The following biographical sketches of early settlers in Monroe County as reproduced from a book titled, the "Combined History and Atlas of Monroe County, Ohio." The material for this book was taken from two nineteenth century books: (1) 'History of Monroe County Ohio,' a product of the H.H. Hardesty & Co., publishers, Chicago and Toledo, 1882 and (2) 'Caldwell's Atlas of Monroe County, Ohio,' a product of Atlas Publishing Company, Mount Vernon, Ohio, 1898. The "Combined History and Atlas of Monroe County, Ohio" was reprinted and is available from the Monroe County Historical Society.































OLIVER ATKINSON a hardware merchant of Clarington. His father, Cornelius ATKINSON, died Feb 1847; and his mother, Mary JOHNSON, died May 1 1864. His grandfather, William ATKINSON, was one of the very earliest settlers along the Ohio river, settling at the mouth of sunfish creek, when Ohio was only laid out in territorial counties. He, with his brothers, Isaac & James & Charles, made the first settlement where Clarington now stands. This whole southeastern Ohio was then Marietta district. They often had trouble with the Indians, and had to flee many times to the fort at Wheeling. Cornelius ATKINSON, father of Oliver, was born on the Susquehanna river, in PA, and was a small lad when they settled here. They endured all the hardships and inconveniences incident to the settlement of a new country. Oliver ATKINSON started in the world with nothing but his hands to help him, but by industry and economy he has prospered, and is now one of the leading business men of Clarington.


WILLIAM F. BOOTH is a hotel keeper in Clarington, OH. He was born at Wheeling WV Jul 2 1813. His parents (both deceased) were Asael BOOTH & Bethiah FAIRCHILD, both born at Newton CT and settled in this county in Dec 1827. Asael BOOTH came from CT & settled at Wheeling when it was but a village, and engaged in mercantile business for several years. He came to Clarington in 1827, when the place had a population of about 50. Here he embarked again in the mercantile trade, and also dealt in live stock, which he drove over the mountains to eastern markets. He brought all his goods by wagons from Baltimore. He was one of the early prominent business men of the place; was the first Methodist class-leader in Wheeling; lived to the age of 80 years, universally respected, and died lamented by all who knew him. He met his death by a tree falling upon him. William F. BOOTH has been for year identified with the business interests of Clarington. He is proprietor of the only hotel in the town, which he has kept for 42 years, and formerly kept a warehouse for freight from the river, for 35 years, discontinuing about five years ago. He was postmaster at Clarington for seven years, and his father was the first postmaster in the town. Mr. BOOTH was married at Wheeling, Mar 6 1834, to Emily, daughter of Richard & Mary BELL CARTER, both deceased, and she was born in Ohio county, WV, Feb 25 1814. Children: Mary B. THOMPSON, born Dec 31 1834, married Dec 12 1861; Adelia COCHRANE, born May 16 1837, married Mar 1 1864; Charles E., born Feb 9 1841, married Nov 20 1872 these three reside in Clarington; Emma F. ANDREWS, born Oct 7 1847, married Jan 13 1881, died Nov 1 1881; Florence, born Mar 16 1844, died Mar 1 1846; John M., Sep 22 1849, died May 27 1868; Camilla, born Mar 4 1855, died Jan 19 1860. Address, Clarington, Monroe county, OH.


Dr. OLIPHANT BUSKIRK was born in Greene township, Monroe county, Apr 21 1821. His father, Samuel D. BUSKIRK, was born Feb 11 1797, and died Aug 10 1876. His mother s name was Martha WILLIAMS. He was married in Greene township, Aug 22 1837, by William MYERS, justice of the peace, to Sarah A. HARRISON, who was born in Wheeling, WV, Feb 13 1812, daughter of James M. & Elizabeth MOZENY HARRISON, both of whom are deceased. Children: The eldest, Joseph H., the youngest, V. B., and Martha WHITE, live in Clarington; Stephen A. is deceased; N. P. resides at Round Bottom; Dennis, at Woodsfield; and John H. is at home. Two of the sons, Joseph & Stephen, were in the war of the Rebellion. Joseph was a member of the 77th OVI, and enlisted at Clarington, Oct 3 1861. He was taken prisoner at Mark s Mills, AR, and held 10 months; took the scurvy from which he still suffers; served during the entire war. Stephen was in the 2nd WV Volunteer Infantry, and was confined 13 months a prisoner in Libby and Andersonville prisons. John H. has served five years in the regular service of the United States. He enlisted May 16 1875, and was honorably discharged at White river, CO, May 17 1880. Dr. BUSKIRK s father came from Greene county, PA, and settled in what is now Adams township, Monroe county, in 1809. This county was then a part of Belmont, Guernsey & Washington counties, and Woodsfield was not then laid out. The doctor remembers of being chased home by wolves when he was a boy, while he was out hunting the cows. Dr. BUSKIRK has practiced medicine in Monroe county for the last 30 years. He was in the medical department for three years during the late war, connected with the 77th OVI. He is a member of Monroe County Medical Society. Address, Clarington.


