MITCHELL ATKINSON a farmer and millwright of Seneca township, was born on Captina creek, now Belmont county, Nov 19 1804. His parents, Isaac & Margaret HOLMES ATKINSON (both deceased), the latter of whom died Sep 20 1857, settled in Monroe county in 1802. He was elected six times to the legislature. They came from Greene county, PA, and settled on Captina creek, where they remained about five years, when they came to this county, into Seneca township. They settled on Will s creek, about 1 miles above the present town of Calais, where they remained about three years and then entered the farm on which Mr. ATKINSON now resides. This was about the year 1812. There were only about six families in this township at that time, and not a church in the township, and but one log hut, which was used as a school-house. The roads were only blazed paths through the woods. Isaac ATKINSON was one of the leading spirits of that day. He taught some of the first schools in the county and in this township; was one of the first associate judges of the county, which position he held for many years; was a man of superior education, and was respected by all for his worth and integrity. He lived to his 84th year, and died in 1853. Mitchell ATKINSON was married near Fairview, Guernsey county, Dec 24 1838 to Nancy GREENELTCH, who was born in Colerain township, Belmont county, Mar 14 1810. Her parents were James GREENELTCH, who died in Sep 1864, and Phebe MOORE, who died in Sep 1866. They were among the early settlers of Belmont county, before the county was organized, and lived to a good old age. The children of Mr. & Mrs. ATKINSON are: Margaret YOCKEY, born 27 May 1842, lives at Lewisville; Isaac B., Jul 31 1844, at home; Lydia L. KRONING, Mar 31 1846, resides at Calais; Phoebe L. CALVERT, May 21 1848, died Jun 12 1872; Lucius W., Dec 7 1850, lives in Seneca township; Hamer F., Oct 3 1852, died Jul 5 1860; Milton M., Nov 27 1855, at home. Mr. ATKINSON held the office of trustee in this township for two years, and the office of treasurer about 10 years. His son-in-law, Casper YOCKEY, served three years in the late war, as a member of the 92nd OVI. His uncle, Mitchell ATKINSON, served in the war of 1812, and was one of the first surveyors in this county, and also held the office of justice of the peace about 14 years; and another uncle, James, served in the wars with the Indians in early days. Address, Calais, Monroe county, OH.


JOHN CLAUS resides in Seneca township, Monroe county, and is engaged in farming and the dairy business. He is a son of Nicholas CLAUS & Catharine REMENSCNEIDER (deceased), and was born in this county Jul 9 1850. On the 24th of Apr 1877, he was married by Rev. F. REELER to Kate BAUMAN, daughter of Henry BAUMAN (deceased) and his wife. They have three children: Albert, born Feb 26 1878; Willie J., Nov 9 1879; Elizabeth C., Feb 8 1881. Postoffice address: Calais, Monroe county, OH.


GEORGE W. COULTAS son of Robert COULTAS, born Jan 11 1823, and Thamar DEMENT, born Mar 22 1825, was born in Monroe county, Nov 29 1847. He married at Miltonsburg, in this county, Dec 24 1869, Lydia J., daughter of James & Nancy STEELE JOHNSON, and she was born in this county, Nov 25 1850. Children: Mary A., born Oct 8 1870; Edward D., Jul 16 1872; Shirley T., Dec 20 1880. Mr. COULTAS is a contractor and builder, and lives in Calais, Seneca township, Monroe county, OH.


