Click here to go to the Segmented Book version of this book. For more details about the Whole Book and Segmented Book versions of this book, see the Background and Editorial Notes


(Click here for Background and Editorial Notes)




Cover page for the above titled book




Dedicated to those one-room

teachers who felt that the

real object of education

is to give children

resources that will endure

as long as life endures.


Page 1







Howard Blattler

Lorena Miller

Marie Brague

Ivin Miracle

Josie Burkhalter

Lulu Miracle

Alvie Burns

Roy Miracle

A. A. Byers

Mildred Miracle

Harold Christman

Eula McGary

Helma Christman

Mildred McHugh

Harold Cline

Helen McMahon

Kathryn Cline

Joe Newman

Gladys Cox

Agnes Norris

Woodrow Crum

Mary Norris

Wilda DeWitt

Ethel Pfalzgraf

Annie Laurie Drum

Laura Pfalzgraf

Glenn Dye (deceased)

Glenn Piatt

Helen Dye

Vera Polen

Wilbert Franks

Henry Prichard

Florence Grimes

Elaine Rea

Marie Grimes

Delphene Reef

Vernon Hamilton

Ray Ring

Elsa Harper

Hazel Rohr

Eleanor Haudenschield

Victor Salisbury

Graydon Haudenschield

Marie Schumacher

Lilliam Hawkins

I. F. Shafer

Clyde Hawkins (deceased)

Virginia Stahl

Freda Hayes

Zelma Steed

Anna Heckler

Harry Straight

Bernice Hendershot

I. M. Straight

Irene Hendershot

Goldia Straight

Ella Herriman

Elizabeth Thomas

David Highman

Esther Thompson

Jay Highman

Harold Thompson

Flora Hagan

Marie Thompson

Sylvia Jackson

Lucille Traylor

Laura Jolliffe

Bessie Tubaugh

Harold Kinney

Blanche Tubaugh

Viola Kinney

Esther Tubaugh

Edith Kirkman

Harry Ullman

Nedra LaCroix

Edna Ullman

Lester Lehman

Lena Walter

Marie Lehman

Warren Winland

Susie Mallett

Gladys Winland

Nettle Martin

Harriett Zesiger


Other retirees (not members) who have requested that their name be listed in our booklet are:


Amelia Eddy

Mary (Luedy) Jackson

Mildred Frieden

Arthur Willison

Elsie Hanna

Dorothy Willison



Page 2










Harry Straight, President; Glen Piatt, Vice President; Marie Thompson, Secretary-Treasurer; I. M. Straight, Legislation; Annie Laurie Drum, Membership; Henry Prichard, Program; Vernon Hamilton, Housing; Mary Norris, Community Affairs; Roy Miracle, Protective Services; Virginia Stahl, Education; Lester Lehman, Bicentennial; Harold Thompson, Past President.



The above officers, under the chairmanship of Lester Lehman, are responsible for this booklet - "History of Monroe County One Room Schools." However, this booklet has been a project of the entire membership of this association. We want to sincerely thank anyone who has contributed material or information for the book.


As President of the Monroe County Retired Teachers Association (1975-76) I want to thank all the officers and members for the excellent cooperation, fellowship, suggestions and encouragement that they have given to me for the past two years. It has been an enjoyable experience for me.





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By Lester Lehman


"No longer sits the schoolhouse by the road", even the blackberry vines that crept nearer and nearer the subject of the poet's childhood memories no longer mark the spot where the rural school once stood. The memory of these buildings which once dotted our countryside, becomes increasingly dim with each passing generation.

Many of our retired teachers recall these vividly for it was very likely they once attended one of these as a student and in the case of many, a great portion of their teaching career was spent within the walls of one or more of these structures.

With the success of the American Revolution Americans embarked upon a new experiment in government: a government of; by, and for the people. This would require a literate voting population and as early as 1785 when the Northwest Land Ordinance was passed provisions were made to provide means of education for those who would become residents of this great mass of land known as the Northwest Territory. For these rural people the one room school was the answer. Modern educators are too often

prone to amplify their shortcomings and pass over their merits too lightly, yet the desired position that our nation holds among the peoples of the world is ample evidence schools taught well. It was from these simple institutions that Lincoln's call for volunteers who were to march to Gettysburg and Appomattox was filled. In the half century that followed it was these schools

that supplied the men and women who would dam our rivers, build our railroads, write our books, and transform this sprawling rural countryside into the greatest industrial nation the world has ever seen.

In 1917 when the Kaiser's war machine seemed to spell the very annihilation of Europe these institutions supplied "the American doughboy" who was determined to do his bit to "make the world safe for democracy." Again in 1941 when the security of all peace loving people was again in jeopardy, young men and women largely educated in these simple buildings

were to be found in every corner of the world determined that the freedoms we hold so dear should become the inherent right of all.

Today the rural school is no more. Much as the flint lock rifle, the spinning wheel or the covered wagon, it has served its purpose and has given way to a more advanced and complicated system which is with us today. Only occasionally is one found and then likely used as a storehouse or perhaps gathering dust in a museum, or existing in the memory of an older generation of a way of life now past and gone. It is for this reason that this listing of rural and village schools which once existed in our county has been undertaken.

Their position began to deteriorate with the advent of the improved road and the internal combustion engine in areas where road building was more simple and less costly than in Monroe County erosion took place much earlier. The decade between 1925 and 1935 marked the closing of most of the rural schools in this county beginning first along our best highways. With the construction of Route 7 schools along and adjacent to it were consolidated, with the same pattern following the building of Routes 8, 78, 556 and 536. Only the more remote remained open and these only until some form of improved road made consolidation possible. In Switzer Township the school once known as Mount Vernon remains being used as a polling place and meeting hall for the township trustees. The Switzer School in the same township had been used as a storage place for township machinery until this spring when it was torn down and replaced with a larger building. In Salem Township the Valley School had long been used as a church building. It remains but is no longer in use and its days are numbered, and so throughout

the county here and there one may be found.

The rural school has played a conspicuous part in the history of our county, our state, and our nation. We retired teachers were a part of that history. It was here that we taught. It was here that we made our contribution to another generation ot God's people. We are grateful for the opportunity we have had, and are proud of the boys and girls we have taught. It is our hope that the heritage we received has been transmitted to our successors a bit richer.

Much effort has gone into the perfecting of this list and to those who have been responsible we give our sincere thanks. Our sources of information have been confined to the memory of those who once knew of the locations of these buildings and the information coming to us from Caldwell's Atlas of Monroe County. No doubt our list is incomplete. If anyone reading this has knowledge of any school not appearing on this list we would be glad to have the information to add at a later date.


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MELLOTT RIDGE - This school building still stands and is used as a meeting house by a small congregation of the Church of Christ. At least two buildings stood on this site which is about 2 miles from Cameron on County Road 231. The school was closed in 1937 and the pupils attended Cameron School. The last teacher there was Clarence Gates. Others were: John Pfalzgraf, Marjorie Bierie Webb, and Paul Turner.


WEEKLY - This school was abandoned about 1883 and 1884. It was located on Township Road 168 in Section 25. The land on which it once stood is now owned by George Visnic. This school was replaced by Center School. A small cemetery still marks the spot where this building once stood.


CENTER - This building was located in section 32 on Township Road 152 near the junction of Township Roads 152 and 167. Teachers known to have taught there were: Jacob Pfalzgraf, Samuel Pfalzgraf, John Pfalzgraf, Fred Pfalzgraf, T. T. Gillispie, Guy McKelvey, and Vernon Sumption.


DEMOCRACY - Democracy School stood at the junction of County Road 30 and Township Road 454 about one mile south of Altitude or about 6 miles west of Cameron and about 6 miles east of Woodsfield. The ground on which it once stood is presently owned by Dorothy Walton. It closed about 1927 and was the first attempt at consolidation in Adams Township and probably one of the first in Monroe County. James McCaslin was hired to transport the pupils to Fairfax. Teachers known to have taught there were: Guy McKelvey, Daisy Keevert Ward, and the Kiedash Sisters.


FAIRFAX - This building was located on what is now State Route 78 in section 29 on soil now owned by Stanley Ault. The building was moved and fashioned into a dwelling now owned by Bob Ollom. This was one of three school buildings that stood in the immediate vicinity. This building ceased to operate as a school about 1932-33. Teachers known to have taught there were: Jacob. Samuel, John, Fred Pfalzgraf.


MINOR - On County Road 29 about 3 miles west of Cameron. The ground on which it once stood is presently owned by the S. E. Pfalzgraf heirs. This was on Sunfish Creek and closed about 1880.


BRACEY - This building stood at what was once known as Bracey's Mills which was near the junction of Piney Creek and Sunfish Creek. The school seems to have gone out of existence with the mill. This is believed to be about 1880.


DEWEY - This one room school was located on State Route 26 on the farm presently owned by James Lindamood. At least three different buildings were built on this location which is approximately nine miles north of Woodsfield or three miles south of Ozark. It closed about 1935 or 36. It was said to generally have been taught by a member of the Gallagher Family.


CAMERON - The village of Cameron can boast of at least four school buildings since it was first laid out by James Atkinson in the year of 1837. The first being a log structure located near the old pioneer cemetery on land donated by Mr. Stephen Atkinson. This was a one room log structure and was replaced by a two room building on ground donated by George Suppes at the damsite' on Sunfish Creek near Suppes Mills almost directly east of the Pfalzgraf Store and post office. The village at this time was known as Jamestown having received its name by James Atkinson who first laid out the town. This building is still in existence having been converted into a home and is now occupied by Howard Hickman. In 1887 a new two room brick building was built on the site of the present building. Between 1924 and 1932 this building was also used as a high school. In 1939 the rooms were divided and became a four room building. Teachers of the high

school who are known to have taught there were: Cephus Stevens, Forrest Gutherie and Parcel Mallett. Some of the grade teachers who have taught there were: Pearl Treiber Kimpel, Clara McCoy, Margaret Wallace Hartline, Florence Hickman, Helen Pfalzgraf, Elaine Rea, Raymond Straight, David Highman, Brady Hines, Ethel Staib Pfalzgraf. Mrs. Ivan Miracle. Charles Ward, and Herman Bough.

In addition, Albert Ward, conducted two special classes there for a long period of time, possibly as much as twenty years. One class was in Spencerian writing and the other in pedagogy. This class was primarily directed at preparing teachers for the Boxwell examination, which if passed successfully would qualify them for certification as teachers. This venture had the blessing of the school examiners of the county and represents one of the earliest attempts at teacher training in Monroe County and possibly in the state as well.

Written by Lester Lehman


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Early History Prior to 1900

In 1813 the first school was taught by Henry Bower in a small log cabin in section 20. Another school was taught in 1815 in a log cabin on the land owned by Isaac M. Cline. The teacher was Wm. Knight. This location was along Muskingum Creek which was later known as Jericho Community.

Benton Township it bound on the west by Washington Township, on the north by Perry Township, on the east by Jackson and on the south by Washington County. Before 1900 there were six schools in Benton Township which were as follows: Pine Ridge No. 1; Trail Run No. 2, this was changed to No. 4 in 1817; Oak Grove No. 3; Brownsville Exempted Village No. 4

and in 1920 changed to No. 6; Pine Knob No. 5 later becoming No. 2; Jericho No. 6 later to become No. 5. Trail Run first known as No. 2 and later to become No. 4 was located in Section 2 along the Trail Run Stream on Route 800 south of Antioch. In 1908 the ground was sold from Joseph Hanna Hill to Chris Busche. In 1914 the school building was moved across the road on the Thomas Carson lot. In 1929 the school was discontinued and the building torn down in 1930 and sold to Everett Dimit. The following teachers taught at Trail Run:


1901 - 02 O. A. Bonar

1902 - 03 Jacob C. Woods (6 mo. $180.)

1903 - 05 J. L Meeker (6 mo.)

1905 - 06 Louis Schweickhardt

1906 - 08 C. E. Havener ($40.00)

1908 - 09 C. E. Havener

1909 - 10 J W. Lallathin -- Lallathin Resigned

1910 - 11 J. E. Fankhaurer

1911 - 12 S. E. Cline (8 mo.)

1912 - 13 Chalmer D. Brown

1914 - 16 Minnie Hubacher

1916 - 17 Edith Stewart

1917 - 18 Perlie Briggs

1918 - 19 Mollie Ridgewav

1919 - 20 Lucy Lentz

1920 - 21 Glen Miller

1921 - 22 RachelWilliamson (1 mo.) - Glen Dye

1922 - 23 William Rosenlieb

1923 - 24 A. V. Newhouse

1924 - 26 Inez Lash

1926 - 28 Glen Dye

1928 - 29 Arthur Lash

1919 - School Discontinued


Pine Ridge No. 1 was located in Section 12 approximately 1 miles from Route 800 between Trail Run and Brownsville. Around 1900 the land was owned by Henry Busche now owned by Charles Taylor. In 1935 this school was discontinued and the building was moved to Brownsville to make a two room building there. The following teachers taught at

Pine Ridge:


1901 - 02 C. E. Hurd

1902 - 03 Evart Pool ($30. per mo.)

1903 - 04 Evart Poole

1904 - 05 Sam Weddle & Charles Eisenbarth

1905 - 06 H. A. Claugus (8 mo.)

1906 - 07 H. A. Claugus

1907 - 08 C. E. Havener

1908 - 09 E. P. Lovett ($40. per mo.)

1909 - 10 Florence Folqer

1910 - 11 Lou Bottenfield

1911 - 12 Lou Bottenfleld (Resigned) Cora Henthorne

1912 - 13 J. H. Hickenbotham

1913 - 14 Eska Eikelberry

1914 - 15 Pearl Henthorne

1915 - 16 Ida Stine

1916 - 18 Rachel Williamson

1918 - 19 Lizette Amos

1919 - 20 Rachel Williamson

1920 - 21 Laura Busche

1921 - 22 W. E. Rosenleib

1922 - 23 Zelda Black

1923 - 24 Helen Cain

1924 - 25 Arthur Lash

1925 - 26 Lois Dye

1926 - 28 Albert Stacy

1928 - 31 Delbert Hensel

1931 - 33 Kermit Cline

1933 - 35 Helen McHuoh

School Was Now Discontinued.


Page 6






This school was better known as "Mudsock" and was located on John Allen farm now owned by the U. S. government. In 1923 this school was discontinued and in 1926 the building was moved to Brownsville to be used for grades 18 while high school was held in the Brownsville building. Teachers were as follows:


1900 - 01 C. Bolen $25. per mo.

1903 - 02 Lione Muff man ($30 per mo. 4 mo.)

1902 - 03 G. W. Stewart

1903 - 05 Henry Claugus

1905 - 07 Charles Henderson

1907 - 08 Cleo Gregg

1908 - 10 S. E. Cline

1910 - 13 Edith Stewart

1913 - 14 Minnie Hubacher

1914 - 15 Ida Stine

1915 - 16 Beulah Lowman

1916 - 19 Marie Petty

1919 - 20 Anna Harrington

1920 - 21 Emma Miller

1921 - 22 Edith Ring. (School Closed)




Pine Knob No. 5 and later No. 2 was located on the Benjamin Dye Farm. later owned by his grandson Glen Dye who sold it to Frank Ball. the present owner. This schoolhouse was built in 1902. The contract for the stone work was given to Sol Cline for $44.50 and building the house to George Buegel for $569.00. This location is on Dye Ridge in section 36 on a hill above Muskingum Creek. Frank Ball is erecting a unique "Dome House" on the format Pine Knob Sthool site. The following teachers taught at Pine Knob:


1901 - 02 James Crawford

1902 - 03 Ella McCaslin (4 mo., $120.00)

1903 Summer (2 mo.)

1903 - 04 Samuel Waddle (4 mo.)

1904 Summer (2 mo.) Samuel Weddle

1904 - 05 Ella McCaslin (8 mo., $300.00)

1905 - 07 Gilbert Pool

1907 - 08 Samuel Waddle

1908 - 09 Everett Ring ($40. per mo.)

1909 - 11 Everett Ring

1911 - 13 David Hill

1913 - 14 Alvie Eisenbarth

1914 - 16 Jennie Cline

1916 - 18 Vera Taylor

1918 - 19 B. F. Dye (Glen's father)

1919 - 20 Samuel Weddle

1920 - 21 Glen Dye ($75.80 per mo.)