AVIN A. BALDWIN manufacturer of cigars and dealer in tobacco. Address, Clarington, Monroe county, OH.


RICHARD L. CAIN is a native of Monroe county, being born in Centre township, Jan 19 1833. His grandfather, Richard CAIN, was one of the earliest settlers in this county. His father, Alfred, died Aug 22 1854, aged 46 years. His mother was Mary LAFLEN. He was married Jan 23 1865 to Mary, daughter of George & Elizabeth ROTH MEHL, and she was born in Switzerland township, this county, Oct 28 1843. Their children are: G. W., born Nov 4 1865; Lizzie M., Aug 27 1867; Laura M., born Dec 2 1869, died Nov 27 1880; Carrie E., Mar 4 1872; Eunice C., Aug 8 1874; Ernest E., Mar 18 1877; Nora E., Sep 6 1879. Mr. CAIN had three brothers, Matthew, Thomas & John R. in the late war. Thomas was a member of the 25th OVI. He enlisted at Woodsfield in the spring of 1861. He was in the battles of Bull Run, Chancellorsville, Honey Hill, and many other hard fought battles through which the regiment passed, and was discharged at Columbus, OH. John R. served in the 7th WV Volunteer Infantry, three years, and was killed in the battle at Richmond. Matthew was in the 125th IL Volunteer Infantry, Co. I; was with Sherman three years, participating in all the battles the regiment was engaged in. Mrs. CAIN s parents came from Germany about 1840, went into the unbroken forest, built a cabin, cleared a farm, raised a family of 11 children, of whom seven are still living, five of them in Monroe county, one in Wood county, WV, and one in IL. Mr. MEHL and wife are still living, and reaping the reward of their labors in the county in that early day. Mr. CAIN resides in Salem township, and follows farming. His address is Clarington.


WILLIAM M. COCHRAN His father, William COCHRAN, was married in Wetzel county, VA, to Frances WILLIAMS (who died Mar 15 1872), daughter of Jeremiah WILLIAMS. He located at Woodsfield, in Monroe county, OH, when that town was but a hamlet. Here he followed tanning, and was in the mercantile business. From there he moved to the present residence of William M., on Sunfish creek, about two miles above Clarington. He raised a family of five sons and three daughters here. In 1878 he moved back to the farm he was married on in Wetzel county, and is still living at the ripe old age of 86. He was one of the enterprising pioneers of this county, taking great interest in all public improvements, schools, etc. Mr. William M. COCHRAN is the only one of the COCHRAN family left in this county, three of them being dead, and the others having sought homes elsewhere. He was born at Woodsfield, Mar 22 1833; married Jun 29 1876, to Sarah BLATTLER, a native of this county, and daughter of Christopher & Susan BLATTLER, both deceased. Children: J. Clifford, born Jul 24 1877, and William, May 31 1880. Mr. COCHRAN had one brother, Thomas J., in the war of 1861. He first went out in the three months service in the 1st OVI, and afterwards into the 77th OVI, as adjutant of the regiment. Mr. C. is a farmer of Salem township. Address, Clarington, Monroe county, OH.


JACOB EBERT was born in Germany and came to this county in 1840. He was married in Switzerland township, May 19 1862, to Elizabeth MEHL, who was born in Switzerland township. Her parents were George MEHL & Elizabeth ROTH, deceased. They came to this county in 1849. The children of Mr. & Mrs. EBERT are: George G., Mary M., Charles L., and Albert F. Mr. EBERT s parents came from Germany and settled in the north-western part of Salem township in 1840. It was quite new at that date. His father went into the woods, cleared up a farm and contributed his share towards making our county what it is today. His wife died, after he had lived here about 10 years, leaving him with a family of small children. He never married again, and is living at the age of 81 years. He makes his home with his son, Jacob, the subject of this sketch. The latter is one of the substantial farmers of Salem township. Mrs. EBERT s parents also came from Germany in the year 1849, and settled in Switzerland township, Monroe county, when the country was comparatively new. They raised a family of seven children, five of whom are still living on the farm, and are respected by all who know them. Mr. EBERT s address is Clarington, Monroe county, OH.