WILLIAM DANFORD settled in this county in 1837. He was born Mar 11 1815 near Armstrong s Mills, in Belmont county. His parents were Samuel DANFORD, who died Apr 8 1845, and Nancy METHENEY, also deceased, Jul 16 1871. His great-grandfather came from Wales and settled on Delaware Bay, NJ. He reared a family of three sons and two daughters. The sons were named Samuel, William and Peter; Samuel and William died without male issue. Peter raised to maturity three sons and four daughters, being the issue by three wives. Born of the first wife, Samuel, (father of the subject of this sketch), William, Rebecca & Sarah; by the second, Ambrose; by the third, Margaret & Nancy. Mr. DANFORD s great-grandfather s name on his father s mother s side was Christopher MORRIS. He came from England about 1700, and was a near kinsman of the great Robert MORRIS, of Philadelphia, PA. The MORRIS family were very numerous and scattered over the United States at an early day. His great-grandfather s name on his mother s side, was John METHENEY. He was a native of England, and from him and his brothers descended the race of METHENEYs in the United States. His great-grandfather s name, on his mother s mother s side, was Michael FLOYD, and from him has sprung the race of FLOYDs. Mr. DANFORD s father, Samuel, was born in the state of NJ, Dec 29 1774. He came to what is now Belmont county, in 1798. He there married Nancy METHENEY, daughter of Benjamin & Rachel FLOYD METHENEY, Aug 20 1800. He resided near the mouth of the bend fork of Captina creek until the year 1807; he then settled in what was afterward the northwestern portion of Monroe county, (now Noble county). During the Indian troubles in 1813, he was compelled to flee for protection into the settlement in Belmont county. He returned to his home in Monroe county in 1817, took up a settler s patent for his land, went into the woods and cleared a farm, and reared a family of nine daughters and six sons, of whom, William, the subject of this sketch, was fourth son. Mr. DANFORD s father, Samuel, was one of the hardy pioneers who pushed forward into the wilderness and helped to lay the foundations to make our beautiful country what it is today. He lived to the age of 70 years and died respected by all who knew him. Mrs. DANFORD s ancestors, the DELANCEYs were among the pioneers of southeastern OH, coming in at a very early day, settling in Monroe county about 1807. Her grandfather s name was David WATSON, and her grandmother s name Rebecca BRYAN. They came from PA, and settled here about 1807. William DANFORD was married in this township, Mar 10 1836 to Margaret, daughter of Jon & Rebecca WATSON DELANCEY, both deceased. Mrs. DANFORD was born in this township, Mar 14 1818. The following is a record of their numerous progeny: Joseph N., born Jan 27 1837, residence, Summerfield; Stephen D., Feb 6 1838, lives at home; Rebecca, Feb 14 1840, deceased Feb 22 1851; Nancy J. STEWART, Apr 12 1842, resides at Fredonia, Wilson county, KS; John M., Mar 30 1844, lives in Noble county; Mary L. WEINSTEIN, Feb 28 1846, resides in Noble county; William M., Mar 26 1848, lives in Franklin township; Margaret E. CAVANAUGH, Oct 25 1849, also lives in Franklin township; Chloe T. HUTCHESON, Jul 19 1851, has her home in Jackson county WV; Samuel C., May 19 1853, lives in Franklin township; James H., Jul 15 1856, is at home; Charles M., Jun 7 1859, deceased Mar 31 1866. The son, John M., served about one year in the late war, being honorably discharged at its termination. He was a member of the 185th OVI. Mr. DANFORD has served about 12 years as trustee in this township. He has been a minister of the gospel in the Methodist Episcopal Church for 38 years. He resides in Seneca township, and follows farming. Postoffice address, Summerfield, Noble county, OH.


ADAM J. HANNAHS a resident of Seneca township, is engaged at farming and teaching. He was born in this township, May 20 1852. His father, James HANNAHS, settled in this county in 1844, and his mother, Anna MEHL, in 1834. He was married at the residence of his wife s parents in this township on the 2nd of Apr 1874, to Phebe R. ROCKWELL, who was born in Wayne township, Noble county, May 11 1857, the daughter of Asa M. and Mary J. ROCKWELL, who came into Monroe county in 1870. Postoffice address, Calais, Monroe county, OH.