1921 - 22 Orlando Moore

1922 - 23 Glen Dye

1923 - 26 Zelda Black ($100. per mo.)

1926 - 27 Lois Dye

1927 - 28 Gladys Scales

1928 - 29 Zelda Black

1929 - 32 Glen Dye

1932 - 33 Helen McHugh

1933 - 36 Kermit Cline

1936 - 40 Ray Ring

1940 - 41 Franklin Dye

In 1941 the school was discontinued and the pupils were transported to Brownsville School.


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The Jericho School build in 1900 is located in Section 26 close to the Muskingum Creek. In 1900 it was on the H. A. Williamson farm, later the ground was owned by Andrew Cline and presently by Ellis Rine. The Jericho is the only one room school still standing in Benton Township. It can be seen from Route 12, the Brownsville Graysville Road. The following teachers taught there:


1901 - 03 A. W. Kellar

1903 - 04 I. Thornberrv

1904 - 05 George Smith

1905 - 08 Clyde Steele

1908 - 09 Issac Dye

1909 - 10 Ina W. Cline (mother of Mrs. Glen Dye)

1910 - 11 Everett Cline

1911 - 12 Everett Ring

1912 - 13 Vivian Reed

1918 - 19 Rachel Wiiliamson

1919 - 21 Orlando Moore

1921 - 22 Zelda Black

1922 - 23 Orlando Moore

1923 - 24 Violet Scarborough

1924 - 26 Glen Dye

1926 - 27 Gladys Bell West

1927 - 28 Zelda Black

1928 - 30 Kermit Cline

1930 - 32 Helen McHugh

1932 - 36 Roy Ring

1936 - 39 Kermit Cline

1939        School Closed and Pupils Transported To Brownsville.




The Brownsville School was classified as an Exempted Village School No. 4 from 1900 -1920. In August of 1920 the Brownsville Exempted Village School Board combined with the Benton Township School Board as Brownsville School No. 6. A new schoolhouse was built in 1912 to replace the old house destroyed by a cyclone. The new building was a one story

26 x 30 foot structure. The contract to build was given to I. O. Swallow for $650.00 and an additional $200.00 for the annexed townhouse. It was voted that labor was not to exceed $2.00 per day for tearing down the old building. When the school was closed in 1964, the building was sold to Glen Dye who later sold it to Eugene Winland. He made the building into a garage. In 1959 the Benton Township School District became a part of the River Local District. In 1964 the Brownsville and Antioch Schools were consolidated to form the New Midway School on Route 800 south of Antioch.

The following were Brownsville teachers:


1901 - 02 Miranda Wilson (6 mo., $180.)

1902 Miranda Wilson (2 mo. summer, $22.50 per mo.)

1902 - 04 Miranda Wilson (6 mo., $30. per mo.)

1904 - 09 Miranda Wilson (8 mo. $40.00 per mo.)

1909 - 11 E. P. Lovett ($30. per mo.)

1911 - 12 Daisy Hupp

1912 - 13 E. P. Lovett

1913 - 20 Miranda Wilson (1915 $45. per mo., 1917 $50., 1920 $60.)

1920 - 21 Rachel Williamson 1$75.80 per mo.)

1921 - 22 Emma Miller 1$76.80 per mo.)

1922 - 26 Miranda Wilson (~96. per mo.)

1926 - 27 Harry Murphy

1927 - 28 Arthur Lash

1928 - 29 Glen Dye

1929 - 31 Herman Each

1931 - 32 Ray Ring

1932 - 35 Glen Dye

1935 - 39 Glen Dye, Gr. 5-6-7-8 -- Helen McHugh Gr. 1-2-34.

1939 - 40 Glen Dye 7 & 8; Kermit Cline 4-5-6; Helen McHugh 1-2-3.

1940 - 44 Glen Dye 7 & 8; Ray Ring 4-5-6; Helen McHugh 1-2-3.

1944 - 48 Glen Dye 5-6-7-8; Helen McHugh 1-2-3-4.

1948 - 51 Mary Pryer 5-6-7-8; Helen Dye 1-2-3-4.

1951 - 64 Glen Dye 5-6-7-8; Helen Dye 1-2-3-4.

1964 Brownsville consolidated with Antioch at Midway.

1926 - 29 A two year high school at Brownsville with Inez Lash as teacher.


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After Brownsville School became a part of River Local School District special music teachers came to the school for the first time in Benton Township. Connie Graham was the vocal teacher and Van Morris the instrumental. Morris soon had each student in grades 5. 6. 7 & 8 playing in the cadet band (19). Glen Dye provided instruments for those students unable to buy their own. There was never an inside bathroom in any Benton Township School nor any school lunches ever served. Glen Dye taught 44 years in Benton Township. Helen (McHugh) Dye taught 34 years and 29 of these were consecutive in Brownsville. Miranda Wilson taught 18 years in Brownsville; Kermit Cline 10 years in Benton Township and Ray Ring 14 years in Benton Township.


1901 W. C. Pool $30. plus $3.00 per trip

1901 - 02 J. A. Hendershot $15.

1902 - 12 I. O. Swallow $20

1912 - 14 J. I. Travis

1914 - 15 A.E. Hall

1915 - 18 I. 0. Swallow

1918 - 28 F. L. Buegel (1926 $125 per year)

1928 - 30 Waiter Cline

1930 - 32 J. F. McHugh

1932 - 38 F. L. Buegel (12 mo. $85)

1938 - 40 J. F. McHugh

1940 - 47 F. L. Buegel (deceased)

1947 - 48 Wm. Buegel ( Son of F. L. deceased)

1948 - 57 Earl Ring

1957 - 59 Harold Hensel until consolidated with River Local District.


Special recognition was given to the following:

Earl Ring 9 years of service

I. O. Swallow 13 years of service

F. L. Buegel 23 years of service





1901 - David McCaslin

James Ridgeway (Pres.)

James Ridgeway 3

Walt Ring

George Stacy 5

Wm. Dimit

Issac Eikelberry 6 (Pres.)

1920 - 21 J. F. McHugh

1901 - 02 Henry Busche 1

Wm. Langsdorf

Henry Waiter 2

James Ridgway. (Pres.)

James Ridgeway 3

Walt Ring

George Stacy 5

Wm. Dimit

Issac Eikelberry (Pres.)

1922 - 23 James Ridgway (Pres.)

1903 - 04 Henry Busche 1 (Pres.)

James McHugh

Henry Waiters 2

Walt Ring

James Ridgeway 3

George Travis

Joshua Dye 5

Joe Buegel

Jasper Eikelberry 6

1924 - 25 James McHugh (Pres.)

1905 - 1916 Wm. Langsdorf

Wm. Busche. (V. Pres. )

Henry Deist J.F.Lori 1909

Geo. Travis

James Ridgeway 3 (Pres.)

Walt Ring

Wm. Ridgeway 1914 -1915

J. A. Buegel

George Stacy 5 (Pres.)

1926 - 27 James McHugh, Pres.

Marsahll Cline 6

Joe Buegel

1916 - 17 Wm. Langsdorf 1 (Pres.)

James Ridgway

J. I. Moore 2

Wm. Busche

James Ridgway 3 (Pres.)

Forrest Dye (Resigned)

Walt Ring (Pres.)

Walt Ring (Replacement)

George Stacy 5

1928 - 29 Joe Buegel (Pres.)

F. L. Buegel

James Ridgway

Marshall Cline 6

James McHugh (Pres. 29)

1918 - 19 Wm. Langsdorf

Walt Ring

D. W. Petty

Wm. Dimit


[Transcriber s note: It is not clear what the numbers mean following the name. They have been included here since they appear in the printed book.]


Page 9





(Cont d from page 9)


1930 - 31 Wm. Dimit (Pres.)

1940 - 41 A. E. Hall (Pres.)

James Ridgeway

Jay Vanwy

Roy Travis, (V. Prer)

W. G. Hill

Wm. Busche

Wm. Dimit

James McHugh, (Clerk)

James Ridgway (Dec. Feb. 41)

1932 - 33 James Ridgway, (Pres.)

Clarence Schwaben

Roy Travb (V.P.)

1942 - 43 John W. Buegel (Pres.)

Wm. Busche

Ernest Ring (V.P.)

John Stacy

W. G. Hill

Frank Ring

Jay Vanwy

1934 - 37 A. E. Hall (Pres.)

Harry Cline

John Stacy

1944 - 45 John W. Buegel (Pres.)

Denver Rosanleib (Resigned)

Emest Ring (V.P.)

Frank Ring

Wm. Schmidt

Earl Ring

Carl Schmidt

Wm. Dimit (V.P.)

Roy Travis

F. L. Buegel

1946 - 47 Wm. Schmidt (Pres.)

1938 - 39 Austin Hall (Pres.)

Carl Schmidt (V.P.)

Earl Ring (V. P. )

Denver Rosenleib

Wm. Dimit

Ernest Ring

James Ridgway

Roy Travis (Resigned)

John Stacy

Harold Hensel (Replacement)


1948 - 49 Denver Rosenlieb (Pres.)


Carl Schmidt (V.P.)


Emest Ring


Harold Hensel


Raymond Busche



Recognition for terms of Board Members were:


George Stacy

15 years

James McHugh

12 years

Marshall Cline

13 years

Wm. Langsdorf

17 years

Walt Ring

13 years

Wm. Dimit

16 years

James Ridgway

35 years



Written by Helena McHugh Dye




Bethel Hall


Little Injun


Smithberger No. I

Sycamore Valley



Bethel High School at Marr.



Thanks to Bernice Hendershot for calling in these schools


Page 10







AGIN - Agin School was located on Griffith Ridge 1.5 miles east of the junction of State Routes 800 and 255. The school was so named because the donors of the land were two members of the Agin family. The present owner of the land on which it was located is L. V. Bays. The school was closed in 1930 and the last teacher was J. E. Jeffers.


BERTRAM - Bertram School was located .6 mile east of the junction of Maple Avenue and Fairground Road. The road on which it was located is know known as Gun Club Road. No one seems to remember the date of its closing but the year 1920 is very close. The last teacher was Chester Lang and reliable sources say that in its last year of operation it had one pupil whose name was Olive Marple. The present owners of the school site are Darrol and Hattie Byers.


DENT - Dent or Dent Ridge as it was commonly called was named for the Dent family who were among the earliest settlers of this portion of the township. It was located .7 mile east of the junction of State Route 800 and County Road 67 on County Road 67. Among its outstanding pupils was Dean Jeffers who is presently General Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nationwide Insurance Organization. He was a pupil here for a part of his elementary career as his father, J. E. Jeffers, was a teacher here at intervals over a period of several years. The school ceased operation in 1939 the last teacher was Janet Smith Boyer. The present owner of the schoolhouse site is Tony Urbanek Sr.


EDDY - Eddy School was located approximately one fourth mile north of the Eddy Bridge crossing on Sunfish Creek on County Road 27 known as the Moore Ridge Road. The closing date was either 1925 or 1926 and reliable sources say that the last teacher was Oliver Dougherty. The land where the school house stood is now owned by David Belt, Trustee. The Belt family lived in the valley here only a few hundred feet south of the school. Members of this family became prominent in the legal profession mainly in the Belmont County area. The name of Clifford Belt a former pupil of this school is very well remembered.


HALFWAY - Halfway School was located halfway between Woodsfield and Lewisville which is undoubtedly the reason for its name. That location is approximately 4 miles west of Woodsfield on State Route 78 on the left side of the highway as you are driving west. The last year of operation was 1929 and the last teacher was Edith Foehrenbach Zerger. The land on which the schoolhouse stood is now owned by Bernice Diehl Franklin.


HOPE RIDGE - Hope Ridge School, which is now used as a garage by its owner, Willard Freitag, stands on the right side of State Route 800 at a point approximately two miles north of Woodsfield. It ceased operations in 1929 and the last teacher was Nellie Turner Jones. Among its many pupils is found the name of Clem Freitag, athlete and football standout at Washington and Jefferson College. He was awarded football letters there in 1906, 1907, 1908, and 1909.


KERR - Kerr School stood at a location .4 mile west of Woodsfield Corporation and a few hundred feet east of that spot on the right side of State Route 78 as you are headed west. Its last year of operation was 1928 and its last teacher was G. I. Umpleby. After its close a new four room school was erected between it and the highway. This four room building was eventually closed and its pupils transported to Woodsfield Elementary. The present owner and occupant of the four room building is the Masonic Lodge of Woodsfield.


JACKSON RIDGE - Jackson Ridge School stood at the junction of State Route 800 and County Road 40 at a distance of three miles south of Woodsfield. It was the last of the fifteen one room schools to close its doors and reliable sources give the date as 1947. The last teacher was H. F. Burkhart. His son, George, who is now the Prosecuting Attorney of

Monroe County was a pupil here for a part of his elementary career. The exact location of the building is now crossed by State Route 800. The remaining portion of the schoolhouse lot is now owned by Neil Hamilton.


JOHNSTON - The location of Johnston School is a little difficult to describe. At a point one and one half miles south of Miltonsburg on County Road 100 stood the residence of Sebastian Burkhart. No road went from here to the schoolhouse. A path was mostly used and if you were compelled to drive to it, you would drive across the fields of Otto Kaiser who is the present owner of the land on which the schoolhouse stood. The school was closed

in the spring of 1938 and the last teacher was Vernon Hamilton.


MOOSE RIDGE - Moose Ridge School stood at a point opposite the first Moose Ridge Cemetery one and one fourth mile southwest of Woodsfield at the junction of Moose Ridge Road and Willison Run Road. Moose Ridge Road is known as County Road 45. The school was closed in 1929 and the last teacher was Kathryn Keyser Cline. The land on which the schoolhouse stood is presently owned by Lucille Mahoney Hunnell.


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MT. CARRICK - Mt. Carrick School stood at a point approximately 2.5 miles east of Woodsfield on State Route 78 and up a lane a few hundred feet north of this point. This would place the location almost directly across the highway from the former Mt. Carrick church house now occupied by the Center Township Grange. The school closed in 1929 and Joseph Paulus was the last teacher. The land on which the schoolhouse stood is now owned by the Neuhart Baptist Church.


NEUHART - Neuhart School was located one mile south of the junction of State Route 78 east and County Road 41 commonly known as Sugartree Road. The exact location was on a plot of ground adjacent to the Neuhart Baptist Church cemetery on its southern border. The school was permanently closed in 1938 and the last teacher was B. R. Scarborough. This plot today is used as a parking lot and owned by the Neuhart Baptist Church.


MULBERRY KNOB - Mulberry Knob School was located on the right side of County Road 40 on Plainview Road at a distance of two miles from the junction of State Route 800 and County Road 40 headed south. The school was closed in 1939 and the last teacher was Vernon Hamilton. The land on which the schoolhouse stood is presently owned by Dale Eddy.


NORRIS - Norris School stood on the left side of State Route 800 as you are headed south one mile south of the Woodsfield Corporation. The school closed in 1929 and its last teacher was Harriet Claugus Zesiger. The building

was later converted into a dwelling an an office for a service station.. This station is owned and operated by Tony Urbanek Sr.


STANDING STONE - Standing Stone School was located southwest of the junction of State Route 26 North and County Road 39 known as the Sunfish Creek Road. By following the 0. R. and W. Railroad right of way west of the junction for approximately one thousand feet and then moving to your left for a distance of a little less than one hundred yards to the valley floor, you have the approximate location. I was unable to find anyone who knows why this name originated but it doubtless had something to do with the rocky terrain that surrounds the location on all sides. The school was closed in 1932 and the last teacher was Joseph Paulus. A great majority of the teachers who taught here walked down the railroad tracks from the direction of Woodsfield and passed through the tunnel, the only tunnel along the entire railroad route from Woodsfield to Bellaire. The land on which the schoolhouse stood is now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis.




I have a granddaughter who will, in a few months, enter the teaching profession. In closing a recent thesis she wrote this paragraph:

I hope to teach in my home county just as Grandpa did. Even with the modern teaching devices many teachers today don't stay with the schools as long as he did. Forty years -- that will be a hard record to beat.

In the back of their minds the teachers of one room rural schools of the 30's and 40's knew that consolidation of school districts was rapidly approaching and the one room schools would permanently close and a new era in education would begin.