LEWIS EBERT was born in Lamebaugh, Germany, Mar 20 1834, and came to this county in 1840. His parents were Lewis EBERT, Sen., and Catharine TRIBER; the latter died Jan 1 1849. He was married in Switzerland township, Apr 27 1856, to Caroline BERLAU, who was born in Monroe county, Apr 4 1837. Her parents were Conrad BERLAU, who died Oct 1 1874, and Catharine WEITZELL, who died Feb 25 1860. They came to this county in 1832. They lived Christian lives, both being members of the Methodist Episcopal church for over 40 years. They lived to a mature old age and died lamented by all who knew them. Mr. EBERT s parents came from Germany, in 1840, and settled in the north-western part of Salem township; it was then quite new and all the surrounding country was woods. They went into the woods and cleared up the farm and went through many inconveniences, such as are incident to life in a new country. Lewis EBERT, the subject of this sketch, was the elder son, and assisted his father materially in clearing up and tilling the farm. His mother died when he was 16 years old, and the weight of the household duties fell on him, as his father never married again. His father is still living at the ripe old age of 81 years. Mrs. EBERT s parents came from Germany, in 1832; they came west immediately after landing and located in Wheeling, WV. They remained in Wheeling one winter and then came on to Switzerland township, and made a permanent settlement. Switzerland township was at this time all woods; no schools, no churches, and only a cabin here and there. Four of the children are still living. Mr. EBERT is a resident of Salem township, and engaged in farming. Address, Clarington, Monroe county, OH.


HENRY EICHHORN was born in Hanover, Germany, Jul 4 1836, and settled in this county in 1865. His wife s parents were among the early settlers in Switzerland township, in this county, coming here when there were probably not more than half-a-dozen families in the township, and shared the common hardships of a new country. Mr. FREIDIGER is still living, aged 73 years. Mr. EICHHORN s mother s name was Dorothy HARMERLING. She resides at Marietta. His wife s name was Marian FREIDIGER, born in this county, Jan 16 1838, daughter of John & Elizabeth SMITS FREIDIGER, who settled here in 1832. Mrs. F. died Mar 3 1871. Mr. & Mrs. EICHHORN were married Oct 23 1860, and have a family of 12 children, all yet at home: H. Samuel, born Sep 29 1861; J. William, Feb 16 1863; Carl Wesley, Oct 14 1864; Lizzie M., Oct 17 1866; August A., Aug 12 1868; Mary A., Nov 25 1870; George A., Oct 17 1871; Emma C., Aug 14 1873; Frederick L., Aug 6 1875; Julian L., Mar 4 1877; Clara D., Jun 2 1879; Lily Esther, Apr 9 1881. Mr. E. served in the late war, in Co. G, 148th OVI. He enlisted at Marietta, OH, May 2 1864, under Captain J. L. McELHINNEY, and was discharged at the same place, Sep 14 1864. He resides in Salem township, and follows farming. Address, Clarington.


WILLIAM T. HURD is a native of Monroe county, having had his birth here, Sep 27 1816. His parents, both deceased, were Samuel HURD & Elizabeth BUSKIRK. He married his first wife, Eliza SMALLEY, Jan 10 1842, near Fort Smith, AR. Her parents are both deceased. Born by the first marriage: Mary V., 1843, died Jun 10 1843. Married the second time at Clarington, Feb 15 1847, to Susan NEWHOUSE, who was born at Wellsburg, VA, in 1827. Born by the second marriage: Wesley B. HURD, resides at Clarington. His third wife was Ann J. McBRIDE, who was born in Pittsburgh, PA, Dec 25 1827. Her parents were James & Margaret WHITTEN McBRIDE, the former deceased. Mr. HURD has been justice of the peace in Salem township for 12 years. He has also served 10 years as mayor of the town of Clarington, Monroe county, OH, which position he now holds.


GEORGE C. KALBFLEISCH His parents, Adam KALBFLEISCH and Mary KIMPEL, both deceased, came into this county in 1834. George C. was born in Monroe county, Apr 15 1835. Married Oct 1 1865, to Jane DAVIS, who was born in Belmont county, Feb 3 1844. Her parents, Jacob & Mary CROZIER DAVIS, settled in this county in 1845. Their child, Mary, was born May 30 1879. Mr. K. s brother, John, was a soldier in the late war, in the 116th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry. He was severely injured, from which he lost one of his limbs; served three years. Mrs. K. s brother, Thomas DAVIS, enlisted Dec 12 1862, in the 77th OVI, served until the following April, when he was taken prisoner in the battle of Pittsburg Landing, was in several southern prisons, and finally died of starvation, on his way to be exchanged, and was taken off the train at Petersburg, WV, Nov 17 1863. Mr. K. s people settled in Switzerland township when it was very new, few settlers, no roads, only bridle-paths through the woods, and their nearest neighbors were over a mile away. Mr. Jacob DAVIS has held the office of justice of the peace, township clerk, assessor, and has taught school for 30 years in succession. He is now living in Salem township, at the advanced age of 73 years, and his wife is hale at the age of 67 years. They reared a family of 12 children, all living reside in the township but Jacob, who is a local preacher in MO.


