FRANCIS MARION AMOS. The AMOSes were of English descent. The great-grandfather of F. M. AMOS was born in England and came to America when 12 years of age, and settled in MD. To him was born Robert AMOS, Sr. (grandfather of F. M.), who lived & died in MD. From him came Robert AMOS, Jr., father of the subject of this sketch. At the age of 17 Robert AMOS Jr. became engaged as a stage-driver on the old National pike, which in those days was esteemed by a young man as quite a luxury. While thus engaged he had the honor of carrying as passengers in his coach, Wm. H. Harrison & John Tyler, afterward President and Vice-President of the United States. He came to Washington county in 1842 and settled near Brownsville, now Monroe county. Here he married Elizabeth DYE in 1843. Daniel DYE, (born in VA), great-grandfather of F. M. AMOS, was one of the first settlers in Monroe county, and was the founder of what is known in the history of Ohio as the Dye settlement , it being one of the first made in the State. To him was born, in VA, Elizabeth DYE (grandmother of F. M. AMOS) who married James DYE, of VA, and they came into Monroe county in a very early day and raised a large family of children, of whom the mother of F. M. AMOS was one. Robert AMOS, Jr., is occupied at farming, and stock-raising. He raised a large family. By industry and frugality he rose very rapidly in a pecuniary way. He finally moved to Washington county on the Ohio river, the site of his present abode. As a manager he was very successful, exhibiting that aptitude and tact which characterize the AMOS family. Francis Marion AMOS was born in Perry township, Nov 12 1846. His boyhood days were spent in manual labor on his father s farm, with very meager advantages for education; this was mostly accomplished after the day s labor was done. At the age of 16 he began teaching school; taught two terms at Trail run in Benton township, and two terms in Perry teaching in winter and farming in summer. He was married Apr 8 1865 to Eunice Ann CISNE, who was born in this county Sep 26 1845, daughter of General Emanuel CISNE and Sarah GARRARD. General CISNE and wife were born in Fayette county, PA, and were of French extraction; he received his title from the Department of State, he being general of State Militia. He was in the war of 1861, but did not serve long on account of disability for which he received an honorable discharge. He was a pioneer in Monroe county, settling first on Sunfish creek, then at Antioch; he died Jun 4 1878. Seven children have been born to F. M. AMOS & wife, namely: James O., Feb 15 1866; Henry O., May 7 1868; Robert E., Sep 26 1870; Earnest O., Feb 2 1873; Corbin A., Feb 12 1875; Jessie L., Mar 4 1877; Francis M., Dec 28 1879. Mr. AMOS was engaged in farming and teaching alternately near Brownsville for three years; thence he removed to Graysville and carried on a mercantile business three years, he then came to Antioch and opened up a general merchandise and produce business, and is also a dealer in leaf tobacco. Mr. AMOS has had business relations in Antioch for 11 years and is one of the leading men of Monroe county. Address, Antioch.


JOHN R. BROWN son of Jesse BROWN, was born Jan 13 1838; occupation, farming. Enlisted in the army service Sep 28 1861, in Co. C, 2nd VA Cavalry; rendezvoused at Parkersburg, where the regiment was organized, and was there mustered into the service; was in VA & KY the first two years. During this time they did but little fighting, but a great deal of marching, traveling over 7,000 miles. The last two years they were in the Shenandoah valley under General Custer, in the 3rd cavalry division, all the while confronted by superior numbers. They captured in open battle 111 field pieces of artillery, 65 battle-flags and upward of 10,000 prisoners of war, including 7 general officers, during which they never lost a gun or a flag, nor suffered a defeat. After the surrender of General Lee they came to Wheeling and were mustered out Jun 30 1865.


JESSE A. BROWN was born in Fayette county, PA, Apr 4 1813, and came into Monroe county with his parents in Apr 1821. His father, James BROWN, was born Mar 17 1785, and died Aug 15 1837. His mother was Sarah REED, deceased. His wife, born in Washington county, Sep 8 1814, was Elizabeth DYE, daughter of John R. DYE, who was born Jun 2 1791, and died Oct 27 1859, and Priscilla RIDGEWAY, born Nov 10 1793, and died Jan 26 1868. They were married in Centre township, Feb 26 1836. Their children are: Emily BONER, born Dec 5 1836, resides near Harrietsville, Noble county; all the others living reside in this county; John R., Jan 13 1838; Abigail, Aug 3 1839, died Sep 19 1855; Sarah A., Sep 13 1841; James W., Nov 26 1843; Priscilla, Sep 25 1845, died Sep 25 1855; Angeline, Nov 23 1848; Luther, Nov 12 1850, resides at Raven Rocks WV; Lucy, Nov 2 1852, died Sep 17 1855; Mary SIMS, Apr 30 1855. The sons, John & James served in the war, from 1861 to the close, both in Co. C, 2nd VA Cavalry. They were in the battles of Jennies Creek, Cloyd Mountain, Snicker s Gap, Winchester, at the surrender of Petersburg, Bunker Hill, Romney, and in the Hunter & the Lynchburg raids. James had both feet frozen, from which he never fully recovered. Mr. BROWN s father settled on leased school lands in Perry township, on what is now known as the Brownsfield place. Then it was all woods where Antioch now stands, and their nearest postoffice was Woodsfield. There were times in those days when people had no bread in the fall of the year for several weeks, but lived on vegetables and game, and life was not always pleasant. Occupation, farming. Address, Antioch, Monroe county, OH.