BENJAMIN HAGA is a native of Morgan county, OH, and was born Sep 24 1823, son of John & Susanna DAY HAGA, both deceased. He came into Monroe county in 1843, and married here Dec 1 1847 by Elijah HATHAWAY, esquire. His wife was Ruth DANFORD, daughter of Samuel and Nancy MATHENEY, both deceased, and she was born in this county Dec 7 1828. Children: Mary D., born Aug 29 1848; Samuel M., Oct 21 1853; Orlin M. (grandchild), Feb 23 1874. Mr. HAGA s father was a native of Huntington county, PA, and came to Morgan county when it was wild, with only a cabin here and there through the woods, no churches nor school-houses, but plenty of wild animals, such as bears, wolves, etc. Mrs. HAGA s ancestors, the DANFORDs, were natives of Wales. Her great-grandfather came to this country at a very early day and settled on Delaware Bay, NJ. He reared a family of three sons and two daughter, Peter, the second son, being grandfather of Mrs. HAGA. Her father, Samuel DANFORD, was the oldest son of Peter s three sons and four daughters. He was born in NJ, Dec 29 1774, and came to what is now Belmont county in 1798, where he met and married Nancy, daughter of Rachel FLOYD MATHENEY, Aug 20 1800. He resided in Belmont county until 1807, when he settled in what was afterward the northwestern part of Monroe county. In the year 1813, during the trouble with the Indians, he was compelled to flee with his family to the settlement in Belmont county for protection. He returned in 1817, cleared up a farm in the woods and possessed a liberal amount of the world s goods. He reared a family of 15 children and died respected by all who knew him. Mr. HAGA s business is farming and stock-raising. Address, Calais, Monroe county, OH.


JAMES H. HAMILTON a resident of Seneca township, is by profession a school-teacher, and his taught since 1869. He is now teaching at Calais, and has a large school whom all commend their teacher. He was elected to the office of justice of the peace at the last election. He is a son of Joseph & Susannah HAMILTON, both natives of this county. The former died shortly after the battle of Pittsburg Landing from disease contracted while in the army. James grandfather was one of the renowned antecedents of the county. Mr. HAMILTON & Mary C. WISE were married at Lewisville, OH, Oct 24 1877. Their child is Is Berth I (Bertha?), born Sep 21 1878. Mrs. HAMILTON s parents are Washington K. & E. J. WISE. Mr. HAMILTON & wife were both born in Summit township. Address: Calais, Monroe county, OH.


WILLIAM KENT is a son of John KENT, a native of this county, and Elizabeth DANFORD, who was born in Monroe county (now Noble). He was born in Monroe county (now Noble), Jan 27 1842; was married in this township by Rev. Wm. D. LOWRY, Nov 27 1863, to Mary J. BLAKE, daughter of James BLAKE (deceased) & Roseann ARCHER. She was born Oct 8 1842. Children: Elizabeth A., born Sep 27 1864, died Jan 20 1881; John B., Dec 27 1867; Estella C., Nov 5 1872. Mr. KENT is a farmer and stock-dealer of Seneca township. Postoffice, Summerfield, Noble county, OH.


CHR. L. KRONING is engaged in the mercantile business in Calais, Monroe county. He is a son of Charles Philip KRONING and Emma EGGERS, and was born in the independent city of Bremen, Germany, Dec 18 1846, and settled in this county in 1868. His wife, Lydia Louisa ATKINSON, daughter of Mitchell T. & Nancy GREENELTCH ATKINSON, who came here in 1802, was born in Seneca township in Mar 1846. They were married here May 29 1871, and have four children, namely: Charles, born Dec 22 1872, died Sep 10 1873; Johannes August, Feb 4 1875; Frederick Philip, Apr 5 1877; Carleton Gustavus, Mar 26 1881. Mrs. KRONING s father is one of the few early settlers that are still living at this date, March 1882. (See the personal history Mitchell ATKINSON). Mr. KRONING has been clerk of Seneca township since 1875. Address, Calais.


THOMAS A. McCOY Was born in Alleghany county, PA, Sep 8 1838, and settled in Monroe county in 1870. His parents, John McCOY, who died Oct 20 1878, and Mary SCOTT McCOY, never lived in this county. Mr. McCOY was married in Washington county, Apr 10 1870, by John T. HILL, esquire. His wife was Nancy CARPENTER, born in Monroe county, Jan 24 1850. She is the daughter of Joseph CARPENTER, who was born in this county, and died Nov 29 1874, and Martha McMURRAY, who died Apr 13 1875. Their child, Ruth, was born Feb 2 1880. Mr. McCOY was a member of Company B., 148th OVI. He enlisted at Marietta, May 2 1864, served until the following September, and was discharged at the expiration of his time, Sep 19 1864. He was employed in the State service two years prior to his enlistment in 1864, and participated in the capture of Morgan on his famous raid through Ohio. Mr. McCOY s parents were among the first settlers of Washington county, OH. Mrs. McCOY s grandfather, Joseph CARPENTER, and his brother, Robert, came to this county when Ohio was yet a territory, when the county was full of wild animals and still wilder Indians. At that time there were not probably over three families in the township. Joseph CARPENTER, Sr., was a soldier of the war of 1812, and Joseph CARPENTER, Jr., father of Mrs. McCOY, was his third son. Mr. McCOY is trustee of Seneca township, and is engaged in wagon-building and coopering at Calais village, Monroe county, OH.