CHRISTIAN KLEBE is engaged in general farming in Salem township. Was born in Berks county, PA, Jul 25 1847, and came with his parents, Christopher & Elizabeth BOETTNER KLEBE, into this county in 1847. Christian was married in Switzerland township, Mar 21 1875 to Fannie FREUDIGER who was born in that township, Feb 26 1842. Her parents were John & Elizabeth SMITS FEUDIGER, (the latter died Mar 3 1871), who settled here in 1832. Children: George Wilhelm and Caroline Elizabeth, born Jul 17 1876; John E., born Jun 4 1878, died Aug 22 1878; Clara L., born Nov 22 1879. Mr. KLEBE s first marriage was Dec 4 1869, to Nancy Ann, a daughter of John & Rosa CASE. She was born Jun 11 1847, died Jan 31 1874. Children of first marriage: Charles Franklin, born Jul 28 1871; Anna E., born Oct 12 1873, died Feb 12 1874. Mr. KLEBE s father came from Germany in May 1847, and settled in Berks county, PA. After six months they came to Monroe county, and located near the centre of Switzerland township, where they remained about eight years, and then removed to their present residence, in the northern part of Salem township. Mr. KLEBE, senior, is still living, one of the substantial citizens of his county. Mrs. KELBE s father came from Berne, Switzerland in 1832, landed at New York, and came at once to this county. He here married the widow of John HAUDENSCHILD, (Elizabeth SMITS), and entered a farm of 80 acres in Switzerland township. He sent scholars to the first school taught in the township. He is still living, hale and hearty, aged 74, and has his second wife, Elizabeth HEINLEIN, whom he married in 1877. Address, Christian KLEBE, Clarington, Monroe county, OH.


CHARLES KLEBE is a native of Monroe county, having been born in Switzerland township, Jun 20 1854. The personal history of his father s family is recorded in the sketch of his brother, Christian KLEBE. He was married at Wheeling, WV, Feb 14 1877, to Lizzie Gussie KREIGER, who was born in Germany, Jun 1 1856, daughter of John & Caroline WEIDEMANN KREIGER, the latter deceased. Three children have been born to them, namely: Gussie Mary, born Dec 20 1877, died Dec 23, the same year; Charles William, born Jan 5 1879; Emma Elizabeth, born May 13 1881. Mrs. K. s parents came from Prussia Pommern, Germany, in May 1871. They settled at Wheeling, WV, where they lived five years, then at Tildensville, Jefferson county, where Mrs. KREIGER died Jul 13 1878, and in the spring of 1881 Mr. KREIGER came to Salem township, where he now resides. Mr. KLEBE is engaged in a general farming business in Salem township. His address is Clarington.


CHARLES LOBENSTEIN a native of Germany, having been born in Saxony, Aug 3 1825. He came to Clarington 30 years ago, purchased the tannery of John K. BOOTH, which he enlarged, and was doing a large business, when he burned out in Jun 1871. Having a large stock on hand, he suffered heavily by the fire, but rebuilt immediately, and again was burned out, Nov 17 1879. He has again partially rebuilt, and is carrying on the business of tanning and finishing leather, and manufacturing and dealing in boots and shoes. Mr. LOBENSTEIN is one of the enterprising business men of the place, and has helped largely to build up the town. He volunteered a substitute during our late war. He was married in New York city in 1852 to Frederica MILLER, who was born in Saxony, May 10 1826. Their three children are: Mary, Emma and Clara, the latter deceased. Mr. L. s father was Frederick LOBENSTEIN, and his mother Susan BEER. The parents of both Mr. & Mrs. L. are deceased. Mr. LOBENSTEIN is also engaged in farming. Address, Clarington.


HENRY MAURY is a son of Jacob & Mary MAURY, who came into this county in 1859. He was born in Belmont county, Jul 10 1846. Mr. MAURY is a teacher and farmer. He was elected assessor of Salem township in 1870, and reelected in 1871. He was elected representative of Monroe county in the Ohio legislature in 1877 for two years, and reelected to the same office in 1881 for another term. Address, Clarington, Monroe county, OH.


