Background and Editorial Notes


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THE ONE ROOM SCHOOLS of MONROE COUNTY 1808 1957 is a wonderful little 52-page book just dripping with genealogical gems from the 1800s and first half of the 1900s. It was prepared by the Retired Teachers Association of Monroe County in an effort to preserve some of the history of that County s one-room school system. Whether by design or afterthought, it appears to be timed to correspond with the Bicentennial of the Nation. This conclusion is drawn largely from the crest on the back of the book. Otherwise, it is hardly mentioned in the text itself.


As most researchers of genealogy know it is sometimes fairly easy to locate names and dates for ancestors. Much more difficult to find, however, is material that helps describe lives and personalities of ancestors. This book helps provide such material for many of the residents of Monroe County. It spans many decades to describe the vocations and roles in the community for many people. It also provides information about the authors and their contemporaries in the early and mid-1900s.


Since this book is such a valuable resource for genealogy research, it is being replicated on the MCC of OGS web site as a service to the many researchers of Monroe County, Ohio ancestors.


As with most products prepared by a committee or group of people, it lacks uniformity in some of its format. Far from being a detriment, however, the variety of the text adds to the color of the book. In no case does the non-uniformity detract from this wonderful volume.


In transcribing the text, some liberties were taken by highlighting names of schools to make it a bit easier for the reader to follow. Where the names of people, places and events related to other material on the MCC of OGS web site, some hyperlinks have been added. Otherwise, the book has been accurately transcribed to the web site.


Page numbers that appear within the text of the Internet version of this book in most cases correspond to the page numbers in the hard copy of the book. In only a few cases are the placement of page numbers slightly different to avoid interrupting a table, text, or similar element. These page numbers can be used as locaters within either the electronic or hard copy of the book.


Two versions of this book are on the MCC of OGS website. The reason for this is that the WHOLE BOOK version could not be accessed by some WebTV and slower, older model computers. This is due to the size of Whole Book file. So, a second, SEGMENTED BOOK version was added that presents the book in five parts. Both versions can be accessed from the Books page on this web site.


We are indebted to Sandra (Sandy) Leah Weber for her assistance with this and other products on the site, but especially for her hard work in the areas relating to the one-room schools in the County.




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