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The above picture was taken the last year of operation which was in 1957. It stood four miles east of Laings on County Road 4. The two preceding schoolhouses were named Pleasant View and both burned. The above school building was built in the 1890's by a Mr. Hall. This building was then named the Burnt School. It was closed in 1957. Bob Minder bought the building in the late 50's. The land went back to the John Pfalzgraf farm.

Some of the teachers who taught at Burnt were:


Ethel McKelvey Parker

Vada Pfalzgraf Hunnel

Emma Hugi

W. H. Oden

Brady Hines

Bessie Tubaugh

Mary Norris

Bill Brown

Frank Simmons

Ted Hanna

Laura Stauffer Pfalzgraf (15 years)

John McCaslin

Roy Clegg

John Anshutz

George Williams

Racey Carpenter

T. T. Gillespie

Harold Thompson

Preston Gillespie

Nelson Gallagher

Robert Clegg

Charles Hickman

Gene Imhoff



LAUREL GROVE or OTTS - stood 4.1 miles west of Laings on County Road 104.

Laurel Grove or Otts school closed in 1942. Homer Workman bought it in 1944 and made a home of it. The land went back to the Chester Craig farm.

Some of the teachers who taught at Laurel Grove or Otts were:


Albert Paulus

John Jeffers

Mary Norris

C. W. Norris (Summer school)

Martha McCurdy Norris (Summer School)

Roy Hickman

Russel Tubaugh

Laura Stauffer Pfalzgraf

Harold Thompson

Margaret Simmons Roth

Dean Jeffers

Clark Workman

Lorena Holtsclaw Miller

Charlie Eisenbarth




Page 23






The Board of Education of this township met Saturday and elected the following teachers for the coming winter: Patton School, Charles Straight; Benwood, Jacob Wood; Otts, J. G. Devaul; New Castle, Owen Hurd; Fox, Eugene Imhoff; Round Bottom, John Anshutz; Lehigh, Jacob Clegg; Laurel Run, J. E. Hurd. The board agreed to pay each district $200 with the exception of Round Bottom which was given $210.

Annie Laurie Drum





Page 24







For the information pertaining to the Jackson Township Schools I am indebted to Mr. G. H. Kreig who was once a teacher in this township. With the exception of one of the schools which was Millers Run, all were closed in the same year which was 1930. Millers Run had closed several years earlier but Mr. Kreig was not sure of the time but he was of the opinion that it was in the late teens or early twenties.


High Knob - stood on Kreig Ridge Road about two miles east of Brownsville on land that is now owned by Albert Kreig.


Frobish - on what is commonly known as the Joe Frobish Road. It stood near the old Methodist Church which is now in a state of disrepair, however, an old cemetery near the church will indicate and assist in locating the site of this building. Wanda Byers is now the owner of the land.


Mt. Zion - On Route 800 was about two miles west of Route 7 on land originally owned by Kines Tuel. The land has since been subdivided into small building tracts and it is difficult to tell precisely where the building was originally located.


Gravel Hill - Stood on land adjoining the Gravel Hill Baptist Church in Fly, Ohio.


James Run School - stood a short half mile from Route 7 now on the Gale Bradfield farm, when build the land was secured from Jacob Bradfield. Mr. G. H. Kreig to whom I am indebted for this information was the last teacher there in 1930.


Millers Run School - closed early possibly about 1920. It stood about a half mile northwest of State Route 7 on Millers Run.


Witten -- on Route 7 about two miles north of Fly stood very near where Wittens Chapel now stands. The land was secured from the Joe Witten farm and thus came to be known as the Witten School.


Mt. Etna or Aetna - stood at the head of Dogskin Run probably on what is now the Esmyer Farm about one half mile northeast of Locust Grove Church.


Calido Ridge - This school was formed by combining the Narrows Run and Barker School. It stood about four miles west of the Ohio River on land now a part of the Joe Myers Farm.





Written by Lester C. Lehman


Theiss - was located about one-eighth mile from the crossroads on County Road 10. In Caldwell's Atlas this is shown as No. 10.