CHARLES M. MESSERLY whose parents, John & Catherine E. LEGAR MESSERLY, came into this county in 1852. He was born at Syracuse, NY, Sep 21 1848, married at Beallsville, OH, Dec 14 1873, to Desda M. STEWARD born in Sunsbury township, this county, Feb 29 1853, daughter of Noah & Anna ARMSTRONG STEWARD. Children: George A., born Oct 13 1874; Mina A., born Nov 3 1876; Edward E., Jan 14 1879; Ada V., born Dec 19 1881. Mr. MESSERLY carried on the business of a merchant tailor in Clarington for about 10 years, and then, Apr 1 1882, moved to Sistersville, where he still conducts the same business. Three of Mrs. M. s brothers, George, Thomas & Joseph STEWARD, served in the late war. Address, Sistersville, WV.


WILL. W. MESSERLY is a son of Abram MESSERLY & Catharine VAN DUZEN; who came into this county in 1852. He was born in Herkimer, NY, May 15 1849; married in Moore township, Alleghany county, PA, Oct 23 1873 to Martha J. STERLING, who was born in Pittsburgh, PA, May 8 1847. She was daughter of James STERLING, who died in 1860, and Margaret CLARK. Their three children are: Warren D., born Aug 19 1875; Charles B., Oct 15 1878; Jay E., Apr 26 1880. Mr. MESSERLY is a manufacturer of cigars. Address, Clarington, Monroe county, OH.


JACOB T. MORRILL is an attorney-at-law and notary public of Clarington. He was born in Kennebec county, ME, Sep 30 1822. His father, Noah MORRILL, died in 1834, and his mother, Sarah P. PRESCOTT, in 1856. They settled in this county in 1827. Noah MORRILL came from Maine to Wheeling VA in 1825. He remained there about a year, and then came on to Woodsfield, which was then but a hamlet in the woods. The court-house was the only brick building in the town, the others being rude log houses. The jail was then a log building. There were then but two resident attorneys in the town, Edward ARCHBOLD & Samuel H. GUTHRIE. Mr. MORRILL, Sr., was a manufacturer of pumps. There was then no school-house in Woodsfield. Mr. J. T. MORRILL read law under Judge John W. OKEY, now one of the Supreme Judges of the State. He was admitted to the bar Apr 4 1860, and has practiced continuously in this county since. He held the office of justice of the peace for 24 years in succession in this township, was postmaster for 17 years in this town, holding besides many minor offices. Mr. MORRILL married here, Jan 20 1842, Dorintha M. BRACEY, who was born in Marshall county, VA, Aug 22 1820. Of their children, Elizabeth J., Sarah E. & Ruth A. reside at Wheeling WV; Leander B. & James C. at Bellaire; and John E. & Nancy A. at Clarington. Leander served three years in the war, enlisting at Pittsburgh PA, Sep 1863, in the 14th PA Volunteer Infantry. He was first in the infantry and then in the mounted infantry, and served until the close of the war.


CHARLES McGONIGAL is a farmer of Salem township; was born in Tyrone county, Ireland, in May 1816, and settled in Monroe county in 1850. He is a son of Joseph McGONIGAL, who died May 2 1871, and Isabella McFARLAND, who died Jul 7 1863. His father came from Ireland, and located near West Liberty WV, and engaged in the manufacture of woolen goods, which he followed until his 60th year, when he retired from business on account of poor health. He then removed to Monroe county to the residence of his son, Charles, where he spent the remainder of his days in quiet, and died at the age of 85 years, respected by all. Mr. Charles McGONIGAL s great-grandfather, McGONIGAL, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war all through, serving under General Washington. His brother-in-law, James STEWARD, served through the late war, a captain in the 76th OVI, and was with Sherman on his famous march to the sea. Mr. McGONIGAL has held the office of assessor for five years in this township, and was one of the judges of stock at the first county fair held in the county. He is one of the enterprising citizens of the county, lending his influence to educational matters, and to everything pertaining to the advancement of the interests of the county. Address, Clarington.


