CDS available Plats, Survey Data


Have you ever wondered exactly where your grandparents or great grandparents farm or home was located in Monroe County, Ohio? Or have you ever wondered where one of the many villages of Monroe County was located or how they were laid out or what they looked like? Ever wonder who owned what farms in a township or section of the County? Maybe you have an interested in the roads of the County.


Several of the Record books found in the Monroe County Engineer s Office date to the early 1800s. One book titled, Survey Book dates to 1802, a year before Ohio became a state.


All this and much more is now available on CDs from the Monroe County Historical Society (MCHS). Many of the record books of the Monroe County Engineer s Office and the Recorder s Office have been color-photographed and are available on CDs. Each CD contains photographs of all of the pages of a complete book in the Engineer s Office. CDs are available for $15 per CD. Click here for a complete list of available CDs/DVDs.


The Index CDs/DVDs can be purchased from the Monroe County Historical Society (MCHS) located in Woodsfield, OH on 118 Home Ave., about half a mile from the Monroe County Courthouse.  Starting from the Courthouse, go east on Ohio Route 78 (toward the Ohio River) about 0.4 mile (an estimate) until you get to the Monroe County Public Library. Turn right at the library onto Home Ave and proceed about 0.1 mile (the third building on left) to the Monroe County Senior Center. The MCHS is located in this building. MCHS Office Hours are Monday & Tuesday 9:00-4:00 and Friday 10:00-2:00. Phone: 740-472-1933. E-mail address is:





Oran (Bud) Sherman Baker at Grave Site of Elizabeth Sullivan Baker

in Steed Cemetery South of Woodsfield, Ohio


Photo taken June 2010


Provided by Bud Baker


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