated by an open fireplace, the fuel for which was secured by the teacher and larger boys from the nearby woods. The seats were logs split in halves into which wooden pegs were driven. The writing materials consisted of goose quill pens and homemade ink. A few specimens of the penmanship of that time will be on display as will also an original teacher's certificate and covenant (?) granted to Thomas West, the last teacher in this building in the year 1849. The winter term lasted three months from December to March first. Teacher, were paid about sixteen dollars per month, partly in currency but mostly in some product from the home or the field. Mr. West will display parts of an original account book kept by his father by which such payments were made. Teachers also frequently received a part of their salary by boarding among the patrons.

The curriculum of the school was confined almost entirely to the three R's, although some of the more advanced teachers taught Orthography, Geography, Algebra, and English.


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Mr. West will display a remarkable example of letter writing by the hand of Alexander Campbell to Thomas " * was built about a hundred feet west of the building now in use. Thomas West became the first teacher and continued to serve as such for a period of seven years. In 1893 the building was removed, the material being used for the Edington house. The present building was erected the same year. The enrollment in the school reached its highest peak about 1898 while Archie Griffith was the teacher, with 75 attending that year. The lowest enrollment in its history was eighteen

in the year 1909. There are thirty-one enrolled at present.

While a few of the former students of Plainview may be regarded as outstanding successes in business or the professions, we are prouder of the great number of just plain, wholesome, everyday citizens who have attended our school. One thing which the writer regards with pride is that so far as he can learn, no former pupil of Plainview has ever been convicted of a major crime.

Following is a list of teachers, submitted by Grandpa and Grandma West, in which they have attempted to name the teachers in order of service since 1849: Thomas West, Mr. Adams, Mr. Smith, Lucy Reed, Rebecca Bailey, Susan Waiters, Patrick Dougherty, Enoch Martin, Chris Truex, (the brother of Aunt Lib), Alanson Martin, (father of Charles), Ursula Mason, George Bothwell, Matthew Dougherty, Amanda Smith, Nan Reed, Sally Sinclair, Margaret West (sister of Oliver), Solomon Barnard, Elizabeth Jane Truex, (aunt of Mrs. Givens). Martha Hawkins, (sister of Everett), John Hamilton, William Smith, Amos Gronin, T. T. Hobbs, John Hickenbotham, (brother of William), Ellsworth Hawkins, Cora Molden, (sister of Mrs. Oliver West, she began teaching at the age of fifteen), Ervine Crum. Allie Lowe. (sister of Dr. Lowe), Robert Crawford, Wm. Foraker. (son of George). Archie Griffith. Luther Cline. Dr. Devaul, Wes Pryer. Mettie Bothwell.

Hazel Cronin, Geo. W. Baker (father of Harold). W.V.A. Polen (father of Glen), George M. Baker, U. G. Stewart, Caroline

Edington, (now Mrs. Gilbert Harmon), Charles Havener, Albert Cox, Carrie Cox, Freda West, Estella Dornbusch, Mina Ricer, Geraldine Kindall, Everett Cline and Forrest Hogue. The last named teacher is now serving his 18th year as teacher in our school.

I cannot close this brief account of our people without mentioning an unusual discovery of a few weeks ago. Grandpa West and his grandson Charles were digging the post holes near the school house. In the bottom of one of the holes they observed an object that looked strangely out of place. Upon securing the same they found it to be what we believe is a Spanish coin. The date is 1781. Inscribed thereon are the words "Hispanio and Carolus III. Now you tell one.

We hope that you, our neighbors of Plainview, may derive some of the pleasure from reading this account that we have felt in compiling the same. If our county papers will kindly publish it, put it away in your strong box, and some of your grandchildren may sometime spend a few leisure moments in contemplation of just who were the members of the Centennial Committee.


Oliver West

John Kindall

Lenore Foraker

Allie West

Forrest Hogue


* The article from which the above was copied was obliterated at this point.


(This article appeared in THE SPIRIT OF DEMOCRACY, Thursday, November 20, 1937).

Submitted by Gladys Cox


Page 34







WALTON SCHOOL - was erected about 2 miles north of Clarington along State Route 7. The ground is now owned by the North American Coal Company. This was the first school to be consolidated with the Clarington Village School in Salem Township. The small cemetery which was located near the school has also been removed.


VALLEY - is one of the few one room country schools yet standing on its original foundation. It is located about 2 miles south of Clarington along State Route 7 at the mouth of Opossum Creek. This building was purchased by the Methodists of the community and used as a church until recently when the coal company purchased most of the land in the community and the residents moved away.


LIBERTY - stood on the banks of Sunfish Creek about midway between Clarington and Cameron on the Arnold Stauffer farm. Rutter Cemetery is close by. This school closed with the building of Route 78 and the students were taken to Clarington. The farm is now owned by Mrs. Mildred Stauffer who was elementary supervisor in this county for several years.