JAMES W. McKIMMIE a druggist of Clarington, Monroe county, OH, son of G. W. & Ann FERRELL McKIMMIE, was born in Marshall county, WV, Mar 3 1851. His mother died in 1852. His father remarried in 1853, and he lived with his father until he became of age, and received a common school education, after which he attended the State Normal School at West Liberty, WV, in 1872-3, to fit himself to teach. He taught a term of five months in 1874, and became dissatisfied. He then served as an apprentice with John R. DAVIS, a druggist of Moundsville, WV, up to Aug 15 1877. After leaving Mr. DAVIS, he located in Clarington, Monroe county, OH, where he has since been engaged in the drug business. He was married in Clarington, Jan 16 1878, by Rev. Mr. GRIMES, to Alice L., daughter of John & Catherine E. MESSERLY. His wife was born Aug 10 1856. Their two children are: James Edgar, born Nov 7 1879, and Anna E., Feb 25 1881. Mr. McKIMMIE was elected justice of the peace of Salem township in Oct 1881, and now holds that position. His father located in Marshall county, WV in 1847, and has since been engaged in the practice of medicine, and has been very successful both in his practice and in his financial affairs. He is still a resident of Marshall county, WV, where his whole professional life has been spent, and is one of the prominent citizens of his county. He was born in Loudoun county, VA Nov 15 1815.


BOSTON ROUSH is a son of Boston ROUSH (deceased Jul 26 1829) and Matilda FISHER, born in Maryland. They came to this State Jul 1794. Matilda died Nov 9 1873. Mr. ROUSH was born in Harrison county, OH, Sep 16 1819. He came to this county in 1867. He was married in Belmont county, Dec 29 1846, to Hannah M. WORKMAN, who was born in Belmont county, OH, Jan 26 1827. Her parents were Jesse WORKMAN, who died Nov 8 1873, and Elizabeth McLUNEY, who died Sep 28 1872. They came to this county in 1858. The children of Mr. & Mrs. ROUSH are: William A. ROUSH, born Oct 5 1847, lives in Salem township; Matilda J. CUNNINGHAM, May 29 1849, lives in Salem township; James B., Oct 3 1853, died Feb 22 1859; Lizzie A., Mar 29 1863, lives at home; John B., Aug 29 1865. George W. ROUSH, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, died in 1856, at the age of 103 years. He came from Germany when a young man, and before the Revolutionary war. He served in that war. Afterwards he was a scout and Indian spy, during the troubles after the Revolutionary war. He married Elizabeth REISCHER, and settled in the vicinity of Pittsburgh, or where it is now located. There was only a block house there then. He raised a family of 12 children, nine sons and three daughters, of whom the father of the subject of this sketch was the second son. He grew to the years of manhood on the old homestead near Pittsburgh, and was subject to all the hardships incident to a new country. He married Matilda FISHER, daughter of George & Elizabeth FISHER. Her parents resided in Harrison county, OH, and were among the very earliest settlers, cutting a road several miles through the woods to the spot selected for a home. Boston ROUSH, Sr., directly after his marriage, settled in Harrison county, OH, near New Rumley. He resided there about 12 years, then came on to Belmont county, which was very new, and resided there until his death. His widow raised a family of four children. In her last days she made her home with her son Boston. She died at the age of 79 years. Mr. ROUSH is a resident of Salem township, and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. Address, Clarington, Monroe county, OH.


MELVIN E. RUTTER is a manufacturer of cigars and dealer in tobacco, at Clarington, Monroe county, where he was born Aug 12 1853, son of William & Rachel BURTON RUTTER. He married here, also, Dec 21 1877, Mattie SMITH, who was born at Martin s Ferry, Belmont county, OH, daughter of Alexander SMITH, deceased. Children: Helen G., born Dec 25 1878; Lucy B., Nov 22 1881. Mr. RUTTER s grandfather, Jonathan RUTTER, settled in Greene county, PA, when a young man, learned the trade of gun-smithing, and made guns for the war of 1812. From there he came to Monroe county, and married the daughter of Joshua HURD, locating on Sunfish creek, about four miles from its mouth. This was about the year 1808. There was only a house or two in Clarington at that time, and very few settlers in the county. He assisted in organizing Salem township, and voted at the first election. Melvin RUTTER s uncle, John VANDEVENTER, was one of the first three trustees elected in this township. Joshua HURD, great-grandfather of Martin RUTTER, built a cabin on Well s Bottom, opposite Clarington, in 1783, and the next year brought his family from near Elliott s Mills, MD, and made a permanent settlement here. He was a surgeon in the war of 1776, and was under General Washington seven years. Mr. Jonathan RUTTER and John VANDEVENTER built the first grist-mill on Sunfish creek. It was afterwards known as the Jones mill.