JOHN B. REED was born in Belmont county in 1818, and was also married in the same county. His parents were Edward & Mary LEMLEY REED. His wife, Catharine, was born in the state of PA, and was a daughter of John & Elizabeth ANTLE. Their children are: George S., Mary, Edward, Clarisse, William, Jane, John, Charlie, Martha & Russel. Mr. REED resides in Seneca township, and is a farmer and stock-raiser. His postoffice address is Swasey, Monroe county.


JOSEPH M. CARPENTER a son of Robert & Mary MURY CARPENTER, was born in Guernsey county, in 1828, and settled in Monroe county in 1857. He was married in Noble county, Dec 4 1856 to Matilda Ann ARICK, daughter of John & Sidney PETTY ARICK, of Noble county. Mrs. CARPENTER was born in Guernsey county in 1833. Children: Eliza Jane, born Sep 25 1857; Francis E., Oct 26 1859, died Aug 6 1862; John A., May 12 1862; James E., May 10 1864; Naomi I., Jul 27 1866; Mary S., Aug 20 1872; Martha A., Sep 14 1876; an infant which died the day of its birth was born Dec 26 1869. Their adopted child, Robert JOHNSON, was born Nov 13 1869. Henry ARICK, a brother of Mrs. CARPENTER, died in the army. Mr. CARPENTER is engaged in farming and stock-raising in Seneca township. Address, Summerfield, Monroe county, OH.


DAVID T. SEARS born in Anarundle county, MD, Mar 26 1829, is a son of John & Willie A. HOWARD SEARS, who came into this county in 1843. His wife, born in Guernsey county, Mar 29 1839, was Elizabeth BARLOW, daughter of Zachariah BARLOW & Mary WELLS. They were married in Monroe county, Jan 25 1870, and their two children are: Sarah C., born Nov 2 1870, and Mary L, Mar 27 1872. Mr. SEARS enlisted at Miltonsburg, OH, Aug 11 1862 in Co. C, 116th OVI, and was a sergeant of his company. They went directly to the front, and were in the battles of Moorfield, Piedmont, Lynchburg, and many others. He was slightly wounded at the battle of Opequan, VA, Sep 19 1864. He was honorably discharged at Richmond, VA, Jun 14 1865. Mr. SEARS father was a native of MD. About the year 1835 he moved to Belmont county, where he remained about seven years, and then came to Monroe county, and settled in Seneca township. He reared a family of five children, and died in his seventieth year, respected by all who knew him. Mrs. SEARS grandfather, Zachariah BARLOW, came from MD and settled in Guernsey county, when the whole of southeastern OH was a wilderness. They were among the very earliest settlers in this section. Settled near Fairview, and reared a family of nine children, of whom Mrs. SEARS father is the third. Mr. SEARS is the eldest of his father s family. He is by occupation a carpenter; resides in Seneca township. Postoffice, Calais, Monroe county, OH.


ALEXANDER D. STEPHEN a resident of Seneca township, in which he was both born and married, being born on the farm where he now resides, Dec 24 1824, son of Elijah STEPHEN and Marjora DEARTH. He was married, Apr 3 1854, to Mary MILLER, who was born at St. Clairsville, Belmont county, Apr 6 1825. Her parents were Adam MILLER (deceased) and Catharine SNIDER who settled in this county in 1835. Their children were: James M., Julitta, deceased; Julia A., deceased; Johnnie, deceased; Randolph; Alexander, deceased; and Samuel, the latter adopted. Samuel served three years in the late war; enlisted, Aug 22 1862, in the 116th OVI, at Calais; was in all the battles of the regiment; was wounded at Piedmont, and mustered out with his regiment at the close of the war. Mrs. STEPHEN s first husband was Samuel CARPENTER, deceased. Mr. STEPHEN is engaged at farming and raising stock. His address is Calais, Monroe county, OH.