Teachers believed that now the pupils would have opportunities for learning that never existed before. They would now receive more individual attention, class periods would be much longer and their teachers would be better trained to give them attention and guidance. So many changes have occurred since the beginning of consolidation and no doubt there will be many more in the future.

Seven years I attended the one room school out on Dent Ridge. It was a well constructed building of strong native timbers and located in pleasant surroundings. As I studied here I would try to picture how school was conducted here during Civil War days when Grandmother Hamilton was a pupil in a log cabin school situated across the road and not over 500 feet from the one room frame building. I had four teachers here namely: John H. Hickinbotham, J. E. Jeffers, G. D. Griffith and Golda Mowder Roth. Only Mrs. Roth is living today but I realize that each of these teachers in some way have left their imprint on my life.

When my teaching career started, I spent the first twelve years in several one room rural schools. I cannot say that


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I was a successful teacher. I do know that the great majority of my former pupils still regard me at a dear friend and possibly only time will tell if I really did anything to enrich their lives and to assist them in preparing for their future.

During these twelve years a few events occurred that I consider high points in my career. I was privileged to teach three years in my home school. Two years I spent teaching in a school in Lee Township. My mother had attended this school as a girl and her mother before her had been a pupil there. Many times I rang the Haldiman bell which is now on exhibit in the Monroe County Museum. One year I spent at Standing Stone where each day saw the O.R. and W. Railroad as it wound down its operations and in a matter of months would cease operations forever.

During my forty years in the schoolroom as a teacher I came to know and respect a great number of good teachers. I have a warm spot of affection in my heart for the ones who taught in the one room rural schools. They are truly grass roots people. They understand the problems of people especially those who live in rural areas. They labored under many adverse conditions. They received little financial benefits. Many of them taught during the years of the Great Depression. Through their teaching the great majority of their pupils learned resourcefulness, independence and the value of integrity.

When and if awards for distinguished service are made in the future, I trust the citizens of our county will respectfully honor those who spent so many years as teachers of the one room schools. I know of no group of individuals who have rightfully earned such an award and who would take greater pride in its attainment.

Vernon S. Hamilton





By Dr. J. J. Sulsbarger 1916


The history and development of the Woodsfield Schools divides itself naturally into two periods, the line of demarcation being the closing of the Old Monroe Academy in 1860, which was situated on the present school site, and which well serves as the closing of the first period.

In consideration of the first period it will be necessary for us to go back to the early pioneer days of Woodsfield, which is before the time and memory of the oldest citizens now living.

In searching the record, at the Recorder's office we found that in the original plot of the Village of Woodsfield (as recorded in Belmont County in 1812) that Lot No. 104 was set aside for school purposes.

As there is more or less uncertainty as to the date of the founding of Woodsfield, I will quote from the old Hand Atlas: "in the year 1814, Archibald Woods, then a large land owner, brought out from Wheeling a keg of French brandy and invited the men and boys, within a radius of five miles to a general frolic, the purpose of which was to clean out Main Street. This was done and the first trees felled."

The pioneer school of Woodsfield was held in the first Court House, which was a log building and stood on the east side of Public Square. It was also used at a place for religious services by all of the denominations as well as public meetings of all kinds.

Very little information of records can be had regarding the early history, especially of the schools. The only source of information that I could find was in the minds and recollections of our older citizens which source will not always be available.

The first building known to have been used for school purposes was the old Billy Schively property, the present location of Chas. Joost'r home and Meat Market.

A number of our oldest citizens attended a select school taught by a Mrs. McManus in the East room of the Mrs. Mullican property just across the street from the first location.

The first real school building was a little log house located on the Mary Smith lot, diagonally oppotite the Jail. Mr. R. W. Pope started to school in thir building. It was taught by a widow by the name of Mrs. Miller. Mr. Pope's parents paid his tuition to have him taught the letters that term. To know your letters in those days was considered a long step towards one's education. The rising generation do not fully appreciate the advantages they now have in brick and frame school houses and with well trained teachers, over their fathers and grandfathers who had to travel through sleet and snow to receive the first rudiments of an education. If they advanced as far as the "3 R's - reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic" they considered themselves good scholars. If they could go through the single Rule of Three (3) they were indeed finished scholars and qualified to fill any official position.

What a change a few fleeting years have brought about, when compared with the present High School Curriculum for course of study.


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We go next to the brick school building on lot No. 104 which was set aside for school purposes as previously referred to - this building was located on the rear of the Dan Akers, (now Forrest Hall) lot, on the alley just back of the Asher Okey home on South Main Street.

History refers to this school house as built in the year 1831 and first taught by Robert E. Naylor followed by Edward Salisbury and Prof. Billy Brooks. Mr. Ezra Craig s memory seems clear as to the latter. R. W. Pope, John and Philip Schumacher, Mr. Craig, D. O. Jones and others attended here

About this time the School Board decided on the plan of consolidating the various select and public schools into one building. They purchased the present school grounds, but a new board was elected and they decided to sell this and purchase a lot on South Main Street now occupied by Mrs. M. J. Devore, where they proceeded to build the "New School House" as it was proudly referred to, about 1852-3. It was a frame building and contained four class rooms. The teachers in the new building were: Prof. Wheeler and wife and a Mrs. Flanagan, also, Prof. Manning and others later.

We are now first introduced to that unique and original character, Prof. "Johnnie" Moore of whom, no doubt some of my older readers have some recollection. He was a Scotchman, tall in stature, and light complected [sic]. He was "strict and used the gad very freely. This is attested to by several of our older citizens still living. Just the name of Johnnie Moore to these ex-pupils seems to recall to their recollections some exciting and sensational school days. They will all remind you of the habit that he and the teachers had in those times of throwing useless playthings in the stove, and how the boys got a half day's vacation when Rans Conner's loaded pistol was thrown in -- it took one half day to fix the old stove and clean up the soot. (So they say). Mr. P. Schumacher says he sat in a seat with Mr. Pope but didn t see him from one recess to the next because he had but two eyes and didn't dare use them for anything else than to watch "Johnnie" with one and his book with the other. A mode of punishment much used by Prof. Moore was to make the boys stand on a chalk box on one foot, of course, sometimes holding a dictionary in one hand. My father, (L. Sulsberger) who went to school three months out of a year, as was the custom of the time, often refers to the above incidents. He also used a vise concern on the nose, the silly "fools cap", palms extended to be struck with rod, etc.

On Nov. 17, 1862, the present location was repurchased from James Mitchell at a cost of $1,000. The grounds were larger than the present bounds, and 3/4 acres was occupied by the old Monroe Academy (or Seminary) previously mentioned, This building served the quiet little town of 800 Inhabitants for a number of years, schooling the majority of our elderly citizens.

Just a brief description of the Monroe Academy which had much to do with school life in Woodsfield will not be out of place here. It had a wide reputation and was attended by many from our border counties. The historical Atlas of our county contains the following: "The efficiency of our schools and school system under the beneficent laws of our state is dependent upon the qualification and character of the Board of Examiners. The first was Franklin Gale a graduate of Amhurst College who came to this county in 1833. The people of Woodsfield finding him to be thoroughly efficient induced him to remain. In 1833-40 he taught a select school, was a member of the Board of Examiners and became identified with the educational interests of the county.

Under his auspices the old Academy was built, of lNhich Prof. A. Ross and Prof. G. P. Mason had charge and who afterwards were chosen Professors of Bethany College on its reorganization.

Howe's History of Ohio in which 1 expected to find much interesting information contained this brief reference: "The Monroe Academy was built in 1846. Judge John Waterman Okey at one time Chief Justice of State, says the only institution of learning he attended was the Old Monroe Academy. This gives us some idea of the thoroughness of the work done. This building was equipped with planks for desks and split-bottom chairs. The bell was mounted on a high derrick which stood close enough to the building that the Professor in charge needed only raise the window to ring the bell."

We were unable to learn why this institution was not continued here that today we might not have a college here instead at Bethany, W.Va. It must have been a case of lost opportunity. Had it received the proper encouragement no doubt our fondest dreams would have been fulfilled.

With the passing if the Academy we begin the second period of development, which seems less eventful but shows progress steadily advancing attendance, size, cost of buildings, equipment, etc. This progress was brought about through a long line of prominent and influential educators in their time. Do doubt some of you owe a lasting debt of gratitude for what you are or may yet become to those noble men.

While there is a wide difference in opinion as to what constitutes an education, we have long ago agreed that it must be moral, practical as well as theoretical, and follow along the line aptly expressed as the three H s which means a proper development of the head, heart and hand.

Following is a list (more or less complete) of the instructors: Prof. Johnnie Moore, (Wm. Cook says The reason he had so much influence with the Board of Education was because he could quote a little Latin, drink a little liquor, was handy about the Court House affairs, and kept good government .) He was followed by Eli Smith and a Prof. Rev. Groves, 1873-74, S. G. Cosgrove; '74-'76, Prof. Lopez; '76-'77, W.P. Cope; '79-'80-'82, Watson; '82-'83, Jas. A. Watson; '83-'86, Prof. Clark; '86-'87, H. Morrow; '90-'01, Prof. Beck; '01-'02, W. R. Bayes; '04-'05, Prof. Cy. Locher; '05-'08, Prof. C. McVey; '08-'09. Prof. Harlan Scarborough; '09-'12; Bert Highlands;'l2-'14. G. W. Brown; '14-'15, A. T. Stanforth. The present incumbent is R. C. Maston - 1915 to mid year 1917.


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There being no data regarding this period, we must resort to hearsay and observation.

We know that the Academy was pulled down and a new two story, six roomed brick, built just back of it. That this then modern and up-to-date structure served to house the schools until 1896. Then the present three story, nine room, with basement and auditorium, brick edifice was erected at a cost of $20,000 and nine years ago the annex at a cost of over $12.000 with the future beckoning us to continue the good work.

Built annex 1906-1907.

The history of education in Ohio reveals a constant anxiety on the part of her citizens to make liberal provision for its schools, to discover the best method of conducting it, to encourage the most thorough training of her teachers, to place before her youth the highest ideals and to fit them for the various duties of mature life. Thus, her citizenship and patriotism have upheld Article III, of the Ordinance of 1787 which provided that "religion, morality and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged."

Statistics reveal that in 1880 Woodsfield public school property was valued at $12,000.00, number of teachers employed: Primary 5, High school 1. Average wage per month $25.00 in grades, high school $700. Total number of pupils enrolled 220. Since the year 1880 there has been a decided development as will be seen upon comparison with the school record of 1916;

valuation $40,000.00, to which may be added another like sum upon completion of the new high school plant. A monthly payroll of about $1,000.00, number of teachers employed 16, average wage grades $45.00, high school $82.66, total number pupils enrolled 570; grades 444, high 126. The tuition received from attendance of grade and high school pupils from other districts amounts to about $1000.00. This comparison although favorable as it is, brings us face to face with the rapidly advancing standards of our educational system, which calls for a continuous "awakening" to the necessity and opportunity which it affords.

The voters of Woodsfield Village School District fully expressed the warm appreciation for education held by our community when on the 24th day of April, 1915, at a special election 352 voted "yes" to 84 "no" for the erection of a new high school building to cost $50.000.00. This building to be fire-proof in compliance with Ohio State Building Code,

to be centrally located and contain a large auditorium and gymnasium in compliance with wish of the majority of our citizens, to be an up to date plant, complete in Itself, and large enough for future demands, which requires one room for Domestic Science, one for Manual Training, a Chemical Laboratory, etc., for the present. The heating and ventilating system

is of the latest advanced type. The completion of this beautiful building will add much to the physical appearance of Woodsfield and serve as a constant inspiration for the youth of the entire community educationally.

Henceforth, with the appropriation, of sufficient funds, 'Good Schools" will have been accomplished if the slogan "Good Roads and Good Schools" is really the crying need for the "future of Woodsfield." Fine school buildings augment the value of every realty investment in a community and should appeal to the civic pride of every progressive citizen.

We reckon the capacity and efficiency of a mechanical industry by its finished product. Can we not in summing up consider the graduates of an institution of learning as its finished product? The first class to graduate was in 1879. they were: Eloise (Williams) McCann. Eila May (Morris) Miller and Otto P. Cassil. Since that time the grand total of 233 (including the class of 1916), have graduated from the Woodsfield Public Schools - indeed a fine product.

Think a moment on the influence for good that radiates from the lives of this host of efficient young men and women, in their widely scattered homes through almost every state in the union.

The present 1916 teaching staff of the Woodsfield Public School is as follows:


H. C. Maston

E. F. Yoho

Miss Elva A. Lyon

Roy M. Pugh

Miss Josephine Giffen

C. L. Henderson

Forrest Moberly

Miss Ida Hall

Miss Esther Doherty

Miss Iva Hines

Miss Besse Archer

Miss Lucy Goddard

Miss Ella Griffith

Miss Cora Lulu Armstrong

Mrs. Belle Jennings

Miss Dee Beard

Miss Elva A. Lyon

Miss Josephine Giffen

E. F. Yoho



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The lot mentioned (104) has the same number today (Feb. 1976) and the house is occupied by Mr. and Mrs.Charles Harper.

Charles Joost Meat Market is the building now used by Don Evans, Optometrist at 112 East Court Street.

Franklin Gale was in charge of the Monroe Academy which was located on North Paul Street. Woodsfield, the site of the present (1976) Elementary School built in 1953. One wonders if Woodsfield residents would have been interested they might have had Bethany College here.

The next school after the one on 104 is still here at 224 South Main Street. One can see that there were four rooms, two up and two down. Later, when no longer used for a school additions were added in the back and for years was a one family residence. Today there are three apartments and the building doesn't show its age.

In 1896 a three story red brick building was erected on North Paul Street. For years the uppermost floor was used for a high school. In 1915 the citizens voted to build the present (1976) high school. Additions have been added, an auditorium and a gymnasium.



The dedicatory exercises of the new high school building will begin at one o'clock sharp Thursday, July 26, 1917.

In these days of intense military preparation when the very air seems to be charged with patriotism, and every individual is anxious to show his loyalty, the various committees concerned with the dedication feel constrained to ask the citizens of Woodsfield to make an effort to outdo all previous efforts in decorating.

Every business house and every residence should be decorated as never before, because never before have we had as many reasons for so doing. We are in the midst of a great war to uphold Americans ideals and we are dedicating a new building to an institution which will build these ideals higher.

Hang out your flags and bunting.






One year high school: Byron Lemley. Donald Egger.

Three year elementary: Urban Mallett, R. R. Thomas

Renewal Normal Credits: Ethel Crawford, Freda Yanit

Renewal two year elementary: Forrest Mobberly, C. O. Mowder, Belle Jennings, Rachel Williamson, Henry Kasserman, H. E. Kurtzman

Renewal three year elementary: P. C. Willison, Ethel McKelvey, Anna Fisher, F. S. Hogue

Renewal three year high school: Helena Schwall, Nova Smith, F. R. Nelson

Original one year elementary: Josephine Henderlong, Freda Mobberly, Emma Luedy, Ida Kupfer, Carrie Cox, Harold Conner, L. H. Conner, F. B. Mobberly, J. F. Shaffer, W. F. McConnell, Brada Hines, Guy McKelvey, Lindsay Pryor, L. F. Reischman, Opal Givens, Amy Clegg, Minnie Gertler, Opal Baker, Ina Perkins, Lulu Reed, Mary Haren.


Thanks to Mrs. Fred Williams for the material pertaining to the schools of Woodsfield.


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Methodist Episcopal Church


Friday Evening, May 26, 1916


March .................................. ..... Meister's Orchestra of Wheeling

Invocation ..................................... Rev. V. E. Willings

Music .................................. ..... Orchestra

The Message to Garcia .................. Ella Jackson

The Power of Music ..................... Gertrude horner

Music .................................. ..... Orchestra

The lncessant Strife ....................... Estelle Lapp

Interestand Perseverence ............... Harold Atkinson

Music ..................................... .. Orchestra

Class Address ............................... Supt. J. V. McMillan, Marietta, Ohio

Music...................................... ... Orchestra

Class Song ................................... Senior Class

Presentation of Diplomas ............... Dr. J. J. Sulsberger, President - Board of Education

Music ................................. ... Orchestra

Benediction ................................... Rev. E. Seybold


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Written By Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miracle


Many changes have come in our schools since those early days. However, we must pay tribute to those one-room schools, their teachers and boards of education who served their day and time well. Although lacking the training and me many advantages of our schools today, the fundamentals of education and basic values of life cannot be measured.