JOHN L. ROWLEY was born in Gallia county, Mar 29 1824, and settled in this county in 1864. His father, Isaac ROWLEY, was born in New York, and died in Gallia county, OH, in Feb 1845; his mother s name was Rachel LEMLEY. He was married in Wood county, WV, Jan 2 1859 by Rev. Henry DYE, to Dorcas MONTGOMERY, who was born near Waynesburg, Greene county, PA, Jul 6 1838. Her parents were John MONTGOMERY, who was born near Dublin Ireland, and died in Greene county, PA, Dec 19 1841, and Sarah WHITCHLATCH, born near Morgantown, VA, May 9 1800, and died Aug 19 1853. Children: Francis E., born Oct 29 1849, resides in PA; Martha J., born Nov 30 1860, died May 18 1863; Elmar Emmett S., Feb 25 1864, died Oct 16 1865; Robert L., Jul 21 1866; Lizzie H., Dec 26 18--; Lewann, Jun 26 18--; Sarah L., Feb 19 1871; John H., Jul 4 1872, died Apr 24 1876; Mary C., Jul 1 1874, died Jul 20 1875; Arthur F., Dec 4 1875, died Apr 19 1876; Franklin C., Nov 19 1877. Mr. ROWLEY served during the war in Co. D, 11th VA Volunteer Infantry. Enlisted Sep 25 1863, at Parkersburg, WV, where the regiment remained until the following spring, when it went to Beverly, VA, to support General Hunter in his famous raid. After the raid, was transferred to General Crook s command, and operated in the Shenandoah valley. Mr. R. participated in all the battles of the regiment, and was discharged at Norfolk, VA, Jun 25 1865. Two of his brothers were in the war, Thomas in Co. D, 116th OVI, enlisted in Jun 1862, was in the battle of Piedmont VA, was taken prisoner at Winchester, VA, and held at Richmond; he is now drawing a pension for loss of eye-sight in the army. Joseph was corporal of C. D, 11th VA Volunteer Infantry, served four years, and discharged in the spring of 1865. Mrs. ROWLEY s two brothers, William & John MONTGOMERY, served in the war of 1861, William in Co. C, 116th OVI, enlisted in 1862, was wounded at Staunton VA & taken prisoner at the battle of Winchester, VA; served four years and was discharged at the close of the war. He now draws a pension. John was in the same company; enlisted in 1863, was wounded at the battle of Piedmont, VA, and served to the close of the war. Mr. ROWLEY s uncle, Samuel ROWLEY, was a soldier of the war of 1812, and is still living. Mr. John J. ROWLEY resides in Salem township, and is engaged in farming. Address, Clarington.


JOHN STAUFFER is a son of Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas STAUFFER, the latter being now dead. He was born in Switzerland, Nov 24 1841; moved into this county in Jun 1854. He was married in Ohio township, Monroe county, Apr 24 1866, to Catherine LUDE. Their children are: Christina, born May 16 1867; John, Sep 11 1869; Jacob, Apr 17 1871. All of the above live at home. Mr. STAUFFER is a resident of Salem township, and engaged in farming and the dairy business. Address, Clarington, Monroe county, OH.


GEORGE E. TOPP merchant tailor of Clarington, was born at Wheeling, WV, Oct 18 1856, and came into Monroe county with his parents, August & Elizabeth MESSERLY TOPP, in 1866. He married at Powhattan, Ohio, Sep 14 1879, Kate M. McGREW, daughter of Archibald & Lydia CAMPBELL McGREW (the latter deceased), who settled in this county in 1875. Mrs. TOPP s father was quite an early settler in Belmont county, a miller by occupation, and operated a grist-mill for a number of years at Wegee, Belmont county. Mr. TOPP & his father are among the enterprising business men of Clarington, and carry on a large merchant tailoring business. He had two brothers in the war. William was in the 1st VA Cavalry, was taken prisoner, escaped, and served during the war. Charles was killed in the service. Address, Clarington.


SAMUEL TSCHAPPAT is a native of Monroe county, having been born in Switzerland township, May 19 1845. Ever since his seventeenth year he has been in the employ of the government, with the exception of two years. On the 22nd of Aug 1862, he enlisted in the 116th OVI, serving until the close of the war. He participated in the following engagement: Winchester, Opaquan, Fisher s Hill, Cedar Creek, in the principal battles around Richmond, at the surrender of Lee, and in numerous skirmishes and small engagements. He was shot in the knee while on the skirmish line at Winchester. His brother, David TSCHAPPAT, was starved to death in Libby prison, and is now buried in Green Lawn Cemetery, at Columbus, OH. Samuel was Assistant United States Marshal in 1870 in Monroe county. He was assistant-postmaster at Powhattan Point for five years. He still holds, and has filled, since 1876, the position of post-master at Clarington. Elizabeth DUERR became his wife at Clarington, OH, Jan 18 1874. They have two children: Emma Gertrude, born Jul 6 1876, and Katie, May 6 1879. Samuel s parents, Jacob & Susannah TSCHAPPAT, settled in this county in 1825. John & Catherine DUERR are the parents of Mrs. TSCHAPPAT. Address, Clarington, Monroe county, OH.