CAIN - was located where county Roads C64 and C64A converge on land now owned by Joe Circosta. Classes were discontinued there about 1933 and the building sold to Joe Bauer of Powhatan who converted it into a dwelling and still stands at Powhatan.


DAISY - was the last school of its type built in Salem Township. It was erected 1888 by Fred Dietrich with Ernest Case being the first teacher. The last teacher there was H. E. Kurtzman in 1933. Take Township Road 187 about one half mile up Negro Run to locate the site where the last to be built and among the last to go once stood. The location is now a part of the farm owned by the late James Ravencratt.


HINTON - was located on what is now C26 and 1 miles from Oak Store on what we commonly refer to as Beautiful Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Huskey are now the owners of the original site.


KLEBE - Today we take the pupil to the school. Our forefathers had another solution "take the school to the pupil". It first stood on the John Kreiger farm and after a few years was moved about 1 miles farther west on a part of th Christ Klebe Farm. Roy Kimpel who was later to become the principal of Clarington High School and eventually became associated with the Warren Sanitary Dairy of Warren. Ohio was the last teacher there. 1920 is believed to be the date of closing. The spot can be reached by taking C39. Pete Kimberly now owns the land.


CASE - The Don Miracle home now occupies the spot on which this school once stood. It is about IX mile, from Clarington on Route 556. J. Mack Gamble taught the last term of school there in 1933.


SYKES - Sykes School was located on Sykes Ridge Road, now C4 on the Lew Sykes Farm. This was the first school building along this ridge road and stood about 3 miles from Clarington. The Sykes Cemetery which is still there was adjoining. Dorothy Ischy is now the owner of the land on which it once stood.


BONAR - This was the second school on the ridge as you came from Clarington about 4 miles from Clarington. This building was sold in 1938 and the late Dr. C. A. Smith used the materials for building a tool shed which still stands in the village of Clarington. C4 passes the site where it once stood and Glen Feisley now owns the land.


OK or OAK - Apparently this school was referred to by both terms. It too was on C4 and about 6 miles from Clarington. This was the third school on this ridge as you traveled from Clarington toward Woodsfield. Oak Store which is nearby will mark the spot where this building stood.


According to the information given in Hardesty Atlas the first school in Monroe County was taught by Mitchel Atkinson about 2 miles north of Clarington. This would be near the spot where the Walton School once stood on land now owned by the North American Coal Co. This was in the year of 1804-5, however, no school was built at that time, the school apparently was held in a privately owned building.

The first school to be built was on the Cochran Farm near the mouth of Negro Run on land now owned by Harry Miller. This apparently was built about 1810 or 1811.

Written by Lester C. Lehman


Page 35







The board of education of Seneca Township has hired the following teachers for the summer term, wages $22.50 per month: Markle, Maggie L. Carpenter; Clegg, Mary L. Burris; Howilar, Mary H. Poulton; Day, Frank Hagerman; Haga, James V. Johnson; Vernon, Mary E. Baker. For the winter term: Markie H. Dearth, seven months at $35; Howilar, L. M. H. Carpenter; seven months at $40; Day, T. L. Twinen, five months at $35; Haga, S. O. Hannahs, seven montbs at $34.




The first school taught was on the land of Daniel McVicker, now in Noble County. The first teacher was Mitchel Atkinson and the second was Michael Danford. The building was like most other primitive school houses, with the exception that it had five corners. The first school house in the Township, as now organized, was near where Calais now stands. The first teacher was Mitchell Atkinson and the second was Barnabus Crosbay.

The school statistics of Seneca Township for the year ending August 31, 1881 are as follows:


Total amount of school money received within the year


Amount paid teachers


Amount for fuel, etc.

$ 130.83

Balance on hand September 1, 1881


Number of Subdistricts


Number of School Houses


Value of School Property


Number of teachers necessary


Average wages of teachers per month Ladies


Number of pupils enrolled





The Howilar School was located on State Road No. 379, about two and one-half miles northeast of the Village of Calais.

After the school was closed in the Spring of 1932, the pupils from this district attended the Calais Elementary and High Schod. In 1962, the Calais School was closed and the pupils now attend the Summerfield Elementary and Shanandoah High School.

The land, and the building that was made into a dwelling, are now owned by Lints Stephen.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Harvey Carpenter

Ward Bishop

Thomas McMullen

Roby Guiler

L. O. Carpenter

Hazel Stephen Christman

Mary Poulton

Thomas Latta

Brady Cunningham

Mary Burris Latta

Clarence Betts



The last teacher was Clarence Betts.

Written by Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Christman



The Clegg School was located on Township Road No. 15 about three miles southeast of the Village of Calais.