Franklin Township had seven one-room schools and one-four-room building in Stafford. This building housed both grades and high school. The grades were divided into two rooms with four grades in each.

The one-room buildings were as follows:



Located about four miles southeast of Stafford near the Bethel Township line on County Road 73. The building, now removed, stood on the west ride of the road. This was also a community center with a general store in operation for many years. Davis Ridge still has a rich history in the memory of many people. The school was closed in the early forties. The last teacher was Hilton Coss.

Some of the teachers who taught in this school were:


Forrest Mobberly

Ray Coss

Ivan Umplebe

Miles Winland

Pearly Willison

Dick Mallett

Leonard Mobberly

Clifford Mobberly

Wilbert Franks

Madge Ullman

George Mallett

Hilton Coss


Written by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miracle



Located on Hanson Ridge Road about three miles northeast of Stafford. or you can turn south from State Route 145 at Baker & Sons Implement Co. and follow to the Hanson farm. It was from this family that the school got its name. The school was closed in 1937 and pupils moved to Stafford. The last teacher was Wiley Thompson.

Some of the teachers who taught in this school were:


Charles Tople

Opal Givens

Glenn Givens

Olive Gray

Brooklin Haught

Edmond Miracle

Coy Miracle

Roy Miracle

Florence Booth

Frank Stallings

Lulu Fowler

Wiley Thompson

Dick Mallett




Located three miles north of Stafford on County Road about mile off State Road 145 going toward Summerfield, commonly known as Bean Ridge. The building, now removed, stood on a knell east of the road. The land is now owned by James Robinson. The school was closed in 1929. The last teacher was Mrs. Freda Reed.

Some of the teachers who taught in this school were:


B. F. Bowen

Oliver Cavenaugh

Forrest Pepper

Ivan Love

Earl Denbow

George Thompson

Nora Ogg

Urban Mallett

Ray Curtis

Dick Mallett

Margaret Miracle

Freda Reed




Located about two miles from Stafford (East). Leave Hartshorn Ridge Road No. 12 and follow Mush Run Road No. 228 about mile. The building, now removed, stood on the east bank of the road. The school was closed in 1929.

The last teacher was Dorothy Miracle.


Ross Okey

Ray Coss

George Thompson

Charles Yonley

Viola Kinney

Leonard Mobberly

Clifford Mobberly

Roy Miracle

Alma Hines

Dorothy Miracle


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SWAZEY - 1898 to 1934 - District No. 3:

Located about six miles north of Stafford on Swazey Road. Turn north off state Route 145 at Sandbar Bridge, follow Swazey Road to an abandoned church and cemetery. The building, now removed, was located just back of the church. This was a community center in those early days. The thriving Gibson Store was on the wagon road from points south to the O. R. & W. Railway Station in Ethel. The school was closed in 1934. Mrs. Madge Ullman was the last teacher.

Some of the teachers who taught in this school were:


C. S. McVey

Iva Robinson

J. B. Wilson

R. S. Gibson

Henry Hines

Frank Hagerman

James H. Hamilton

George VanFossen

Harry Dotson

Ned Okey

Harrison Dotson

Lenora 099

Brady Hines

Erma Feiock

Oliver Cavanaugh

Delbert Jackson

Urban Mallett

Madaiene Each

Esther Miracle

Madge Ullman




Located two miles northwest of Stafford on Township Road 1038. Going from Stafford one mile turn left on Township Road 660 and then right on 1038 and follow valley to foot of hill. The building still standing, is now used as a barn by the land owner Oscar Wells. The name originated from a family by the name of Thornton. The school closed in 1929. The last teacher was Mrs. Mildred (Mallett) Young.

Some teachers who taught in this school were:


George VanFossen

George Thompson

Charles Forshey

Urban Mallett

Miles Winland

Ira Miracle

Hugh Mallett

Margaret Miracle

Ellis Miracle

Mildred (Mallett) Young




Location: Going south from Stafford on Township Road No. 289 two miles, then turn right on County Road 78 (Creighton Ridge Road) going past Harold McConnells and Heber Hines. The building, now removed, was located on the north side of the road on the corner of the Hines farm. The name originated from a family by the name of Wells. The land was purchased in 1903 by Wesley McConnell and now owned by his grandson, Robert Hines. The school was closed in 1937. The last teacher was Freda Reed.

Some of the teachers who taught in this school were:


Frank Bowen

Miles Winland

Charles Yonley

Clyde Hawkins

Leonard Mobberly

Clifford Mobberly

Madge Ullman

Freda Heed


Page 19







School statistics for the year ending August 31, 1881, are as follows: Total school monies received within the year $2,846.18. Amount paid the teachers $1,703.04. Paid for fuel, etc. $224.26. Balance on hand Sept. 1, 1881 $918.88. Number of schools, 8. Value of school property $2,500.00. Number of teachers necessary 8. Average wages of teacher per month, gentlemen $28.00; ladies $20.00. Number of pupils enrolled 385.

The above was taken from Caldwell's Atlas of Monroe County Ohio. The number of pupils attending the grade school at the close of the 1974-75 school year at Laings School was 63.

The information found on the following pages pertaining to the schools of Green Township was gathered by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pfalzgraf both being former teachers in Monroe County. You will notice that they were able

to obtain a picture of each of these schools taken sometime during their existence which is most unusual but assists us in getting a better picture of school days as they were.

Written by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond


LAINGS --- At Laings just off State Route 255

This wooden building served from the early 1920's until 1936 when it was destroyed by fire, then a new brick building was erected. Both these buildings housed the grade room and the Green Rural High School until the high school closed in 1957. However, it had been made into a two room grade school before 1957. A three room grade school was in operation

for one year followed by the four room grade school. By 1964, the remodeled and with a new addition added, the four room grade school went into operation as it is today. In 1975 it had a total of 63 pupils.

Some of the teachers who taught in the Laings one room grade school were:


Frank Hurd

Clara Shaw Keevert

Josie Stewart Burkhalter

Goldia Roth

Elsie McKelvey Thornberry

Harry Straight

Roy Hickman

Clarence Bryant

Harold Thompson

Sadie Hurd Dick

John McCaslin

Bertha Goddard Patton

Guy McKelvey




PATTON - 4.6 mile, south of Laings on State Route 255

There were at least three Patton schoolhouses. The first was located a little farther south than the present one. Little is known of the second one. In 1941 the Patton Sunday School bought the building from the Green Township Board of Education. It continued to function as a Sunday School until 1950 when it closed for lack of attendance. Three trustees, Homer Rufener, Otto Refener, and Fred Hinderlong (now deceased) have charge of the building. The public school closed in 1950.

Some of the teachers who taught there are:


Jimmy Goddard

Jake Wood

Charlie Straight

Golda Reef Bowen

Edith Jeffers Griffith

Velma Henning Rufener

Josephine Hinderlong Fox

Fred L. Griffon

John Anshutz

Russel Tubaugh

Charlie Eisenbarth

Ira Stine

John McCaslin

T. T. Gillispie

Kermit Rundestatler

George Williams

Frank Hurd

Kathryn Marsh Poulton

Azel Norris (last teacher)



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FOX SCHOOL - stood 6.7 miles southeast of Laings on State Route 536

This school was probably built in the 1880's. It housed the Fox Sunday School for years. The public school closed in the mid 1940s. Tip Yost bought the school house including the bell. The land went back to the Fred Straub farm.

Some of the teachers who taught at Fox School were:


George Reef

Ellen Roth Jones

Ida Kufler

Velma Reef Hartley

John McCaslin

Velma Henning Rufener

Clarence Reef

John Anshutz

Adolph Schneider

Gene Imhoff

Roy Clegg

Mary Norris

Thomas Simmons

William Brown

Maria Thompron

George Williams

Laura Pfalzgraf (last teacher)

Ellen Roth Jones



LEHIGH - was probably built before 1880.

It closed in the 1930's. Homer Winkler bought the school house and made a home of it. The land went back to the James Fankhauser Farm.

Some of the teachers who taught there are:


Gene Imhoff

Elsia McKelvey Thornberry

Clarenca Bryant

Mary Norris

Edith Jeffers Griffith

Dsnie Lapp Workman

Ada Gillespie McCoy

Susan Bruen

T. T. Gillespie

John McCarlin

Nina Clegg Hart

Elmer Hurd

Homer Drum

Harry Straight

Vernon Drum




BENWOOD SCHOOL - was located 2.8 miles south of Laings on State Route 255.

The Benwood school was probably built before 1880. It closed in the 1950's. The schoolhouse was sold to Raymond Alleman who sold it to a Mr. Truax and he built a home of it. The land went back to the James Holtsclaw farm.

Some of the teachers who taught at Benwood School are:


Bertha Hurd Wilson

Blanche Tubaugh

Estalla Tubaugh Boston

Mary Norris

Amalia Eddy

Bill Brown

Harry Straight

Laura Stauffer Pfalzgraf

C. W. Norris

Charler Eisenbarth

Russel Eddy

Oscar Workman

Owen Hurd Sr.

Lawerence Barackman

Frank Bachman

John McCarlin

Clyde Watson

Tom Simmons

Harold Thompson



Page 21






LAUREL RUN SCHOOL - stood 2.6 miles northwest of Laings on Cranesnest Road.

The first Laurel Run schoolhouse was hauled away by oxen to the Alexander Farm and was remodeled into a home in which the Edward Starr family lived. The above school was built in me 1880's. Sunday School and Summer School was held there in the 1880's and 1890 s. Carl Henthorn bought the building probably in the 1930's and used it for repairing other buildings. The land went back to the Edward Starr farm.

Some of the teachers who taught there were:


Golda Reef Bowen

Harold Thompson

Harry Straight

Frank Hurd

Okay Roth

Clara Shaw Keevert

Margaret Simmons

Fern Cehrs

Amy Clegg

Elmer Hurd

George McCurdy

Mary Norris

Jacob Clegg

Ralph Eddy

Racey Carpenter

Bertha Hurd Wilson


Page 22







The above picture was taken the last year of operation which was in 1957. It stood four miles east of Laings on County Road 4. The two preceding schoolhouses were named Pleasant View and both burned. The above school building was built in the 1890's by a Mr. Hall. This building was then named the Burnt School. It was closed in 1957. Bob Minder bought the building in the late 50's. The land went back to the John Pfalzgraf farm.

Some of the teachers who taught at Burnt were:


Ethel McKelvey Parker

Vada Pfalzgraf Hunnel

Emma Hugi

W. H. Oden

Brady Hines

Bessie Tubaugh

Mary Norris

Bill Brown

Frank Simmons

Ted Hanna

Laura Stauffer Pfalzgraf (15 years)

John McCaslin

Roy Clegg

John Anshutz

George Williams

Racey Carpenter

T. T. Gillespie

Harold Thompson

Preston Gillespie

Nelson Gallagher

Robert Clegg

Charles Hickman

Gene Imhoff



LAUREL GROVE or OTTS - stood 4.1 miles west of Laings on County Road 104.

Laurel Grove or Otts school closed in 1942. Homer Workman bought it in 1944 and made a home of it. The land went back to the Chester Craig farm.

Some of the teachers who taught at Laurel Grove or Otts were:


Albert Paulus

John Jeffers

Mary Norris

C. W. Norris (Summer school)

Martha McCurdy Norris (Summer School)

Roy Hickman

Russel Tubaugh

Laura Stauffer Pfalzgraf

Harold Thompson

Margaret Simmons Roth

Dean Jeffers

Clark Workman

Lorena Holtsclaw Miller

Charlie Eisenbarth




Page 23






The Board of Education of this township met Saturday and elected the following teachers for the coming winter: Patton School, Charles Straight; Benwood, Jacob Wood; Otts, J. G. Devaul; New Castle, Owen Hurd; Fox, Eugene Imhoff; Round Bottom, John Anshutz; Lehigh, Jacob Clegg; Laurel Run, J. E. Hurd. The board agreed to pay each district $200 with the exception of Round Bottom which was given $210.

Annie Laurie Drum





Page 24







For the information pertaining to the Jackson Township Schools I am indebted to Mr. G. H. Kreig who was once a teacher in this township. With the exception of one of the schools which was Millers Run, all were closed in the same year which was 1930. Millers Run had closed several years earlier but Mr. Kreig was not sure of the time but he was of the opinion that it was in the late teens or early twenties.


High Knob - stood on Kreig Ridge Road about two miles east of Brownsville on land that is now owned by Albert Kreig.


Frobish - on what is commonly known as the Joe Frobish Road. It stood near the old Methodist Church which is now in a state of disrepair, however, an old cemetery near the church will indicate and assist in locating the site of this building. Wanda Byers is now the owner of the land.


Mt. Zion - On Route 800 was about two miles west of Route 7 on land originally owned by Kines Tuel. The land has since been subdivided into small building tracts and it is difficult to tell precisely where the building was originally located.


Gravel Hill - Stood on land adjoining the Gravel Hill Baptist Church in Fly, Ohio.


James Run School - stood a short half mile from Route 7 now on the Gale Bradfield farm, when build the land was secured from Jacob Bradfield. Mr. G. H. Kreig to whom I am indebted for this information was the last teacher there in 1930.


Millers Run School - closed early possibly about 1920. It stood about a half mile northwest of State Route 7 on Millers Run.


Witten -- on Route 7 about two miles north of Fly stood very near where Wittens Chapel now stands. The land was secured from the Joe Witten farm and thus came to be known as the Witten School.


Mt. Etna or Aetna - stood at the head of Dogskin Run probably on what is now the Esmyer Farm about one half mile northeast of Locust Grove Church.


Calido Ridge - This school was formed by combining the Narrows Run and Barker School. It stood about four miles west of the Ohio River on land now a part of the Joe Myers Farm.





Written by Lester C. Lehman


Theiss - was located about one-eighth mile from the crossroads on County Road 10. In Caldwell's Atlas this is shown as No. 10.


Riggenbach - was located on what is now State Route 255 just beyond the Johnny Riggenbach Farm.


Ridgeville - was about 6 miles from Sardis on County Road 10 near the Carl E. Grossenbacher Farm. The home of Russel Ruble now stands where the school was located.


Lower Narrows Run - This school was located on Narrows Run only about one half mile from Route 7.


Upper Narrows Run - was located about 3 miles from Route 7 near the present Narrows Run Bridge.


Black - Caldwell's Atlas shows a school that once existed on lands near the G. Burnham and the John Easley Farms. The only information available on this school is that it was named Black.


Salem School - This school was located in Ohio Township near the Lutheran Church. This church is still standing. The Leudy Farms are near this location.

Written by Lester C. Lehman


Page 25






The first schood in Malaga Township was taught in 1818 by David G. Craig, on the farm of David Mann, on or

about the line between David and Peter Mann; number of scholars, 22.

A school house was built in the early days on the farm of Philip Lawrence, near the village of Jerusalem. In later years, this farm became the site of the annual Belmont-Monroe County Reunion. Little it known of there two schools.

The school statistics of Malaga Township for the year ending August 31, 1881, are as follows:


Total amount of school money received within the year


Amount paid teachers


Amount paid for sites and buildings


Amount for fuel, etc.


Balance on hand September 1, 1881


Number of Subdistricts


Number of School Houses


Value of School Property


Number of teachers necessary


Average wages of teachers per month Ladies


Average wages of teachers per month Gentlemen


Number of pupils enrolled





The Malaga School was located in the Village of Malaga on State Route No. 145. The two-room building was erected in the Eighteen Eighties. One room was used for the Primary Grades and the other for grades five, six, seven and eight.

In 1940 the enrollment dropped and it was made into a one-room school until it was closed in the spring of 1952. The pupils now attend the Beallsville Elementary and High School.

The building has been remodeled and made into a dwelling. It is now owned by Mrs. Ethel Stephen.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Robert Byers

Dorothy Pannell

Paulina Baker Harper

Ruby Chrirtman Mann

John Harper

Icel Hannahs Tuttle

Mabel Harper

Jacob Guiler

Charlas Sumption

Velma Sumption

Maud McMullen

Edna Calvert

Hilda Strauch

Lula Reed Hayes


The last teacher was Dorothy Pennell.