Riggenbach - was located on what is now State Route 255 just beyond the Johnny Riggenbach Farm.


Ridgeville - was about 6 miles from Sardis on County Road 10 near the Carl E. Grossenbacher Farm. The home of Russel Ruble now stands where the school was located.


Lower Narrows Run - This school was located on Narrows Run only about one half mile from Route 7.


Upper Narrows Run - was located about 3 miles from Route 7 near the present Narrows Run Bridge.


Black - Caldwell's Atlas shows a school that once existed on lands near the G. Burnham and the John Easley Farms. The only information available on this school is that it was named Black.


Salem School - This school was located in Ohio Township near the Lutheran Church. This church is still standing. The Leudy Farms are near this location.

Written by Lester C. Lehman


Page 25






The first schood in Malaga Township was taught in 1818 by David G. Craig, on the farm of David Mann, on or

about the line between David and Peter Mann; number of scholars, 22.

A school house was built in the early days on the farm of Philip Lawrence, near the village of Jerusalem. In later years, this farm became the site of the annual Belmont-Monroe County Reunion. Little it known of there two schools.

The school statistics of Malaga Township for the year ending August 31, 1881, are as follows:


Total amount of school money received within the year


Amount paid teachers


Amount paid for sites and buildings


Amount for fuel, etc.


Balance on hand September 1, 1881


Number of Subdistricts


Number of School Houses


Value of School Property


Number of teachers necessary


Average wages of teachers per month Ladies


Average wages of teachers per month Gentlemen


Number of pupils enrolled





The Malaga School was located in the Village of Malaga on State Route No. 145. The two-room building was erected in the Eighteen Eighties. One room was used for the Primary Grades and the other for grades five, six, seven and eight.

In 1940 the enrollment dropped and it was made into a one-room school until it was closed in the spring of 1952. The pupils now attend the Beallsville Elementary and High School.

The building has been remodeled and made into a dwelling. It is now owned by Mrs. Ethel Stephen.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Robert Byers

Dorothy Pannell

Paulina Baker Harper

Ruby Chrirtman Mann

John Harper

Icel Hannahs Tuttle

Mabel Harper

Jacob Guiler

Charlas Sumption

Velma Sumption

Maud McMullen

Edna Calvert

Hilda Strauch

Lula Reed Hayes


The last teacher was Dorothy Pennell.



The Jerusalem School was located in the Village of Jerusalem on what is known as Moore Ridge County Road No. 27.

The Jerusalem School has been in three different buildings. The first building was located where Richard Fluharty now lives. The second building was situated where the present building now stands.

The second building was a two-story structure and was used until about 1920. It was then removed and the present three-room building was erected.

There was a two-year High School at Jerusalem until about 1925; it was then made a three year High School and operated until about 1929 when it closed and the pupils were transported to Beallsville High School.

The two-teacher Elementary School closed in the spring of 1958 end the pupils now attend the Beallsville Elementary and High School.


Page 26





The building and land are now owned by the Village of Jerusalem. The building is used as a Town Hall and Community Center.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Charles Sumption

Josie Burkhalter

Rosalie Baker

Ewart Pugh

Raymond Straight

Vernon Sumption

Hazel Cronin

Audrey Hagan

Sylvia Craft

Isacar Warfield

Fay Rowlay Lashlay

T. B. Strickling

Hilda Strauch

Mabel Rowley Boner

Mabel Harper

Lulu Keller

Kay Harper Latta

Earl Gibson

Audrey Gray

Emma Tipton Varichlow


The last teachers ware Audrey Hagan and T. B. Strickling.



The Miltonsburg School was located in the Village of Miltonsburg on what is known as the Campfire Road. This is the road that leads to the boat landing at Monroe Lake.

The two-room building was erected in the Eighteen Nineties. One room was used for the Primary Grades and the other for grades, five, six, seven and eight.