There have been two schools; the first was built at the junction of Township Roads No. 15 and 17. This school was closed in the late Eighteen Hundreds and a new one was erected about one-half mile farther south on Township Road No. 15, on the John and Eva Christman farm.

There was a feud between John Christman and George Pfalzgraf, who were brothers-in-law, as to where the new


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school would be built. Mr. Pfalzgraf wanted the school built farther south near the junction of Township Road No. 15; and County Road No. 53. Mr. Christman wanted it built about half way between Township Road No. 17 and County Road No. 53. Mr. Christman won the feud and the school was erected at this site.

The school building burned in 1933 and the pupils then attended the Calais Elementary and High School. In 1962 the Calais school closed and the pupils now attend the Summerfield Elementary and Shenandoah High School. The land is now owned by Linsly Criswell.

Some teachers that are known to have taught at this school were:


Harvey Carpenter

Guy Brown

Grace Barnhouse

Barbara Ruble

Sylvester Starr

Clarence Wickham

Joseph Wehr

Adam Hannahs

Patience Carpenter Hannahs

W. A. Stephen

Icel Hannah Tuttle

Clarence Betts

Eleanor Stephen Christman

Jim Johnston

Lorena Burkhart Mayberry



The last teacher was Clarence Betts.



The Vernon School was located on State Route No. 379 at the junction of Township Road No. 23, about one and one-half miles southeast of the Village of Calais. The school was named for the farmer on whose farm it was located.

The school was closed in the Spring of 1934 and the pupils then attended the Calais Elementary and High School. In 1962 the Calais School closed and the pupils now attend the Summerfield Elementary and Shenandoah High School.

The building was removed by Charles Starr and made into a barn which later was destroyed by a tornado. The land is now owned by Earl Carpenter.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Samuel Hannahs

Helma Stephen Christman

Brady Cunningham

Harvey Carpenter

Stella Brownfield Mitchel

Mervin Smucker


Mr. Smucker was the son of J. M. Smucker, the founder of the J. M. Smucker Company of Orrville, Ohio. The last teacher was Helma Stephen Christman.



The Markle School was located about two miles Northeast of Herlan Inn at the junction of Township Roads No. 55 and No. 60. Herlan Inn is located on State Route No. 78 about seven miles west of the Village of Lewisville.

Most of the people In this district were of the Catholic Faith. In about 1915 they opened a Parochial School at Burkhart and the pupils attended that school. The enrollment at the Markle School dropped so low that it was

closed. The students now attend the Lewisville Elementary and Skyvue High School.

The building was moved to the Calais Cemetery for a shelter by the Seneca Township Trustees. The land is now owned by Joseph Burkhart.

Some teachers known to have taught at the school were:


Dell Jackson

Patience Carpenter Hannahs




The Day School was located on Bracken Ridge County Road No. 79, about nine miles West of the Village of Lewisville.

The school was named for the farmer on whose farm it was located. This school was closed in about 1920, because the enrollment had dropped so low. The pupils were then transported to the Danford School until it was closed. Some of the pupils from this district now attend the Summerfield Elementary and Shenandoah High School. The other pupils attend the Lewisville Elementary and Skyvue High School.

The building was purchased by Ruthford Day and made into a garage which later burned down. The land is now owned by Bert Day.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Dell Jackson

Mary Miller



Page 37






The Haga School was located about one and one-half miles North of State Route No. 78 on Township Road No. 636.

The school was closed in the Spring of 1925. The pupils now attend the Lewisville Elementary and Skyvue High School.

The building was removed by Ben Rubel and made into a dwelling. It is now used as a barn. The land is owned by Urban Heft.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Dell Jackson

Icel Hannahs Tuttle

Harmon Scott

Samuel Hannahs

Austin Stevens

Joseph Stevens

Mamie Hayes Brill

Rufus Hannahs


The last teacher was Harmon Scott.



The Danford School was located about one mile west of Herland Inn, off State Route No. 78, on what is now the Urban Heft farm.

Because of low enrollment, the school was closed in the Spring of 1934. Some of the pupils attend the Summerfield Elementary and Shenandoah High School while others attend Lewisville Elementary and Skyvue High School.

The building was removed by Forrest Hogue.

The following teachers are known to have taught at this school:


Dell Jackson

Roby Guiler

Arthur Kuhn

Guy Brown

Pearl Rode

Herman Rubel

Clara Alien Snyder

Clarence Betts


The last teacher was Clarence Betts.



The Calais School was located in the Village of Calais on State Route No. 379. There have been three different buildings. The first one stood at the intersection of the road below the present brick building and State Route No. 379. The second one was located across the road from the present brick building.

The first school building was erected about 1815 and used until 1880 when a new school was built. This building was used until 1930 when the present school was built and used until the Calais School was closed in the Spring of 1962.