SETH WARD His grandfather WARD came from MD, and settled in Belmont county before Monroe county was organized, and when the whole of south-eastern OH was a wilderness. He settled on Captina creek, above and near where Armstrong s mill is now located, and resided there until his death. Mr. Seth WARD s father, Moses WARD, was raised and resided in Belmont county until his 18th year, when he went into the war of 1812. When he had served his time he returned to Belmont county, and remained until he was 24 years of age, when he married the daughter of Joseph & Christina MARTIN, and came to Monroe county, and settled in Wayne township, which was then an unbroken wilderness, and full of wild, dangerous animals. He voted at the first election held in that township. They resided in Wayne township until 1829, when they went to Belmont county, where Mr. WARD was engaged for many years in distilling liquors. He then came to Salem township, and died May 25 1861. His wife, Mary MARTIN, died Oct 26 1874. Mr. Seth WARD was born in Wayne township, Jun 4 1820, married the first time to Eleanor DOUGHERTY, daughter of Patrick & Rose DOUGHERTY, and she was born Oct 22 1824, and died Apr 7 1847. By this marriage one child was born, Stephen D., Jan 10 1847. The second marriage was Jul 2 1848 to Eliza DRUM, born in Wayne township, Mar 26 1830. Her parents were Simon DRUM, born Oct 30 1797, died Mar 14 1868, and Lydia NOFFSINGER, born Feb 2 1797, died Jul 12 1866. By this second marriage, fourteen children were born, namely: James M., born May 3 1849; Seth D., Jan 30 1851; Alvirah, Dec 22 1852; Mary A., Jul 12 1854; Eliza J., Jan 10 1856; Simon, Mar 26 1857; Lydia, Feb 23 1859; Sarah, Dec 24 1861 all these died in Sep 1861 excepting Seth D., who died Nov 7 1873; Alice LOEBENSTEIN, born Sep 15 1862; Cyrus A., Mar 24 1865; Thaddeus S., Mar 13 1867; Amanda, May 13 1869, died Feb 22 1870; Charles, Jan 11 1871; Albert, Jan 30 1873, died Dec 21 1873. Mr. WARD has been a trustee of his township for 16 years past with the exception of one year. His brother, Stephen served through the war in the 116th OVI; was wounded in the service. Mrs. WARD s brother, James DRUM, served three years in the 62nd OVI. Mr. WARD resides in Salem township, and is engaged in farming, stock-raising and dealing in general produce. Address, Clarington.


JOEL YOST was born in Belmont county, Oct 26 1808, and came into Monroe county in 1833. His father, Robert YOST, was born Jan 12 1781, died May 19 1824; his mother, Nancy NIXON, also deceased, was born Jan 22 1788. He married in this township, Mar 11 1834, Nancy WALTON, who was born in Alleghany county, PA, Jul 4 1817. Her parents were James WALTON, who died Nov 19 1852, aged 78 years, and Elizabeth RISHER, who died Aug 19 1833, aged 48. They settled in this county in 1819, and Mr. WALTON was justice of the peace for a long term of years, an enterprising man, and assisted largely in making improvements here in an early day. The children of Joel YOST & wife are: Mary W. McCARTY, born Dec 24 1834, resides in Adair county, IA; Angeline GATTS, Aug 14 1836, lives in WV; Minerva, Jan 13 1838, is at home; Sophia, Jan 10 1840, deceased Sep 8 1840; Elizabeth, Jan 28 1842; Francis A., Sep 26 1844, at home; J. Warren, Jun 15 1847, lives at Bellaire; George W., Oct 6 1848, at Wheeling WV; Nancy E., Dec 4 1850, died Oct 25 1864; James K., Dec 26 1863, at home; J. C. C., Nov 30 1860, at Columbus OH. Mr. YOST was trustee in his township for about 10 years; was elected commissioner of the county for two terms, but before the second term was out he was elected to the legislature of the State, in which he represented his county two terms. Mr. YOST s grand-parents came from New Jersey in a very early day, and settled near Martin s Ferry, when the country was a wilderness, and very few settlers along the Ohio river. His grandfather, NIXON, settled at the mouth of Glen s run, four miles above Wheeling, and often had to flee to the fort at West Liberty for safety. Mr. YOST s father was never a resident of Monroe county, but lived & died in Belmont. His mother died in Monroe county. Occupation, farming. Address, Clarington.



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