CHARLES S. BUCHANAN a farmer of Perry township, was born in this county, Dec 10 1827. His father, William BUCHANAN, was born Nov 2 1791, and died Apr 2 1876; his mother, Mary STEWARD, died Oct 20 1852. He was married in Malaga township, Dec 2 1851. His wife, Mary A. LONG, was born in this county, Dec 11 1829, and she was a daughter of Henry LONG, who died Jul 12 1871, and Frances EBERLY. Children: William H., born Sep 30 1852, resides in Tazewell county, IL; John A., Nov 2 1854, lives at Armington, IL; James M., Sep 21 1856; Nancy J., May 11 1858, lives in Greene township; Charles S., Aug 22 1861; Joseph A., Mar 23 1863; Vincent G., Sep 23 1865; Mary F., Jul 24 1867; Estella C., Jul 2 1869; Phebe E., Dec 18 1871. Mr. BUCHANAN s father came from Washington county, PA, Mar 23 1823, and settled on the farm where he lived 56 years, and on which he died. He gave ground and material for a Presbyterian church, (of which he and his wife were members), which was named after him. They were acquainted with the hardships of pioneer life, and many a wandering pioneer was fed by them. Mrs. BUCHANAN s father was born and married in Germany, and was 93 days on the trip to America. He settled and lived in Monroe county. Mr. BUCHANAN s father helped to organize the first school here. Mr. BUCHANAN took a trip to Nebraska in 1869. His sons, William & John, are engaged in superintending public instruction in IL. Address, Antioch, Monroe county, OH.


ABRAHAM B. COVERT postoffice address, Antioch, OH. The COVERTs were of Saxon extraction; came to the United States from England in 1620, and settled near Hagerstown, MD. The MANNs (on the grandmother s side) were of German origin, and came to America the same year as the COVERTs, and located at the same place. In 1776 Morris COVERT, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, and Mary MANN were married at Hagerstown, where Joseph (father of Abraham B.) was born in 1777. Thence they moved to Fayette county, PA, near Uniontown, where they spent the remainder of their days in peace, raising a family of 10 children. Joseph COVERT & his brother Abraham came west in 1806, and Joseph located near New Athens, Harrison county, and here he entered into marriage relations with Nancy BEAUYER, in 1811. He here raised a family of seven children, among them the subject of this sketch. Abraham B. COVERT was born at New Athens, Jul 4 1817. He received a liberal education at Franklin College in Athens. Leaving there at the age of 24, he became a medical student under Dr. Hewitt, at Port Washington, in the Tuscarawas valley, where he spent three years in hard study and practiced one year. Here he was united in marriage with Phebe Maria WEBB, Aug 6 1844. He practiced medicine in Port Washington until the following spring. On Jul 31 1845, he moved to his present location, Antioch, Monroe county. Here he practiced very successfully, until, in 1866, he was compelled by ill-health to abandon his profession. For the benefit of out-door exercise he turned his attention to farming and stock-raising, in which he as continued to the present time, meeting with success. Dr. COVERT has been positively and officially connected with the Monroe County Agricultural Society since 1872, and this connected him with the State Board of Agriculture. He was elected to the directorship of the B. & S. W. Railroad, and holds that position at the present time. Mrs. COVERT was born at Oak Hill village, Greene county, NY, Jul 11 1817. Their children are: S. N., born Oct 26 1845, resides in Centre township; Mary J. DAVIDSON, Sep 30 1847, lives in Perry township; M. A., Aug 3 1852, lives at Antioch; Catherine C., Aug 1 1855, lives at Antioch; Nancy M. WARD, Nov 16 1857, lives at Marietta. Abraham B. COVERT was born at Antioch, and was raised on the farm of his father, where he showed superior ability as a manager. As a boy he was prudent, energetic and ambitious; even his walk told more than people were willing to admit. He early exhibited an aptitude for natural history, and when not engaged at hard labor on the farm, his leisure moments were spent in earnest study and research. He chose the medical profession, and entered Sterling Medical College at Columbus, OH, where he received his degree as a medical doctor. He commenced the practice of medicine in Antioch in 1881, where he controls at the present time about of the practice.