The Jerusalem School was located in the Village of Jerusalem on what is known as Moore Ridge County Road No. 27.

The Jerusalem School has been in three different buildings. The first building was located where Richard Fluharty now lives. The second building was situated where the present building now stands.

The second building was a two-story structure and was used until about 1920. It was then removed and the present three-room building was erected.

There was a two-year High School at Jerusalem until about 1925; it was then made a three year High School and operated until about 1929 when it closed and the pupils were transported to Beallsville High School.

The two-teacher Elementary School closed in the spring of 1958 end the pupils now attend the Beallsville Elementary and High School.


Page 26





The building and land are now owned by the Village of Jerusalem. The building is used as a Town Hall and Community Center.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Charles Sumption

Josie Burkhalter

Rosalie Baker

Ewart Pugh

Raymond Straight

Vernon Sumption

Hazel Cronin

Audrey Hagan

Sylvia Craft

Isacar Warfield

Fay Rowlay Lashlay

T. B. Strickling

Hilda Strauch

Mabel Rowley Boner

Mabel Harper

Lulu Keller

Kay Harper Latta

Earl Gibson

Audrey Gray

Emma Tipton Varichlow


The last teachers ware Audrey Hagan and T. B. Strickling.



The Miltonsburg School was located in the Village of Miltonsburg on what is known as the Campfire Road. This is the road that leads to the boat landing at Monroe Lake.

The two-room building was erected in the Eighteen Nineties. One room was used for the Primary Grades and the other for grades, five, six, seven and eight.

From 1921 until 1929 the grades were put in one room and the other room was used for a three-year High School. After the High School was closed there were two rooms for the grade pupils again until 1942, when the enrollment decreased and it was made into a one-room school. The school was closed in the Spring of 1957. The pupils now attend the Woodsfield Elementary and High School.

The building, still standing,, is owned by Mrs. Lou Stillion. It is used for storage.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Thomas Latta

Mabel Harper

Edward Holland

Guy Brown

Kathryn Riemenschneider

Arthur Willison

Laura Riesbeck

Hal Tanner

Paul Wiley

Ophelia Mason

Leo Reischman


Harlan Fogle

Amos Copeland

Bethel Scarborough

Mack Dougherty

Germaine Haren

Kathryn Horton

Laura Stauffer Pfalzgraf

Marie Mathess Straight

Violet Scarborough

Helma Christman

Eleanor Stephen Christman

Dorothy Pennell

Herman Rubel

Agnes Block Norris

John Harper

Harold P. Christman


The last teacher was Helma Stephen Christman.



The Grizzle Ridge School was located about one mile south of State Route 145 on Grizzle Ridge, Malaga Township Road No. 78.

The school was closed about 1928 and the pupils now attend the Beallsville Elementary and High School.

The building is still standing and is owned by Dean Jones. It is used as a storage building for hay and grain.


Page 27





Some of the teachers known to have taught at this school were:


John Harper

Inza (Riemenschneider) Stephen

Harry Bolon

Dorothy Pennell


The last teacher was Dorothy Pennell.



The Campfire School was located on what is known as the Campfire Road. Township No. 100l about two miles southeast of the village of Miltonsburg.

The school was closed in 1930 and the pupils now attend the Woodsfield Elementary and High School.

The building was removed and made into a dwelling in Somerton, Ohio, which is now the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Stephen. The land where the building was located is owned by the State of Ohio Division of Wild Life. The land is now covered by the water of Monroe Lake.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Friend Tuttle

Bernice Riemenschneider

Herbert Landefeld

Elizabeth Moore Thomas

Mary Haren

Lorena Burkhart Mayberry


The last teacher was Elizabeth Moore Thomas.



The Matchett School was located on Matchett Hill about three and one half miles West of the Village of Malaga on Harper Ridge, County Road No. 39.

The school was closed in the spring of 1944 and the pupils now attend the Beallsville Elementary and High School.

The building was removed by Okey Ruble and was used to build a two-car garage. The land is now part of the W. O. Landefeld farm.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Adam Hannahs

Forrest Carpenter

Harvey Carpenter

Lela Mahoney

T. B. Strickling

G. I. Umpleby

Mel Morris

Herbert Landefeld

Ben Christman

Forrest Guthrie

Paul Christman

Frank Wehr

Helma Christman

John Harper

Arch Graham



The last teacher was Mel Morris.



The Monroefield School was located in the Village of Monroefield, which is on County Road No. 53. This road is also known as the Skin Creek Road.

The school was closed in the spring of 1954 and the pupils now attend the Lewisville Elementary and Skyvue High School.

The building has been removed and made into a chicken house in Woodsfield. The school ground, which was part of

the Alonzo Carpenter farm, is now owned by Edward Uppole.

Irvin Howiler, who is eighty-two years old and lives at Malaga, taught school here when he was eighteen; that was sixty-four years ago.


Page 28





Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Irvin Howiler

Eunice Hannahs Christman

Kermit Runstalder

Oliver Dougherty

Mary Haren

Nire Stephens

Lilly Brubach Calvert

Philip Christman

Ed Holland

Oneda Stallings Starr

Ruby Christman Mann

Gertrude Schwall

Harold P. Christman

Clyde Twinem


The last teacher was Philip Christman.



The Claus School was located about one-half mile off County Road No. 53 on Township Road No. 17. This road is known as the Christman Ridge Road.

The school got its name from the name of the farmer on whose farm the school was located.

The school was closed in the late Eighteen Hundreds. The school district was divided and two new districts created:

Fox Hollow and Monroefield.

The school ground which was part of the Fred Claus farm is owned now by Gilbert Claus.

One teacher who taught at this school war L. E. Matz who later became a very successful and outstanding attorney in Woodsfield.



The Brown School was located about four miles South of State Route No. 145 on Grizzle Ridge Malaga Township Road No. 78.

The school was closed in 1936 and the pupils now attend the Beallsville Elementary and High School. The building, now standing still, is owned by Leland Beardmore. It is used as a storage for hay.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Elizabeth Moore Thomas

Mel Morris

Faye Rowley Lashley

James Moore

Harold P. Christman

Waiter Moors


The last teacher was Mel Morris. The last day of school was usually celebrated with a Community Basket Dinner.



The Fox Hollow School was located on County Road No 2, at the junction of County Road No. 69, about four and one-half miles West of Miltonrburg. This road b known as the Miltonsburg-Calais Road.

The school was closed in the spring of 1938. The pupils now attend Lewisville Elementary and Skyvue High School.

The building was moved by Barbara Rubel and made into a dwelling in New Concord, Ohio. She still owns the land,

which at one time, was part of the Nicolas Riemenschneider Farm.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Adam Hannahs

Lorena Burkhart Mayberry

Harvey Carpenter

Florence Christman Neuhart

Mary Burris Latta

Thomas McMullen

W. A. Stephen

Sylvester Starr

Herbert Landefeld

Oneda Stallings Starr

Nire Stephen

Benjamin H. Christman

Fay Rowley

Harold P. Christman

Brady Hines

William McMahon


The last teacher was Harold P. Christman.

Written By Harold and Helms Christman


Page 29







GLENWOOD - On County Road 26 stood once at the foot of Hugi Hill. This is about 3 miles from Ohio Route 7 and the land is now owned by the North American Coal Company.


BUCKHILL - was located about 3 miles north of Hannibal, Ohio on what was once known as Buckhill Bottom. The original site was very close to what is now the entrance to the Conalco Plant. The Conalco Company now owns the land.


DUFFY - was a two-room school and as the name suggests it was located in Duffy, Ohio and is one of the few buildings yet standing. It too has been converted to other use and is now the Church of God. Mr. Sam Leudy and Mrs. Burns were the last teachers there and had taught there several years before its closing.


FOX - Of this school little information is available other than it was located almost directly across the road from the entrance to the Roger Tenley Farm and that it was once nicknamed "Pinkeye."


ZION - was one of the earliest schools in Ohio Township. It was a two room building and has long since been torn down. It was located on Route 536 at the point where the Mule Ridge Road intersects.


MORTON - on State Route 255 about 6 miles west of Sardis. The location is still called Morton. It was located very close to Morton Church and cemetery both of which are very near the spot where this building stood.


NO. 9 OR BLACK - stood on a spot on Boston Hill Road where Isaly Hill Road and Boston Hill intersect. Eddy Nething now owns the land and his dwelling house stands very close to the location of this once familiar landmark.


MOUNT UNION - also known as No. 3 stood on Long Ridge Road at the spot where Short Ridge Road intersects. The land is now owned by Jacob Fraley.


MT. VERNON - The park, the cemetery, and the church still remain to indicate the setting of this one room school. It stood very close to the driveway and the land is probably a part of the park. John and Willis Gehrig own the surrounding area from which the land to locate the school, church, and cemetery originally came.


HANNIBAL - was originally built as a four room brick building and was one of the oldest buildings in the township at the time it was razed which was about 10 years ago, intended at the time of construction to be used only as a grade school. However, two additional rooms were added later and the building was used both as a high school and a grade school. A one room wooden structure was also added later which was used for storage and home economics classes. This land was obtained from one of the original settlers of Hannibal; the Bares and it has recently been discovered that when this land

was no longer to be used it was to revert to the original owners. We are told that the courts are now trying to discover who these are and the land will then revert to them. The lot is on the corner where 536 turns to the hill. Mr. A. A. Byers was the last principal, there.

Written by Lester G. Lehman


Page 30






Nine elementary school houses, or districts were located in Perry Township. They were designated by name and by district number. Five male citizens were elected as board members for the township and one director was elected or appointed for each district. The board members had the same duties as those of today, while the director had the right to select the teacher. The director was-abolished after the County Superintendent was employed.

The schools in Perry Township were viz.: Antioch, Davidson, Greenbrier, Harmony, Lyman, Mechanicsburg, Pumpkin Ridge, Rice (later - Plainview). and Wildcat.

Since the writer received all his elementary education in the Lyman School, an attempt will be made to deal particularly with that school. Much of what might be said of it could also be said of most of the other schools. Like the proverbial flapper's dress, it is hoped this article will be short enough to be interesting, yet long enough to cover some areas of interest.

The Lyman School was located about five miles east of Antioch. Ohio, on County Road No. 9, near the West Union Church House. The building was constructed by Benjamin K. Starkey for the sum of $100. Two small auxiliary buildings and a coal house were erected near the school building. The two small white structures were located, one on the port side and the other on the starboard side and at the rear of the main facility. The one on the port side was recognized as "His'm" and the other, as "Her'n". Each had only one door with no "fire escape" provisions, neither did they have windows. By today's standards, they would not meet the Ohio Safety Requirements. Some of these small buildings in other areas were decorated with a star or half-moon design which was sawed through the gable end of these structures.

These served a three-fold purpose: (a) they were decorative, (b) they let in light, (c) they were used for ventilation. The third building was the coal house which was used to store fuel for the cold weather.

The size of the school building was probably 24' x 36'. According to the building code, the height of ceiling was equal to one-half the width of the building. In the center of the room was a No. 1 Burnside stove. Two rows of

double seats, with an ink well in the middle of the desk, were arranged on each side of the room. One set of maps with window blind rollers was hung above the blackboard. The only mobile equipment were the teacher's desk and chair, an unabridged dictionary, globe, a granite water pail and a dipper which we all used when thirsty. Many times during very hot weather two boys would get permission to bring a pail of fresh water from a neighborhood well. The teacher would then permit the boys to water the flock. One boy carried the pail while the other boy, using the dipper, passed it to each of the pupils.

At one time, it was said, that there were 63 pupils enrolled in Lyman School. They ranged from age six to twenty-one. Many of the early teachers went directly from the elementary school to teach school in another district. They were required to pass a teacher's examination in Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, History, Orthography, Penmanship, Spelling, and Reading.

The pupils were graded as primary, intermediate, and advanced. While James M. Cox was Governor of Ohio, the system of education was drastically changed. A County Superintendent was appointed for each county. Assistants were also used in some counties. J. V. Nelson, as the writer recalls, was the first Monroe County Superintendent. Ed. C. Feiock and Worth Goddard were the assistants. It was at this time that all pupils were graded from grade one

through grade eight. When Mr. Goddard visited our school the first time, he was asked by Mr. Eisenbarth, the teacher, to place us in our correct grades. The writer was placed in the eighth grade.

The "school" itself, was graded sometime around 1910 or 1911. In order for a school to meet the second grade requirement, it must have a drinking fountain, a globe, and about twenty-five dollars worth of books; to meet a first grade requirement, about fifty dollars for books, a metal jacket around the stove, and a Babcock milk-tester was required. Our school met all of these requirements and therefore became a first-grade school. In order to raise the necessary amount of funds, pie socials, box socials, and cake walks were held. Occasionally, plays or other types of entertainment were sponsored by the school.

No school books, paper, pencils, pens, ink, or other supplies were paid for by the board of education. However, the board did supply chalk, fire shovels, water pails, etc. The first blackboard erasers were made from rectangular pad cut from the top of felt boots.

The three R's - readin', ritin', and rithmetic - were considered the most important part of the elementary curriculum. McGuffey's readers from one to six were the standard text books in reading until year about 1912 when the

Aldine Reader System was introduced into our school system. Milne's Arithmetic, Rigdon's and Harvey' Grammars, Overton's Physiology, Montgomery's American History, Irish's Orthography, McGuffey's Spellers were in common usage.

Geography and Penmanship were also taught. For the more advanced students Royer's Mental Arithmetic and Ray's Arithmetic and Algebra were used.


Page 31





Slater were in common use to solve the problem, in arithmetic. A single slate could be purchased at any store for ten cents or the price of a dozen egg,. A slate pencil cost two for a cent. New slate pencil was about four inches long. Since these pencils were very fragile, the upper half was wrapped with barber pole color, thin paper to prevent them from breaking. One did not really need two pencils since a new pencil rarely survived one day's use. It was usually dropped on the floor and when it was retrieved. there were three or four pieces - all usable. When a slate pencil was less than an inch long, it was usually tossed into the coal bucket which also served as a waste paper basket. It should be stated here that when a slate was covered with figures or writing, they were removed by spitting on the slate and wiping it with the heal of the hand. If a figure was wrong, it could be removed by rubbing it with a forefinger. The girls, who were a little more particular than we were, kept a damp cloth in the desk with which to clean the slates. One might add, that the cloth, after a few days, developed a bad case of halitoris.

The only school buildings now standing are Mechanicsburg. located at Aitch, Ohio (Mechanicsburg. OH.) and Harmony at Dog Skin Run.



As nearly as can be ascertained, the following list of teachers are listed in chronological order:


C. E. Straight 1900-1901

Robert Crawford

Bert Schoonover

Russell D. Tubaugh

Spencer H. Wayne 1906

Bessie Tubaugh

Ollie Forrest 1907

Dairy Huffman

Homer L.Wright 1908

Marie McCaslin

Charles Saffle 1908-1909

John Mayfield

Owen Hurd 1909

Harold Turner

Chas. A. Eisenbarth

Azel Norris

Harold Baker

Amos Copeland


The following information was furnished by Mrs. Hugh Herndon. It was taken from a school, souvenir given to the pupils by the teacher, Mr. Charles Saffle, at the close of the school session 1908-1909.