From 1921 until 1929 the grades were put in one room and the other room was used for a three-year High School. After the High School was closed there were two rooms for the grade pupils again until 1942, when the enrollment decreased and it was made into a one-room school. The school was closed in the Spring of 1957. The pupils now attend the Woodsfield Elementary and High School.

The building, still standing,, is owned by Mrs. Lou Stillion. It is used for storage.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Thomas Latta

Mabel Harper

Edward Holland

Guy Brown

Kathryn Riemenschneider

Arthur Willison

Laura Riesbeck

Hal Tanner

Paul Wiley

Ophelia Mason

Leo Reischman


Harlan Fogle

Amos Copeland

Bethel Scarborough

Mack Dougherty

Germaine Haren

Kathryn Horton

Laura Stauffer Pfalzgraf

Marie Mathess Straight

Violet Scarborough

Helma Christman

Eleanor Stephen Christman

Dorothy Pennell

Herman Rubel

Agnes Block Norris

John Harper

Harold P. Christman


The last teacher was Helma Stephen Christman.



The Grizzle Ridge School was located about one mile south of State Route 145 on Grizzle Ridge, Malaga Township Road No. 78.

The school was closed about 1928 and the pupils now attend the Beallsville Elementary and High School.

The building is still standing and is owned by Dean Jones. It is used as a storage building for hay and grain.


Page 27





Some of the teachers known to have taught at this school were:


John Harper

Inza (Riemenschneider) Stephen

Harry Bolon

Dorothy Pennell


The last teacher was Dorothy Pennell.



The Campfire School was located on what is known as the Campfire Road. Township No. 100l about two miles southeast of the village of Miltonsburg.

The school was closed in 1930 and the pupils now attend the Woodsfield Elementary and High School.

The building was removed and made into a dwelling in Somerton, Ohio, which is now the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Stephen. The land where the building was located is owned by the State of Ohio Division of Wild Life. The land is now covered by the water of Monroe Lake.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Friend Tuttle

Bernice Riemenschneider

Herbert Landefeld

Elizabeth Moore Thomas

Mary Haren

Lorena Burkhart Mayberry


The last teacher was Elizabeth Moore Thomas.



The Matchett School was located on Matchett Hill about three and one half miles West of the Village of Malaga on Harper Ridge, County Road No. 39.

The school was closed in the spring of 1944 and the pupils now attend the Beallsville Elementary and High School.

The building was removed by Okey Ruble and was used to build a two-car garage. The land is now part of the W. O. Landefeld farm.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Adam Hannahs

Forrest Carpenter

Harvey Carpenter

Lela Mahoney

T. B. Strickling

G. I. Umpleby

Mel Morris

Herbert Landefeld

Ben Christman

Forrest Guthrie

Paul Christman

Frank Wehr

Helma Christman

John Harper

Arch Graham



The last teacher was Mel Morris.



The Monroefield School was located in the Village of Monroefield, which is on County Road No. 53. This road is also known as the Skin Creek Road.

The school was closed in the spring of 1954 and the pupils now attend the Lewisville Elementary and Skyvue High School.

The building has been removed and made into a chicken house in Woodsfield. The school ground, which was part of

the Alonzo Carpenter farm, is now owned by Edward Uppole.

Irvin Howiler, who is eighty-two years old and lives at Malaga, taught school here when he was eighteen; that was sixty-four years ago.


Page 28





Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Irvin Howiler

Eunice Hannahs Christman

Kermit Runstalder

Oliver Dougherty

Mary Haren

Nire Stephens

Lilly Brubach Calvert

Philip Christman

Ed Holland

Oneda Stallings Starr

Ruby Christman Mann

Gertrude Schwall

Harold P. Christman

Clyde Twinem


The last teacher was Philip Christman.



The Claus School was located about one-half mile off County Road No. 53 on Township Road No. 17. This road is known as the Christman Ridge Road.

The school got its name from the name of the farmer on whose farm the school was located.

The school was closed in the late Eighteen Hundreds. The school district was divided and two new districts created:

Fox Hollow and Monroefield.