The school statistics of the Calais School District for the year ending August 31, 1881 are as follows:


Total amount of money received


Amount paid teachers


Amount used for fuel, etc.

$ 47.00

Balance on hand September 1, 1881


Number of School houses


Number of rooms


Number of teachers


Average wage of teachers per month Ladies

$ 20.00

Average wage of teachers per month Gentlemen

$ 40.00

Total amount of money received


Value of school property


Total number of pupils enrolled




A two-year High School opened at Calais about 1912 and operated until the Fall of 1915 when it closed for lack of funds and decreased enrollment.

The two-year High School was opened again in 1922 and remained as a two-year school until 1927 when it was made a three-year High School.

In 1929 the voters of Seneca Township passed a bond levy and the present brick building was built in 1930.

In the Fall of 1930, the Elementary and High School moved into the new building. The High School was made a four-year school and remained that until the Spring of 1934 when it was again made a two-year school and remained that until it closed in the Spring of 1952. From 1934 to 1945, the Juniors and Seniors attended the Lewisville High: then from 1945 to 1952 they attended the Summerfield High School. From 1952 to 1962, all the High School pupils from Calais attended the Summerfield High School. In the Spring of 1962, the Elementary School closed and the pupils now attend

the Summerfield Elementary and Shenandoah High School.


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The wooden building, which was closed in 1930. was removed by John W. Chrirtman and made into a dwelling which is now the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Hayes. The brick building is still standing and is owned by Edmund Carpenter.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Mitchel Atkinson

Harvey Carpenter

Barnabus Crosbay

Forrest Carpenter

Michael Danford

Harold Snyder

Winjfred Lewis

Clara Allen Snyder

Samuel Hannahs

Cleo Christman Carpenter

J. H. Hamilton

Eunice Hannahs Christman

Mary Burris Latta

Friend Tuttle

Clesson Stephen

Charles Betts

Paul Carpenter

Roman Carpenter

John Egger

Melva Carpenter Pitman

Herman Roe

Guy Carpenter

Ross Smith

Frank Stallings

Vernon Hayward

Margery Pennell Sumption

Ashford Dowden

Eleanor Stephen Christman

Thomas McMullen

Harold P. Christman

Mona Hasley

Elizabeth Bode

May Roe

Barbara Ruble

Austin Stevens

Ben Christman

Inez Lash

Leo Poulton

Ruth Miller VanFossen

Roy Miracle

Ruth Roe

Lucille Traylor

Leslie O. Carpenter

Eva Moffatt

Clarence Betts

Agnes Block Norris

Herman Ruble



The last teachers were Elizabeth Bode and Harold P. Christman.


Written by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Christman


Page 39






Summit Township was organized and established June 4, 1850. The Public School became the corner stone of each of seven social communities. The citizens of Summit Township determined to make available to their children the education their parents had missed. Thus, it was fundamental that a school-house should be one of the first public conveniences in the neighborhood. The principle prevailed that where a few children could be gathered together, a school was essential as a medium for providing education opportunities.

Back in 1850, transportation and communication systems were not yet highly developed, so it was necessary to establish seven school districts within Summit Township. At a site along the old OR&W Railroad, where the hills became less protuberant and more rolling, the village of Lewisville began to grow. In Lewisville, the first school-house was located at the intersection of old Main and Back Streets. The building was a frame structure erected from timbers harvested in the surrounding community. The roof was slate imported by railroad. This school-house served the educational needs of Lewisville until 1911, when a new school-house was built on the same school property and the old building was torn down. The 1911 structure continues to be maintained for the cafeteria which serves the children of the present Lewisville School located adjacent to the site of the original school-house.

Likewise, the other six school-houses once located in Summit Township were frame structures with slate roofs. One of these school-houses was located approximately three and one-half miles north of Lewisville on the old Miltonsburg Road in the Middle Church Community. This facility was known as the Barnhart School. Although the building no longer stands, recently the 4-H Club converted the site into a miniature park.

The Owl Creek School-house was located about three and one-half miles northeast of Lewisville on State Route 145. The Star School-house was located at the top of the Kennedy Hill and two and one-half miles east of Lewisville off old State Route 78. This site was in the area of the present Lewisville Stave Mill. The Hamilton School-house was located on Bracken Ridge Road in the community of the present Bracken Ridge Methodist Church. There were tow school-houses located three miles west of Lewisville on State Route 78 at the site of the present Burkhart Catholic Church. One of these facilities was a parochial school located adjacent to the Church building; the other facility, which was known as the Scott School, was located across the road from the parochial school.

Time and progress long ago rendered these old school-houses inadequate and obsolete. None of the original structures remain standing.


The map on the following page indicates the locations of the seven original school districts of Summit Township. The locations are the approximate original school-house sites in relation to present day roads.


Written by Mrs. Vera Polen


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