Acel Kinney

Hazel Wohnhas

Alonzo Fox

Harold Hayes

Bert Pittman

Herman Wright

Bertha Hartshorn

John Wright

Benjamin Fox

Lillian Schar

Charles Kinney

Laura Marty

Charlar Eikleberry

LeRoy Schar

Celona Hayes

Martha Fox

Irma Wohnhas

May Pittman

Arthur Pittman

Otto Howell

Berl Beckett

Ralph Fox

Bertha Schar

Thurman Fox

Bert Eikleberry

Rosa Stine

Charles Schar

William Eikleberry

Clement Stine

Godfrey Marty

Cecil Kinney

Harry Schar

Catharine Wohnhas

Hattie Fox

Emma Wohnhas

Ida Schar

Everett Eikleberry

Jocelyn Straight

Earl Stine

Louise Wohnhas

Emil Hartthorn

Lorena Beckett

Elsie Kinney

Mary Fox

Ernest Marty

Myrtle Eikleberry

Eugene Wohnhas

Olive Fox

Erwrin Straight

Ruble Fox

Ella Marty

Ross Kinney

Frank Wohnhas

Thelma Hartshorn

George Stine

Walter Marty

Glenn Wohnhas

Wilbert Fox

Written by I. M. Straight



Page 32




Board members:


G. B. Cox, President

J. Lentz, Clerk

R. M. Cline

S. P. Eddy

J. F. Haythorn

C. W. Lude



Written by F. S. Hogue


In passing, I wish to note only one vivid recollection of Mr. West. He recalls as of yesterday when Thomas Hall stopped at their cabin one bitterly cold night. He had secured a furlough to visit his sick daughter. She was buried before he reached home. Mr. Hall gave young Oliver the striped candy (a rarity in those days) which he had brought for his sick daughter. Mr. Hall returned to the war and was never heard from by anyone here again. He was reported missing after a battle. It was rumored that he had been seen in Andersonville prison shortly before the close of the war but this was never

verified. The Mr. Hall mentioned here was the grandfather of Edgar Hall of Woodsfield, and an uncle of McClellan Cox. This incident brings close home to us the sentiment which inspired the erection of the tomb for the Unknown Soldier.

Three church buildings have been built in this community. The United Brethren on what is now the Charles Yerian farm. It was later used by the Church of Christ people. Some of the original building, which was constructed of round logs may still be seen. The Baptists had a log building where Roger Briggs now lives. A sadly neglected graveyard, mute

evidence of man's forgetfulness, is all that now remains. The present Church of Christ building was erected in 1901. It has been lately renovated and is being used for services by a large congregation. A noteworthy fact brought out in the service of the Lord's Day was that no time in the history of this congregation has any means of financing ever been used except the contribution of the morning Lord's Day service. From the dedication of the building in 1901 until the death of Dias Givens in 1934, this congregation was under the eldership of Oliver West, John Thomas, and Dias Givens. Dias

for a time was a teacher in the public schools but was more widely known as a singing teacher. Throughout most of his life he had charge of the Church singing and also the music for the various community affairs. The community suffered a severe loss by his passing. His influence will endure no one knows how long.

The first Plainview school was erected about the year of 1840, about a 150 yards east of the present church building. It was constructed of round logs, heated by an open fireplace, the fuel for which was secured by the teacher and larger boys from the nearby woods. The seats were logs split in halves into which wooden pegs were driven. The writing materials consisted of goose quill pens and homemade ink. A few specimens of the penmanship of that time will be on display as will also an original teacher's certificate and covenant (?) granted to Thomas West, the last teacher in this building in the year 1849. The winter term lasted three months from December to March first. Teacher, were paid about sixteen dollars per month, partly in currency but mostly in some product from the home or the field. Mr. West will display parts of an original account book kept by his father by which such payments were made. Teachers also frequently received a part of their salary by boarding among the patrons.

The curriculum of the school was confined almost entirely to the three R's, although some of the more advanced teachers taught Orthography, Geography, Algebra, and English.


Page 33





Mr. West will display a remarkable example of letter writing by the hand of Alexander Campbell to Thomas " * was built about a hundred feet west of the building now in use. Thomas West became the first teacher and continued to serve as such for a period of seven years. In 1893 the building was removed, the material being used for the Edington house. The present building was erected the same year. The enrollment in the school reached its highest peak about 1898 while Archie Griffith was the teacher, with 75 attending that year. The lowest enrollment in its history was eighteen

in the year 1909. There are thirty-one enrolled at present.

While a few of the former students of Plainview may be regarded as outstanding successes in business or the professions, we are prouder of the great number of just plain, wholesome, everyday citizens who have attended our school. One thing which the writer regards with pride is that so far as he can learn, no former pupil of Plainview has ever been convicted of a major crime.

Following is a list of teachers, submitted by Grandpa and Grandma West, in which they have attempted to name the teachers in order of service since 1849: Thomas West, Mr. Adams, Mr. Smith, Lucy Reed, Rebecca Bailey, Susan Waiters, Patrick Dougherty, Enoch Martin, Chris Truex, (the brother of Aunt Lib), Alanson Martin, (father of Charles), Ursula Mason, George Bothwell, Matthew Dougherty, Amanda Smith, Nan Reed, Sally Sinclair, Margaret West (sister of Oliver), Solomon Barnard, Elizabeth Jane Truex, (aunt of Mrs. Givens). Martha Hawkins, (sister of Everett), John Hamilton, William Smith, Amos Gronin, T. T. Hobbs, John Hickenbotham, (brother of William), Ellsworth Hawkins, Cora Molden, (sister of Mrs. Oliver West, she began teaching at the age of fifteen), Ervine Crum. Allie Lowe. (sister of Dr. Lowe), Robert Crawford, Wm. Foraker. (son of George). Archie Griffith. Luther Cline. Dr. Devaul, Wes Pryer. Mettie Bothwell.

Hazel Cronin, Geo. W. Baker (father of Harold). W.V.A. Polen (father of Glen), George M. Baker, U. G. Stewart, Caroline

Edington, (now Mrs. Gilbert Harmon), Charles Havener, Albert Cox, Carrie Cox, Freda West, Estella Dornbusch, Mina Ricer, Geraldine Kindall, Everett Cline and Forrest Hogue. The last named teacher is now serving his 18th year as teacher in our school.

I cannot close this brief account of our people without mentioning an unusual discovery of a few weeks ago. Grandpa West and his grandson Charles were digging the post holes near the school house. In the bottom of one of the holes they observed an object that looked strangely out of place. Upon securing the same they found it to be what we believe is a Spanish coin. The date is 1781. Inscribed thereon are the words "Hispanio and Carolus III. Now you tell one.

We hope that you, our neighbors of Plainview, may derive some of the pleasure from reading this account that we have felt in compiling the same. If our county papers will kindly publish it, put it away in your strong box, and some of your grandchildren may sometime spend a few leisure moments in contemplation of just who were the members of the Centennial Committee.


Oliver West

John Kindall

Lenore Foraker

Allie West

Forrest Hogue


* The article from which the above was copied was obliterated at this point.


(This article appeared in THE SPIRIT OF DEMOCRACY, Thursday, November 20, 1937).

Submitted by Gladys Cox


Page 34







WALTON SCHOOL - was erected about 2 miles north of Clarington along State Route 7. The ground is now owned by the North American Coal Company. This was the first school to be consolidated with the Clarington Village School in Salem Township. The small cemetery which was located near the school has also been removed.


VALLEY - is one of the few one room country schools yet standing on its original foundation. It is located about 2 miles south of Clarington along State Route 7 at the mouth of Opossum Creek. This building was purchased by the Methodists of the community and used as a church until recently when the coal company purchased most of the land in the community and the residents moved away.


LIBERTY - stood on the banks of Sunfish Creek about midway between Clarington and Cameron on the Arnold Stauffer farm. Rutter Cemetery is close by. This school closed with the building of Route 78 and the students were taken to Clarington. The farm is now owned by Mrs. Mildred Stauffer who was elementary supervisor in this county for several years.


CAIN - was located where county Roads C64 and C64A converge on land now owned by Joe Circosta. Classes were discontinued there about 1933 and the building sold to Joe Bauer of Powhatan who converted it into a dwelling and still stands at Powhatan.


DAISY - was the last school of its type built in Salem Township. It was erected 1888 by Fred Dietrich with Ernest Case being the first teacher. The last teacher there was H. E. Kurtzman in 1933. Take Township Road 187 about one half mile up Negro Run to locate the site where the last to be built and among the last to go once stood. The location is now a part of the farm owned by the late James Ravencratt.


HINTON - was located on what is now C26 and 1 miles from Oak Store on what we commonly refer to as Beautiful Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Huskey are now the owners of the original site.


KLEBE - Today we take the pupil to the school. Our forefathers had another solution "take the school to the pupil". It first stood on the John Kreiger farm and after a few years was moved about 1 miles farther west on a part of th Christ Klebe Farm. Roy Kimpel who was later to become the principal of Clarington High School and eventually became associated with the Warren Sanitary Dairy of Warren. Ohio was the last teacher there. 1920 is believed to be the date of closing. The spot can be reached by taking C39. Pete Kimberly now owns the land.


CASE - The Don Miracle home now occupies the spot on which this school once stood. It is about IX mile, from Clarington on Route 556. J. Mack Gamble taught the last term of school there in 1933.


SYKES - Sykes School was located on Sykes Ridge Road, now C4 on the Lew Sykes Farm. This was the first school building along this ridge road and stood about 3 miles from Clarington. The Sykes Cemetery which is still there was adjoining. Dorothy Ischy is now the owner of the land on which it once stood.


BONAR - This was the second school on the ridge as you came from Clarington about 4 miles from Clarington. This building was sold in 1938 and the late Dr. C. A. Smith used the materials for building a tool shed which still stands in the village of Clarington. C4 passes the site where it once stood and Glen Feisley now owns the land.


OK or OAK - Apparently this school was referred to by both terms. It too was on C4 and about 6 miles from Clarington. This was the third school on this ridge as you traveled from Clarington toward Woodsfield. Oak Store which is nearby will mark the spot where this building stood.


According to the information given in Hardesty Atlas the first school in Monroe County was taught by Mitchel Atkinson about 2 miles north of Clarington. This would be near the spot where the Walton School once stood on land now owned by the North American Coal Co. This was in the year of 1804-5, however, no school was built at that time, the school apparently was held in a privately owned building.

The first school to be built was on the Cochran Farm near the mouth of Negro Run on land now owned by Harry Miller. This apparently was built about 1810 or 1811.

Written by Lester C. Lehman


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The board of education of Seneca Township has hired the following teachers for the summer term, wages $22.50 per month: Markle, Maggie L. Carpenter; Clegg, Mary L. Burris; Howilar, Mary H. Poulton; Day, Frank Hagerman; Haga, James V. Johnson; Vernon, Mary E. Baker. For the winter term: Markie H. Dearth, seven months at $35; Howilar, L. M. H. Carpenter; seven months at $40; Day, T. L. Twinen, five months at $35; Haga, S. O. Hannahs, seven montbs at $34.




The first school taught was on the land of Daniel McVicker, now in Noble County. The first teacher was Mitchel Atkinson and the second was Michael Danford. The building was like most other primitive school houses, with the exception that it had five corners. The first school house in the Township, as now organized, was near where Calais now stands. The first teacher was Mitchell Atkinson and the second was Barnabus Crosbay.

The school statistics of Seneca Township for the year ending August 31, 1881 are as follows:


Total amount of school money received within the year


Amount paid teachers


Amount for fuel, etc.

$ 130.83

Balance on hand September 1, 1881


Number of Subdistricts


Number of School Houses


Value of School Property


Number of teachers necessary


Average wages of teachers per month Ladies


Number of pupils enrolled





The Howilar School was located on State Road No. 379, about two and one-half miles northeast of the Village of Calais.

After the school was closed in the Spring of 1932, the pupils from this district attended the Calais Elementary and High Schod. In 1962, the Calais School was closed and the pupils now attend the Summerfield Elementary and Shanandoah High School.

The land, and the building that was made into a dwelling, are now owned by Lints Stephen.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Harvey Carpenter

Ward Bishop

Thomas McMullen

Roby Guiler

L. O. Carpenter

Hazel Stephen Christman

Mary Poulton

Thomas Latta

Brady Cunningham

Mary Burris Latta

Clarence Betts



The last teacher was Clarence Betts.

Written by Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Christman



The Clegg School was located on Township Road No. 15 about three miles southeast of the Village of Calais.

There have been two schools; the first was built at the junction of Township Roads No. 15 and 17. This school was closed in the late Eighteen Hundreds and a new one was erected about one-half mile farther south on Township Road No. 15, on the John and Eva Christman farm.

There was a feud between John Christman and George Pfalzgraf, who were brothers-in-law, as to where the new


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school would be built. Mr. Pfalzgraf wanted the school built farther south near the junction of Township Road No. 15; and County Road No. 53. Mr. Christman wanted it built about half way between Township Road No. 17 and County Road No. 53. Mr. Christman won the feud and the school was erected at this site.

The school building burned in 1933 and the pupils then attended the Calais Elementary and High School. In 1962 the Calais school closed and the pupils now attend the Summerfield Elementary and Shenandoah High School. The land is now owned by Linsly Criswell.

Some teachers that are known to have taught at this school were:


Harvey Carpenter

Guy Brown

Grace Barnhouse

Barbara Ruble

Sylvester Starr

Clarence Wickham

Joseph Wehr

Adam Hannahs

Patience Carpenter Hannahs

W. A. Stephen

Icel Hannah Tuttle

Clarence Betts

Eleanor Stephen Christman

Jim Johnston

Lorena Burkhart Mayberry



The last teacher was Clarence Betts.



The Vernon School was located on State Route No. 379 at the junction of Township Road No. 23, about one and one-half miles southeast of the Village of Calais. The school was named for the farmer on whose farm it was located.

The school was closed in the Spring of 1934 and the pupils then attended the Calais Elementary and High School. In 1962 the Calais School closed and the pupils now attend the Summerfield Elementary and Shenandoah High School.

The building was removed by Charles Starr and made into a barn which later was destroyed by a tornado. The land is now owned by Earl Carpenter.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Samuel Hannahs

Helma Stephen Christman

Brady Cunningham

Harvey Carpenter

Stella Brownfield Mitchel

Mervin Smucker


Mr. Smucker was the son of J. M. Smucker, the founder of the J. M. Smucker Company of Orrville, Ohio. The last teacher was Helma Stephen Christman.



The Markle School was located about two miles Northeast of Herlan Inn at the junction of Township Roads No. 55 and No. 60. Herlan Inn is located on State Route No. 78 about seven miles west of the Village of Lewisville.

Most of the people In this district were of the Catholic Faith. In about 1915 they opened a Parochial School at Burkhart and the pupils attended that school. The enrollment at the Markle School dropped so low that it was

closed. The students now attend the Lewisville Elementary and Skyvue High School.

The building was moved to the Calais Cemetery for a shelter by the Seneca Township Trustees. The land is now owned by Joseph Burkhart.

Some teachers known to have taught at the school were:


Dell Jackson

Patience Carpenter Hannahs




The Day School was located on Bracken Ridge County Road No. 79, about nine miles West of the Village of Lewisville.

The school was named for the farmer on whose farm it was located. This school was closed in about 1920, because the enrollment had dropped so low. The pupils were then transported to the Danford School until it was closed. Some of the pupils from this district now attend the Summerfield Elementary and Shenandoah High School. The other pupils attend the Lewisville Elementary and Skyvue High School.

The building was purchased by Ruthford Day and made into a garage which later burned down. The land is now owned by Bert Day.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Dell Jackson

Mary Miller



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The Haga School was located about one and one-half miles North of State Route No. 78 on Township Road No. 636.

The school was closed in the Spring of 1925. The pupils now attend the Lewisville Elementary and Skyvue High School.

The building was removed by Ben Rubel and made into a dwelling. It is now used as a barn. The land is owned by Urban Heft.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Dell Jackson

Icel Hannahs Tuttle

Harmon Scott

Samuel Hannahs

Austin Stevens

Joseph Stevens

Mamie Hayes Brill

Rufus Hannahs


The last teacher was Harmon Scott.



The Danford School was located about one mile west of Herland Inn, off State Route No. 78, on what is now the Urban Heft farm.

Because of low enrollment, the school was closed in the Spring of 1934. Some of the pupils attend the Summerfield Elementary and Shenandoah High School while others attend Lewisville Elementary and Skyvue High School.

The building was removed by Forrest Hogue.

The following teachers are known to have taught at this school:


Dell Jackson

Roby Guiler

Arthur Kuhn

Guy Brown

Pearl Rode

Herman Rubel

Clara Alien Snyder

Clarence Betts


The last teacher was Clarence Betts.



The Calais School was located in the Village of Calais on State Route No. 379. There have been three different buildings. The first one stood at the intersection of the road below the present brick building and State Route No. 379. The second one was located across the road from the present brick building.

The first school building was erected about 1815 and used until 1880 when a new school was built. This building was used until 1930 when the present school was built and used until the Calais School was closed in the Spring of 1962.