JAMES W. WARNER a resident of Seneca township, settled in this county in 1858. His father, John L. WARNER, was born Nov 27 1815; his mother, Charity WELLS, May 17 1819. John L. WARNER was a native of the state of NJ, coming when 22 years old, to Fayette county, PA, where he met & married Charity WELLS, daughter of James & Mary SCARBRY WELLS, Feb 2 1837. He lived there until 1850, when he settled in the southeastern part of Guernsey county, which is now in Noble county. In 1871 he came to Monroe county, and to Seneca township. In 1876 he went to Tyler county WV, where he now resides. James W. WARNER was born in Fayette county, PA, Dec 16 1838. Was married in Noble county, Dec 24 1857, to Mary F. CARPENTER, by Rev. Philip JARVIS. Mrs. WARNER was daughter of Richard CARPENTER, who died Dec 29 1863, and Hannah McMURRAY, and she was born in Guernsey county, Oct 28 1835. Children: Joanna HOWILER, born Jan 12 1859; Letitia J., Apr 8 1860; John B. M., Apr 28 1862; Bellzora A., May 1 1864; Alfred S., Nov 5 1865; Virginia M., May 6 1867; Sarah F., Mar 13 1869; Mordicia H., Sep 5 1871; James F., Jun 29 1874; Alva C., Jul 26 1876; Mary A., Mar 19 1878, died Mar 23 1878; Shirley E., Sep 16 1880. The first named resides in Seneca township, the others at home. Mr. WARNER held the office of school director, in sub-district No. 3, for nine years in succession. He was elected justice of the peace in 1874, and has held the office continuously since. Mrs. WARNER s brother, Wilson S. CARPENTER, served in the 23rd IA Volunteer Infantry during the entire war. Her mother s father, William McMURRAY, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and lived to be almost 100 years old. Mr. WARNER is a farmer and stock-dealer. Address, Calais, Monroe county, OH.


JAMES WELLS son of William and Nancy STEPHENS WELLS, was born in Greene county, PA, Mar 7 1818, and came to this county in 1820. He was married near Miltonsburg, in this county, by Esquire WILLARD, Sep 20 1840, to Julitta STEPHENS, born in this county, Apr 18 1822, daughter of Elijah and Majora DEARTH STEPHENS, both deceased. Mrs. WELLS parents were natives of PA, and settled in Seneca township when the country was a wilderness, and there were only a few cabins in the township. They had to house the sheep every night to keep them from the volves. Elijah STEPHENS was a soldier in the war of 1812. Mr. WELLS, when a boy, attended some of the first schools taught in the county. They had greased paper for windows, and the seats were made of saplings split in two, and legs put in from the round side, with no backs to them. The writing-desks were made by boring holes in the wall, with no pegs in and laying planks on them. Elijah STEPHENS and wife were among the very first settlers in this part of the county. They raised 11 children to maturity, who have scattered to different parts of the United States. Mr. WELLS mother died Mar 4 1882. Mr. & Mrs. WELLS children are: William S., born May 13 1841, deceased; Louisa CARPENTER, Jun 19 1843; Priscilla, Mar 23 1845, deceased; John, Feb 20 1846; Nancy S., Apr 7 1848; Julitta J. GILMORE, Mar 25 1850; Elizabeth J. CARPENTER, Feb 2 1852; James A., Apr 25 1855; Bird STEPHEN, Dec 25 1856; Elijah S., Feb 2 1859; Lana E. BROWNFIELD, Jul 12 1861. Elijah & Nancy live at home; Elijah married Emeline MERCER. All the others who are living, reside in this township. The eldest son, William, lost his life in the war. He enlisted, in the fall of 1862, in the 20th OVI, served until the following March, when he took the measles, and died at Savannah, TN. Mr. WELLS is a farmer. Address, Calais, Monroe county, OH.


Transcribed by Dr. Shirley A. Harmon, e-mail:



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