News from the Chapter
Archaeology in Monroe County
Recently an archaeologist called the MCC of OGS president, Karen Romick, about a mine near Powhatan, Monroe County, Ohio, near the Ohio River. He is researching the mine and is trying to find family members of the men killed in the mine explosion in 1926. Over the years this tragic accident has become faded in most of our memories leaving only the newspaper accounts and hurts of family members and friends. Some among us may have wondered about those stone arches which serve as memorials. If you have any information, clippings, pictures of other memorabilia about this event, please contact the MCC of OGS president at the postal, e-mail, or phone number given in the "Contact Us" section of the MCC of OGS home page.
New publications available:
A new cemetery publication planned for this
summer is now available. The cemetery inscriptions of Benton and Washington
Townships is our latest addition cemetery inscriptions. The Benton and Washington Townships Cemetery Book was
published on schedule in September 2001. (See our Publications for Sale for a
list of other cemetery inscription books.)
Wayne Township, Monroe County, Ohio, Cemetery
Inscriptions and Gleanings is now available. This publication lists the
tombstone inscriptions from the cemeteries of Barber Ridge, Christy-Sloan,
Conner Ridge Methodist, New Conner Ridge, Hartshorn Ridge and
Winland-Pryor. Also includes additional information such as obituaries
and notes on selected burials. Indexed, soft cover, 72 pp, $9.00.
Add $2.00 postage and Ohio residents add 59 cents sales tax.
1900 Census Project
Members are working on the 1900 census for a
future publication. But help is still needed! If you would like to volunteer to
copy a township in the 1900 census, please contact us for a list of townships
still available. We ll look forward to hearing from you.
Highlights of the 2002 Navigator
haven t yet joined our chapter, you may be missing some outstanding
genealogical materials. Click on the Navigator Highlights to see what you may have missed
in this year s issues of the Navigator. Of course, if you join now, you will
get all of the 2002 back issues of the Navigator and you will not miss all this
good material. Where can you get more for an annual investment of just $10?
Research Room
The Research Room receives many
visitors each year. It is operated and maintained by local volunteers. If you
would like to help maintain the MCC of OGS Research Room, please contact Karen
Romick at:
Monroe County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 641
Woodsfield, OH 43793-0641
or, Telephone us at:
(740) 483-1481, Karen
or, e-mail us at:Karen Romick
Wayne Township
Monroe County, Ohio
Cemetery Inscriptions
Wayne Township
Township, Monroe County, Ohio, Cemetery Inscriptions and Gleanings. This volume lists
the tombstone inscriptions from the cemeteries of Barber Ridge,
Christy-Sloan, Conner Ridge Methodist, New Conner Ridge, Hartshorn Ridge and
Winland-Pryor. Also includes additional information such as obituaries
and notes on selected burials. Indexed, soft cover, 72 pp, $9.00.
Add $2.00 postage and Ohio residents add 59 cents sales tax.
Benton & Washington Townships
Monroe County, Ohio
Cemetery Inscriptions
Benton & Washington Townships
Our fifth
volume of cemetery inscriptions includes all 26 known cemeteries of these two
townships. We ve also included Carson Cemetery in Grandview Township,
Washington County, Ohio, as it was the burial site of many residents of the
village of Cochransville, Monroe County, Ohio. Cemetery records are extremely
important because they are often the only record of the birth and death of an
individual who lived before 1867.
Indexed, soft cover,
154 pages. Price is $16.00 plus $2.00 postage. OHIO residents add $1.04 tax.
Order your copy from the Monroe Chapter OGS, Box 641, Woodsfield, OH 43793.
Researchers urgently needed
Researchers who can help with lookups, and
conduct research in the Research Room and the Monroe County courthouse are
urgently needed. Volunteers and researchers-for-hire please investigate further
by clicking here: Researchers
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