The school statistics of the Calais School District for the year ending August 31, 1881 are as follows:


Total amount of money received


Amount paid teachers


Amount used for fuel, etc.

$ 47.00

Balance on hand September 1, 1881


Number of School houses


Number of rooms


Number of teachers


Average wage of teachers per month Ladies

$ 20.00

Average wage of teachers per month Gentlemen

$ 40.00

Total amount of money received


Value of school property


Total number of pupils enrolled




A two-year High School opened at Calais about 1912 and operated until the Fall of 1915 when it closed for lack of funds and decreased enrollment.

The two-year High School was opened again in 1922 and remained as a two-year school until 1927 when it was made a three-year High School.

In 1929 the voters of Seneca Township passed a bond levy and the present brick building was built in 1930.

In the Fall of 1930, the Elementary and High School moved into the new building. The High School was made a four-year school and remained that until the Spring of 1934 when it was again made a two-year school and remained that until it closed in the Spring of 1952. From 1934 to 1945, the Juniors and Seniors attended the Lewisville High: then from 1945 to 1952 they attended the Summerfield High School. From 1952 to 1962, all the High School pupils from Calais attended the Summerfield High School. In the Spring of 1962, the Elementary School closed and the pupils now attend

the Summerfield Elementary and Shenandoah High School.


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The wooden building, which was closed in 1930. was removed by John W. Chrirtman and made into a dwelling which is now the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Hayes. The brick building is still standing and is owned by Edmund Carpenter.

Some teachers known to have taught at this school were:


Mitchel Atkinson

Harvey Carpenter

Barnabus Crosbay

Forrest Carpenter

Michael Danford

Harold Snyder

Winjfred Lewis

Clara Allen Snyder

Samuel Hannahs

Cleo Christman Carpenter

J. H. Hamilton

Eunice Hannahs Christman

Mary Burris Latta

Friend Tuttle

Clesson Stephen

Charles Betts

Paul Carpenter

Roman Carpenter

John Egger

Melva Carpenter Pitman

Herman Roe

Guy Carpenter

Ross Smith

Frank Stallings

Vernon Hayward

Margery Pennell Sumption

Ashford Dowden

Eleanor Stephen Christman

Thomas McMullen

Harold P. Christman

Mona Hasley

Elizabeth Bode

May Roe

Barbara Ruble

Austin Stevens

Ben Christman

Inez Lash

Leo Poulton

Ruth Miller VanFossen

Roy Miracle

Ruth Roe

Lucille Traylor

Leslie O. Carpenter

Eva Moffatt

Clarence Betts

Agnes Block Norris

Herman Ruble



The last teachers were Elizabeth Bode and Harold P. Christman.


Written by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Christman


Page 39






Summit Township was organized and established June 4, 1850. The Public School became the corner stone of each of seven social communities. The citizens of Summit Township determined to make available to their children the education their parents had missed. Thus, it was fundamental that a school-house should be one of the first public conveniences in the neighborhood. The principle prevailed that where a few children could be gathered together, a school was essential as a medium for providing education opportunities.

Back in 1850, transportation and communication systems were not yet highly developed, so it was necessary to establish seven school districts within Summit Township. At a site along the old OR&W Railroad, where the hills became less protuberant and more rolling, the village of Lewisville began to grow. In Lewisville, the first school-house was located at the intersection of old Main and Back Streets. The building was a frame structure erected from timbers harvested in the surrounding community. The roof was slate imported by railroad. This school-house served the educational needs of Lewisville until 1911, when a new school-house was built on the same school property and the old building was torn down. The 1911 structure continues to be maintained for the cafeteria which serves the children of the present Lewisville School located adjacent to the site of the original school-house.

Likewise, the other six school-houses once located in Summit Township were frame structures with slate roofs. One of these school-houses was located approximately three and one-half miles north of Lewisville on the old Miltonsburg Road in the Middle Church Community. This facility was known as the Barnhart School. Although the building no longer stands, recently the 4-H Club converted the site into a miniature park.

The Owl Creek School-house was located about three and one-half miles northeast of Lewisville on State Route 145. The Star School-house was located at the top of the Kennedy Hill and two and one-half miles east of Lewisville off old State Route 78. This site was in the area of the present Lewisville Stave Mill. The Hamilton School-house was located on Bracken Ridge Road in the community of the present Bracken Ridge Methodist Church. There were tow school-houses located three miles west of Lewisville on State Route 78 at the site of the present Burkhart Catholic Church. One of these facilities was a parochial school located adjacent to the Church building; the other facility, which was known as the Scott School, was located across the road from the parochial school.

Time and progress long ago rendered these old school-houses inadequate and obsolete. None of the original structures remain standing.


The map on the following page indicates the locations of the seven original school districts of Summit Township. The locations are the approximate original school-house sites in relation to present day roads.


Written by Mrs. Vera Polen


Page 40






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--Elsa (Crooks) Harper


Perhaps the most exciting and challenging experience of my thirty-seven year teaching career was helping to organize and plan the first Kindergarten in the Beallsville School under the supervision of Mr. Henry Prichard, then Superintendent of Beallsville School.

It was during the summer vacation. I was approached by Mr. Prichard and asked if I would help formulate, organize and teach a class of this type at the opening of the next school year. I was thrilled beyond words, and accepted without hesitation.

This was at the time the new town of Wilson came into being and Mr. Prichard had sensed the need for a program of this sort in this fast-growing community, which had come as a result of the location of the new industry along the river.

During the ensuing weeks, I started making plans. I spent many hours in surrounding libraries, reading every book available related to this field of education. I also signed up for some correspondence courses to broaden my knowledge in preparation for the coming year. I had many consultations with Mr. Prichard where we discussed evolving plans and made selections of materials.

Finally, in September of the school year of 1957-58 the doors to the first Kindergarten in Beallsville, as well as the first in Monroe County, were open. I don't know who was more excited on that day - the children, Mr. Prichard, or I. There were twenty-one five year olds who were escorted to the doors with their mothers. Some came tripping gaily in, while the shy ones held on to their mother's hand.

I must admit - I was a very nervous teacher that morning as I greeted each one with a smile, took a little hand into mine and led them about the room showing them all the interesting things therein. Their little faces soon lit up with eagerness and anticipation. Each time a tear formed in my eye and a lump formed in my throat, for I was so happy.

Since the families in Wilson came from various sections of the United States, and one little girl had lived in South America, we had children with various cultural backgrounds, and experiences which made for varied related classroom experiences.

We would take imaginary trips to some far-away town where these children had been. Our own community children came from our mining and agricultural area which was a fascinating world to those from far-away areas. The little girl from South America stimulated thought and further discussion within the class.

The "show and tell" time brought us a world of material from the country all about us. We learned mannerisms, expressions, and a few Spanish words from our South American country.

The parents of the entire community were without a doubt the greatest. Our budget for this project was not too great, but what these wonderful parents contributed in the way of games, dolls, furniture, dress-ups, etc., made up for everything. They helped with parties held at holiday time and gave of their time, also.

So, I must say, this venture proved a genuine success, and was to me the most rewarding I ever had.





Our beloved County was once known as the "dark hills of old Monroe." This is not true today. We like to think of it as a country of a thousand hills and a thousand dales, beautiful beyond words. It was formed from parts of Belmont, Guernsey and Washington Counties on Jan. 29, 1813. It was named for James Monroe who was President of the United States of America from 1817 to 1825.

People from Virginia, Pennsylvania and Maryland came through an unbroken wilderness to make their home here. They came to this section because of the cheap virgin soil, rich hunting grounds, an abundance of timber with which to construct sturdy homes, and with the strong desire to live under the Northwest Territory Laws.

The Ordinance of 1787 contained these four provisions:

1. Slavery prohibited

2. Schools encouraged

3. Freedom of worship

4. A Bill of Rights granting civil Liberty to the Citizens


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It was no wonder that our Forefathers came here to make their homes. Most of us are justly proud of our heritage. The County's first settlement was near the mouth of Sunfish Creek about 1799. Later three other small settlements were made. The first was made near the present town of Beallsville in 1812. The first cabin was built by John Linn and Abner Barrert. The first child born here was Joshua Barrett, son of Abner and Anna Barrett.

The first Election was held on John Linn's farm about one mile west of Beallsville in 1819 or 1820. It was told that 11 votes were cast at that time.

Sunsbury Township was organized on June 24, 1819. It contained 28 sections. This land lies on the high ridge dividing the waters of Captina Creek on the North and those of Sunfish Creek on the South. The summit of this broad ridge is smooth and comparatively level. The southern slope is roughened by the tributaries to Sunfish Creek. These small streams have

made many deep and rocky channels down over the hillsides.

Remembering to keep this beautiful setting in mind it's time to turn the attention toward the education of the children and young people of the long ago and those of the here and now who call Sunsbury Township their home.

In early times subscription schools were very common. The parents paid one dollar per scholar for a term of three months. The teacher boarded with the families for the length of time warranted by the number of scholars from that particular family.

The story is told that a teacher had to sign an agreement to treat his pupils at Christmas or New Years time. If he refused, he was barred from the schoolroom. If he were the first to arrive they would smoke him out by climbing up on the roof and covering the chimney. If he still refused they would duck him in the creek. Needless to say the teacher usually treated and in addition to that he gave the children a half day holiday in which to play games of their own choosing.

The first school in the Township was a subscription school with a Mr. Rogers serving as its teacher. It was about one mile south of Beallsville and boasted an enrollment of eight scholars. All early schools were small one-room buildings and were for the instruction of limited grade subjects, only.

The first public school that was taught in Sunsbury Township was started in 1837. It stood on ground donated for that purpose by Israel D. Riley. In later years the Dextar schoolhouse was built on the same site. The first teacher was Samuel Lemley.

By the by more public schools came into being, namely; Labelle. Trembly. Beallsville. McDougal. Oak Grove. Ohio Valley. Ozark, Paine and Ringgold. According to Caldwell's "Atlas of Monroe County" published at Mt. Vernon, Ohio in 1898, all the schools went by number instead of names. No-l was located on the G. W. Griffith farm between Jerusalem and Beallsville. No. 2 on the H.R. Watson farm near Ozark. No. 3 at Beallsville (?). No 4 on the Sarah A. Trembly farm. No. 5 on the Ebenezer Taylor farm. No. 6 on the H. Smith farm. No. 7 on the John Headley farm. No. 8 on the N. A. Hayward farm. It should be noted that they were all placed within walking distance of the children's homes for which they served.

Later these numbers gave way for the definite names by which they were known. A brief history of each will be given here.

Labelle - located close to the present Arley Johnson home. Rev. Richard Perkins' mother, Lena Taylor Perkins, went to school there as did her seven brothers. Two of them became teachers, namely Emmett and Everett Taylor.

Vernon Hayward was once a teacher there as were Mont Rush, Al and Ferd McDougal.


Dexter - Located at the start of Atkinson Run. Carlos Mellott and family built a new house on this site and are presently living there. Some of the teachers were Josie Hayward, Alberta Price, Ray and Mel Morris. Rev. Richard Perkins spent his first grade year there. Hattie Phillips went to this school also. The building was offered for sale by the Board of Education to the highest bidder in 1934.


McDougal - Situated near the home of Ferd McDougal. He together with Arthur Willison, Herman Bach, Melba Carpenter, Isie Riley, Mabel Harper and Herman Paine served as teachers there, also Vernon and Sarah Jeffers. Herman Paine initiated the first hot lunch program at McDougal School to be found in Monroe County. This was in

1938. This school was closed in 1945.


Oak Grove - A Griffith family lived nearby this school. Located between Ozark and Beallsville. Quoting from "The Voice" December 1896 we get some idea of who attended this school. "Month ending Nov. 7, 1896: pupils enrolled, 21; average daily attendance, 17; pupils absent but one day, 3; visitors, 2; those perfect in attendance: Sallie Carle, Elta V. Hutchison, Charles Keesor, Roscoe W. Keesor, Merle Hutchison, Chester H. Gibbons, Vernon Sumption and Walter Carle. Katie Arnold, teacher. It closed in 1914 with Mrs. Josie Hayward as teacher that year.


Ohio Valley - Once located on Brock Ridge on the Charlie Book farm. It was moved from that place to a site near the Grange Hall on the Russell Carle farm. The building was too wide to go through the gates so fence, had to be laid down in its path as it journeyed through the fields to its new home.


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Howard Blattler and Alice Milligan were two of the teachers at this school. Homer and Billy Rucker were students there.

After its closing Russell and Wanda Roberts Weekly fashioned it into a home for themselves. It still stands at the Junction

of Route 556 and Clover Ridge.


Ozark - Located on the Forrest Eberle farm. Earlier it had been known as the Roy Watson place.

At first it was a two-room frame building but became a one room school in 1934. Many years ago it was the meeting place for the members of the Ozark Church of Christ.

Some of the teachers were Susie Bruin, Cleo Menkel, Mel Morris and Clyde Watson.


Paine - Located between Jerusalem and Ozark on the Billy Paine farm near Adair Station. A new building was erected but it was not used too many years. Herman and Harold Bach also Clyde Watson were teachers there.

When it closed the pupils were given a choice of attending either Jerusalem or Beallsville Schools.

C. W. Paine purchased the schoolhouse in the spring of 1938. E. W. and Henry Christman bought the acre of ground upon

which it stood.


Trembly - Located on Trembly Ridge west of Beallsville. C. W. Fraley lived there for many years. Some of the teachers were Josie Hayward, Susie Bruin, Dale Odin, Ferd McDougal, Herman Bach and Bessie Rutter.

According to "Backward Glances" of 1922 these pupils were enrolled: Arnold Cross, Ermel Cross, Harlen Mellott, Frederick and Freda Glatzer, twins, Maggie Smith, Opal, Robert, Etta Mae and Annie McElroy, Lizzie and Lissie Mobley, twins, Effie Crouse and Nettle Morris: C. F. McDougal was the teacher.

The school closed in the spring of 1939 due to lack of State Aid Funds. The building was wrecked and the lumber was

used in the construction of the Vo-Ag building in Beallsville.


Ringgold - Located on the N.A. Hayward farm on Headley Ridge. Mrs. Blattler told me that Howard was teaching there when they were married. She also said they could soon celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary.

Some other teachers were Ferd McDougal, Harold Turner, Lissie (?) Mobley, Emmett Taylor. Stella Pugh and Martha Adair.

Closed on Aug. 17, 1934 and the pupils were transported to Beallsville that autumn. Lumber from the razed building was used in the construction of the Farm Shop in 1939.

Mrs. Katie Decker attended literary and cake walks at the old Ringgold schoolhouse.


Jerusalem - It should have brief mention here because the eastern part of the village lies in Sunsbury Township.

The first one room building was located on the old Jesse Peterman farm; the second was made into a home now occupied by Richard Fluharty and family; the third was a four room two story structure; and the fourth was a three room, hall, and laboratory schoolhouse. It was built in the summer of 1920. At the present time it serves as a Community and Recreation Center.

At first Jerusalem existed as a rural school; then as a three teacher grade school; next with two added years of High School instruction. This was followed by three years of High School for a few terms. Upon its closing the High School students were transported to Sunsbury Rural High School.

In 1956 the 7th and 8th Grades were bussed to Beallsville and in 1958 the Elementary pupils became a part of the Beallsville Grade School.


Beallsville - At first the buildings were small and for Elementary children only. Soon after the ending of the Civil War a large two-story brick building was constructed in the town. It included rooms for High School instruction and a Charter was granted to them in 1895.

A summer Normal School was held there for a few terms. Among the would-be teachers attending these sessions were Margaret Schumacher Riesbeck, Susannah Bruin and James A.Moore. Sr.

Quoting the Beallsville School Statistics for the year ending on Aug. 31. 1881 we learn:


Amount of Money received

$ 1,420.00

Paid to Primary Teachers


Paid to High School Teachers


Value of School Property


Number of Primary Teachers, ladies


Number of High School teachers, gentlemen


Number of School Buildings


Number of Rooms


Average wages of lady teachers per month


Average wager of gentlemen teachers per month


Number of pupils enrolled




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Over a period of time advancement was made from a Third to a First Grade High School. In 1935 they applied to the State Board for permission to operate a Junior High School. It was known as the 6-6 plan.