The school ground which was part of the Fred Claus farm is owned now by Gilbert Claus.

One teacher who taught at this school war L. E. Matz who later became a very successful and outstanding attorney in Woodsfield.



The Brown School was located about four miles South of State Route No. 145 on Grizzle Ridge Malaga Township Road No. 78.

The school was closed in 1936 and the pupils now attend the Beallsville Elementary and High School. The building, now standing still, is owned by Leland Beardmore. It is used as a storage for hay.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Elizabeth Moore Thomas

Mel Morris

Faye Rowley Lashley

James Moore

Harold P. Christman

Waiter Moors


The last teacher was Mel Morris. The last day of school was usually celebrated with a Community Basket Dinner.



The Fox Hollow School was located on County Road No 2, at the junction of County Road No. 69, about four and one-half miles West of Miltonrburg. This road b known as the Miltonsburg-Calais Road.

The school was closed in the spring of 1938. The pupils now attend Lewisville Elementary and Skyvue High School.

The building was moved by Barbara Rubel and made into a dwelling in New Concord, Ohio. She still owns the land,

which at one time, was part of the Nicolas Riemenschneider Farm.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Adam Hannahs

Lorena Burkhart Mayberry

Harvey Carpenter

Florence Christman Neuhart

Mary Burris Latta

Thomas McMullen

W. A. Stephen

Sylvester Starr

Herbert Landefeld

Oneda Stallings Starr

Nire Stephen

Benjamin H. Christman

Fay Rowley

Harold P. Christman

Brady Hines

William McMahon


The last teacher was Harold P. Christman.

Written By Harold and Helms Christman


Page 29







GLENWOOD - On County Road 26 stood once at the foot of Hugi Hill. This is about 3 miles from Ohio Route 7 and the land is now owned by the North American Coal Company.


BUCKHILL - was located about 3 miles north of Hannibal, Ohio on what was once known as Buckhill Bottom. The original site was very close to what is now the entrance to the Conalco Plant. The Conalco Company now owns the land.


DUFFY - was a two-room school and as the name suggests it was located in Duffy, Ohio and is one of the few buildings yet standing. It too has been converted to other use and is now the Church of God. Mr. Sam Leudy and Mrs. Burns were the last teachers there and had taught there several years before its closing.


FOX - Of this school little information is available other than it was located almost directly across the road from the entrance to the Roger Tenley Farm and that it was once nicknamed "Pinkeye."


ZION - was one of the earliest schools in Ohio Township. It was a two room building and has long since been torn down. It was located on Route 536 at the point where the Mule Ridge Road intersects.


MORTON - on State Route 255 about 6 miles west of Sardis. The location is still called Morton. It was located very close to Morton Church and cemetery both of which are very near the spot where this building stood.


NO. 9 OR BLACK - stood on a spot on Boston Hill Road where Isaly Hill Road and Boston Hill intersect. Eddy Nething now owns the land and his dwelling house stands very close to the location of this once familiar landmark.


MOUNT UNION - also known as No. 3 stood on Long Ridge Road at the spot where Short Ridge Road intersects. The land is now owned by Jacob Fraley.


MT. VERNON - The park, the cemetery, and the church still remain to indicate the setting of this one room school. It stood very close to the driveway and the land is probably a part of the park. John and Willis Gehrig own the surrounding area from which the land to locate the school, church, and cemetery originally came.


HANNIBAL - was originally built as a four room brick building and was one of the oldest buildings in the township at the time it was razed which was about 10 years ago, intended at the time of construction to be used only as a grade school. However, two additional rooms were added later and the building was used both as a high school and a grade school. A one room wooden structure was also added later which was used for storage and home economics classes. This land was obtained from one of the original settlers of Hannibal; the Bares and it has recently been discovered that when this land

was no longer to be used it was to revert to the original owners. We are told that the courts are now trying to discover who these are and the land will then revert to them. The lot is on the corner where 536 turns to the hill. Mr. A. A. Byers was the last principal, there.

Written by Lester G. Lehman


Page 30




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