Additions were made to the present building in the years of 1928, 1956, 1965 and 1967.

Some highlights showing the educational progression of the Beallsville Schools through the years are -

1. 1935 Board of Ed. applied to State for 9 months term.

2. 1937 Name changed from Sunsbury Rural to Beallsville Village Board of Education.

3. 1945-46 Miss Gertrude Watson hired as Hot Lunch Manager.

4. 1946 - Adams Township hired Everett Henthorn to transport their children to Beallsville.

5. 1954 Driver Education Training started.

6. 1957 Primary Grades moved from the Old Grade Building to the High School.

7. 1959 Lane Building sold to Carl Kinzy.

8. Beallsville Board accepted the Washington Local School from Belmont County Board of Education.

9. 1962 Bookmobile visits from the State Library Service Center were accepted.

10. 1965 Operation Head Start came into use.

11. 1965 Golf instruction initiated.

12. Grade School Building sold.

13. 1966 Teacher Aides employed.

14. ? Became a member of the North Central Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges.


These innovations came under the guidance of County Superintendents Ed C. Feioch, John Nelson, E. G. Nelson, J. C. Christy, F. L. Pollock, Samuel H. Dillon. Dr. Donald Cobb, Delvin Devore. Henry Prichard and other able men.

Some Principals who gave unstingily of their talents and time were such educators as Harold Nichols. John Castilow, Henry Prichard, Fred Abel, James Campbell, Frank Dumas, Edward Shephard, Clarence Massey, William Workman, Ross Pugh, Dr. Charles Johnson, Myron Harmon. Harry Straight. Timothy Haught and Larry Reich.

Among the students who have gone out from Sunsbury Township Schools may he found lawyers, doctors, educators, ministers, missionaries, Congressmen, merchants and many others who have ranked highly in their chosen professions.

As of today Beallsville serves as the Hub of the educational wheel which serves a large Switzerland of Ohio School District. It includes northern Monroe County and several Belmont County Townships. Without these vital spokes of the wheel - namely the former small rural schools and Beallsville's own colossal efforts - it would have been very difficult for Sunsbury Township to have been able to offer the wonderful educational opportunities of this present day and time.


Sponsored by the Monroe County Retired Teachers Association in conjunction with the BiCentennial Celebration of 1976.


In compiling the materials for this paper, I am indebted to Viola (Gertler) Simeral, Josie Hayward, Gertrude Watson, Sarah Jeffers, Hazel Rucker. Katie Decker, Gladys Fair, Hattie Phillips, Elsa Harper. Alberta VanDyne. Sarah Gibson. Gladys Smith, Lola Tremblay, County Supt. Delvin Devore and members of his office staff, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blattler, Myrta Baker, Roy Mercer, Richard Perkins, and last, but not least, Mrs. Leonard Green, who served as typist for me. Everyone gave their help so willingly, even mentioning others who might be able to help in research.

I am indeed grateful to each one of you. If I have omitted anyone's name, I am truly sorry.


Elizabeth (Moore) Thomas

Date -January 14, 1976

Page 45







Blum School - was located on Boltz Ridge now County Road 37 about four miles from Clarington on ground now owned by Charles Gasser. This school was closed in 1923 and the building purchased and torn down by Wesley McDougal of Clarington.


Jenni School - was located on Janni Ridge now County Road 81 on ground now owned by Olive Nippert. This school closed in 1944 and the building purchased by Paul Zink. The last teacher there was F. D. Mallett.


St. Johns - located on the hill above St. Johns United Church of Christ was closed in 1951. The last teacher there was F. D Mallett. Carl Bigler bought the building in 1952 and Jack Hammond now owns the land on which it once stood. This site can be reached by taking County Road 25.


Mt Vernon - still stands. It is now used as a voting place for Switzer Township residents and a township hall. It was purchased by the township trustees in 1952 for the rum of $200.00. The Dry Ridge Road intersects with State Route 556 at the point where this building stands.


Ohio Valley - was about five miles from Beallsville on State Route 556 and closed in 1940 with Lucille Gasser being the last teacher there. Russel Weekly bought the building and converted it into a dwelling. Gary Baumberger now lives in the

house from which was once Ohio Valley School. Delmas Moore now owns the land on which it stood.


Centenniel - was one of the first to close with the elimination of the one room schools in Switzer Township. This was

about 1919. Bert Fraley and Fred Knuchel bought the building. The land is now owned by Bert Fraley, and can be reached by taking Township Road 200.


Blair Run - a few hundred yards off of State Route 7 about four miles north of Clarington closed in 1941 with Fred Pfalzgraf being the last teacher there. The ground is now owned by the State of Ohio.


North Pole - stood on Township Road 207 and closed in 1923. The last teacher there was Edna Helbling. Andy Krock purchased the building in 1937. Paul Lehman now owns the land on which it once stood.


Zonker - on County Road 64 closed in 1930 with Lucille Gasser as the last teacher. Julius S. Tauffer now owns the land on which it stood and Fred Pfalzgraf purchased the building. For many years two building stood here. One housed the lower grader and one the upper, however, about 1900 or in the early 1900', one building was removed.


Grandview - on Blattler Ridge closed in 1947 with Howard Blattler being the last teacher there. The building was sold to Sterling Gates in 1950 and Walter Rine now owns the land. County Road 38 passes the spot on which it stood. In addition to being used a, a schoolhouse it was also used as a church with services being held regularly by the Methodist minister from the Bethel-Zion Circuit conducting the services.


Switzer - on County Road 25 served as both an elementary and a high school. The ground on which it stood was purchased from John Kaiser for $5.00 and the building was erected and served as an elementary school until 1922 with William Miller as the last teacher while it served in an elementary capacity. In the fall of 1922 it became a 3 year high school with J. C. Christy as teacher. It ceased operation as a high school in 1929 with Percell Mallett as the last teacher. The township trustees purchased the building from the board of education in 1938 for $100.00 and used it to house road maintenance equipment until the spring of 1975 when the building was sold to Fred Smith. The new building directly across the road replaces this garage and storage house. The land on which it stood is still owned by the township trustees.


Written by Lerter C. Lehman

Page 46







Before the turn of the century, Washington Township, Monroe County, was divided into approximately thirteen districts, each one having a one-room elementary school. The first were constructed of logs with fireplaces for heating. Later these buildings were constructed of stone and wood. We still have one stone school house standing of which we shall speak later on. (Byers).

Most of these buildings were furnished with "pot bellied'' stoves which used coal for fuel. Each fall the teacher was furnished with a coal bucket, a broom and a box of chalk.

A teacher was chosen who had a strong right arm for these schools, because the pupils often ranged from mere children to adults.

These schools often had an enrollment of forty and fifty pupils and more. All grades were taught in one room. Pupils walked to school as busses were unheard of. Of course, no hot lunches were served and pupils carried lunch pails.

The morning and afternoon periods were broken by a fifteen minute recess or more in which time, pupils and teacher played upon the playground together.

While these schools may not be looked upon by today's standards as excellent, yet they filled the need for the times, and much excellent education was obtained. Many of our teachers, yet living attended one of these schools, taught in them and have happy memories of those days.


Way, Byers and Low Gap Schools -- Of all these buildings, only a few still stand. Way School near Whitacre's store is in excellent condition. The only remaining stone school house still standing (there were two) is Byers on State Route 26 near Graysville, Ohio. The other stone school house was Low Gap which was torn down. It was located near the Low Gap church on State Route 26

near Rinard Mills, Ohio. The only other remaining wooden building other than Way is the Mann located on Greenbrier Road east of Graysville. The building is in bad need of repair.


Number one, or Merrill's Ridge was located on the ridge west of Rinard Mills. The first building burned and was replaced by a second across the road which has since been converted to a dwelling.


The Haney school was originally located at the top of Haney Hill south of Whitacre's store. A new building approximately one-half mile south replaced this one. It no longer stands.


The Hubbard school was located between Pleasant Ridge church and Rias Run.


Beech Grove or Straightfork was located on Straight Fork Road west of Graysville, Ohio.


Summit Hall was located on the hilltop west of State Route 26 near Rinard Mills.


The Bell School was located on the hilltop east of Knowlton Covered Bridge off State Route 26.


Oak Dale School was located southeast of Whitacre's store on a township road. It has since fallen in.


Harmon Ridge was located on Harmon Ridge east of Graysville, Ohio.


Thompson Ridge was located on Kinney Ridge Road east of Graysville. The original building stood on the side hill above the Foreaker farm near Muskingum Creek. Later the building was moved farther west toward Graysville. This building was demolished and a new one constructed on Kinney Ridge Road toward Graysville.


Washington Township had two, two-room structures: Graysville, which has been replaced by Graysville Elementary School and Rinard Mills, which is now occupied by Rinard Mills church.

Written by: Glenn Piatt and Harold Kinney


Page 47






By D. E. Highman


In the beginning the territory of Wayne Township was divided into six districts for educational purposes, one school in each district, one teacher for each school in each district, and the children of each district were assigned to the school in the district. About the beginning of the twentieth century (1900 to 1910) eight one room schools were built and a township board of education was created to govern the schools. This board consisted of three members and a clerk.


Dougherty School

The Dougherty School was built on land obtained from the farm of Edward Dougherty and the name Dougherty School was probably derived from the many families of the name who lived in the nearby vicinity. It was located about 350 feet east of Stats Route 26 approximately 6 miles south of Woodsfield on a lane leading back to the farm of S. W. Steed. Some of the teachers who taught there were Garfield Dougherty. Oliver Dougherty, Daniel Wire Dougherty, A. E. Cline, Lawrence Litten, Violet Scarbarough, Jay R. Highman, D. E. Highman, and Chauncy Umpleby. No information is available as to what happened to the building.


Willison Run School

The Willison Run School was located about five miles south of Woodsfield on Township Road 102 Willison Run. It is about .4 mile northwest of State Route 26. The land on which the schoolhouse was built was formerly owned by Barney Dougherty or his son Steven Dougherty. I. F. Shafer is the present owner of the land. When the school closed in the 1930's the building was bought by Lloyd King and the lumber was used to build his home on Route 26. Some of the teachers who taught there were: A. E. Cline, lona McMullen. Louise Martin, Lila Rinard, John Shafer, Paul Dougherty, Mrs. E. G. Nelson, Lawrence Litten, I. F. Shafer, Marguerite Suittor, D. E. Highman, and John Paulus. The school closed after the Wayne Consolidated School was built in the latter part of the 1930's.


Walnut Hill School

The Walnut Hill School was located about .8 mile from Moose Ridge County Road 45. The land was formerly owned by John Moose. When the building was no longer used it was purchased by Whet Shafer who later sold it to Merle Coss. The lumber was used to build the home in which Mr. Coss now resides on Conner Ridge. Harry Bright owns the land on which the building once stood. A beautiful large maple tree now stands in a meadow beside the road where the school house stood. The only teachers I can recall who taught here were Iona McMullen and Taylor Strickling.


Edwina School

The Edwina School was located about mile from Richfork Road leading in a northerly direction from Richfork to Moose Ridge. The old schoolhouse is still standing and was remodeled into a dwelling and is now occupied. The building is now owned by Anne Scully. When the building was built the land was owned by Hattie Dougherty, the wife of Edward Dougherty. Some of the teachers who taught here were: A. E. Cline, I. F. Shafer; Hendershot. Jay Highman and D. E. Highman.


Morris School

The Morris School was located about 600 feet from Richfork Co. Road 17 on the Smith Hill which is Township Road 662 leading up to County Road 77 on Barber Ridge. Nothing remains at the old location except the casing where the water well stood. The location is almost hidden by trees. I cannot say what happened to the building. Some of the teachers who taught at the Morris School were: Lena Kestner, May Nash, Hayden Dillon, Melissa Orange Smith, Walter DeVoe, I. F. Shafer, and John Paulus. The land on which the school was built was obtained from El Cronin. Today the land is owned by Nova Christman. The building was purchased by Barney Bott and used for building material.


Huffman School

The Huffman School is located on County Road 17 known as Richfork. This is in the northwest part of the township. The building is located about 100 feet from County Road 17 on the right side of the road going west. The building is being used by the farm owner, Terra Vickers, as a storage place for hay. The land or farm on which the building was built was formerly owned by Lewis Stowe. Some of the teachers who taught at Huffman were: Melissa Orange Smith, A. E. Cline, Ray Coss, and Charlie Smith.



Page 48





Hartshorn Ridge School

The Hartshorn Ridge School was located about 3 miles west of State Route 26 on County Road 12 on the left ride of the road going west. The old building was torn down and used by Clifford Hines to build a chicken house. The land was formerly owned by John Hartshorn and today is owned by Eugene Hartshorn. The Hartshorn School was used for several years as a center for the Hartshorn Garage. Teachers who taught there were: Clifford Mobberly, G. N. Devore, Jay R. Highman, and D. E. Highman.


Oden Ridge School

The Oden Ridge School was located on County Road 48 approximately 1 miles west of State Route 26 on Conner Ridge.

It was located on the left ride of the road going west. The land was formerly owned by G. W. Drake and now by G. N. Devore. When the school was closed due to consolidation, the building was purchased by John Suittor and was used to build the home where Arthur Kinney now lives.




Going back to the period prior to the one I am now writing about - -During the school year 1900-1901 my wife's aunt, Hazel Kessor, showed my wife and I a souvenir presented to her by her teacher. N. E. Oden. It contained the names of the school board members and the names of the scholars of Oden School at that time. I am copying a sample of this souvenir

so that you may read it - - -


Some of the teachers of Oden School were: A. E. Cline, Bethel Scarborough, I. F. Shafer, Jay R. Highman, Lawrence Litten, G. N. Devore, Violet Scarborough, and D. E. Highman.




Oden School


School District No. 3



Wayne Township


Monroe County





1900 1901




Presented by




N. E. Oden, teacher



School Board


Joseph Oden






James Highman






James Lowe






Clark Cronin

Loney Highman

Clifton Highman

Otto Highman

Oscar Highman

Jacob Highman

Knox Highman

Harry Highman

Bethel Scarborough

Davy Williams

Delbert Highman

Sylvester Highman

Blaine Drake

Billy Williams

Hazel Keeser

Edna Highman

Ivy Drake

Mary Keller

Stella Cronin

Ethel Keller

Grace Drake

Alta Highman

Hazel Williams

Catherine Drake

Serepta Williams

Rush Williams

Nora Williams

Olive Williams

Gussie Lowe

Anna Lowe

Mary Highman

Inez Highman

Ida Lowe

Hazel Lowe

Blanche Cronin

Loney Highman


Written by D. E. Highman

Page 49






Ridgeville School 1897




The Eighth Grade Graduate

I own so much, I'm so very rich,

Horizon to horizon is my special niche.

I own the glitter of ice, the crunch of snow,

Sun-sparked icicles dripping tears below,

Morning mist lingering over the hills,

Water laughing merrily in the rills,

The sun glinting on a spider condominium,

White clouds, blue skies, bluer delphinium.

The distance colorfully purpled and blued,

Daffodils and violets evening dewed,

Fluttering butterflies and windblown petals,

The smell of applebutter in big black kettles,

Teasing wind fragrant with spicy treasures,

How I enjoy those God-given pleasures!

Friendships and family, starlit heavens above,

But the greatest wealth I possess

Is the gift of God's love!


Dreaming in the schoolroom I wonder

What unknown fate, dew-pearled

Will carry me into the world

My hopes and dreams unfurled.


The windows, protective and restrictive,

Seem to mist with memories

Of secrets shared, and prophecies,

Poignant pain and ecstasies.


Has the discipline of guided learning,

Bringing glimmers of life's spring

And hopes for the beckoning future,

Shaped me to be subject or king?


As my image appears in the window,

I wonder what I really am.

Will my life just be empty promises,

Or can I fulfill my dreams for man?


by Virginia Stahl

by Virginia Stahl


Page 50







Submitted by Dorothy (Miracle) Willison, Teacher





Submitted by Esther (Miracle) Thompson





Submitted by Miss Mary Baker


Page 51






Page 52





[Transcriber s Note: The above crest decorated the back of this book titled: The One Room Schools of Monroe County 1808 1957 Text within the book indicates that the occasion for this book prepared by the Retired Teachers Association was the Bicentennial of the U.S. Declaration of Independence]


Back Cover




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