ISAAC C. DAVIDSON was born in Freeport township, Harrison county, Sep 30 1833, and came into this (Monroe) county in 1871. His father, Thomas DAVIDSON, was born in MD in 1795 and died in 1856; his mother, Lydia ARMSTRONG, was born in Fayette county, PA in 1797, and died in 1874. He married at Antioch, Aug 22 1865, Mary Josephine COVERT, who was born in Perry township, Sep 30 1847. Her father was A. B. COVERT, born Jul 4 1817; her mother, Phebe WEBB, was born Jul 10 1817, and they came here in 1845. The children of Mr. & Mrs. DAVIDSON are: Phebe H., born Jan 31 1867; David E., May 2 1869; Wilbert W., Sep 6 1871; Anna C., Oct 16 1873; Willie C., Apr 1 1876, died Jun 3 1876; Madgie Oleta, Jul 18 1878; Thomas A., Oct 6 1880. Mr. DAVIDSON is a farmer, residing in Perry township. Address, Antioch.


WILLIAM DOUGHERTY a farmer and stock-dealer of Perry township, was born, as were also his parents, in Letterkenny City, county of Donegal, Ireland, Aug 29 1816, and settled in Monroe county, Aug 9 1820; was a son of Patrick and Rose McTEAGUE DOUGHERTY. His father settled in Wayne township, Aug 9 1820, one of the early settlers in the unbroken forest, and helped to clear the country and organize schools. People then generally settled along the streams. Mr. DOUGHERTY & family, and also his parents, are all Roman Catholics. They were very early visited in their new home by Priest YOUNG, afterward Bishop YOUNG, and Father MULLEN. Their first church, and the present one, the church of St. Paul & St. Peter, is located in Washington township, and was built in 1847. Mr. DOUGHERTY was twice married, first Feb 26 1835. The first wife, Sarah CISNE, was born Jan 15 1819; died Jun 11 1859. Children by first marriage: The first two died before they were named, born Nov 16 1837, and Feb 7 1838; Eleanor BUCHHEIT, Jan 22 1839; Patrick, Dec 12 1840; Henry, Nov 8 1842; John S., Nov 9 1844, died Nov 8 1861; William M., Nov 20 1846, died Oct 19 1850; Matthew, Mar 20 1848; Peter, Mar 17 1851, died in Jan 1852; George, Apr 15 1853; Nathan, May 22 1855. The second marriage was in Wayne township, Mar 22 1856, to Margaret McMANAMY, who was born in Perry township, May 24 1838. Her father, Hugh McMANAMY, born in county Donegal, Ireland, died in 1859, and her mother, Susan HARRAN, died in 1846. Children: Catharine, born Apr 11 1857, died Oct 25 1880; Mary E., May 12 1859, died Nov 3 1861; Dennis, Feb 9 1861, died Nov 6 1861; Clement F., Apr 17 1863; Albert A., Oct 16 1865; Thomas O., Mar 3 1868; Sarah, Feb 7 1870; Stephen, Jan 29 1873; Charles C., Jan 31 1876. Mr. DOUGHERTY served in the late war from Oct 5 1861 to Sep 18 1862, in Co. K, 62nd OVI. He received a captain s commission, Dec 18 1861, which he held until he left the service. He was in the first battle at Winchester, at Port Republic, Harrison s Landing, and the regiment was engaged most of the time while they were in the Shenandoah valley. He had some narrow escapes, once having the frontispiece of his cap shot off; at another time having a little blood drawn above the right ear by a ball which shaved his hair. Mr. DOUGHERTY s son, Henry, served in Co. K, 62nd OVI, from Oct 5 1861 to Nov 5 1864. An only brother of Mr. DOUGHERTY & his two sons served in the same regiment. Mrs. DOUGHERTY s brother, Thomas McMANAMY, was killed in the service at Fort Wagner, SC, and his brother John died at home during the war from disease contracted in the service. Mr. DOUGHERTY s address is Antioch, Monroe county.


LAZARUS EHMAN a resident of Perry township, engaged in the business of shoemaking. He was born in Greencastle, PA, Oct 5 1846, and came to Monroe county in 1854. His parents were Christopher EHMAN and Elizabeth APPENSELLER. He was married in Perry township, to Emma DYE, daughter of George W. DYE & Jane BROWN. She was born in Perry township, Mar 6 1852. The children of Mr. & Mrs. EHMAN are: Kate, born May 27 1869; Ella, Feb 8 1870; Elmer, Dec 25 1873; Earl, May 22 1876; Alice, Nov 24 1878. All of the above reside at home. Mr. EHMAN was engaged in the war for the Union, enlisting in Co. C, of the 2nd WV Cavalry, Dec 3 1863; came out at the close of the war. He was engaged in two battles at Winchester, also one at Floyd Mountain, Lynchburg Grade, and Cedar Creek. There were numerous other smaller engagements. Mr. EHMAN also had two brothers in the war John, who enlisted in 1861, and William in 1864; both came out at the close. Mr. Lazarus EHMAN, the subject of this sketch, had one horse shot from under him and escaped injury; he also had another horse shot by his side while he was holding it. His address is Antioch, Monroe county, OH.


ROSSBURY M. HUFFMAN was born in Monroe county, OH, Mar 16 1835. His parents were Jacob HUFFMAN, now dead, and Nancy MITCHELL, also dead. He was married in Brownsville, Monroe county, Nov 1 1861, to Zillah POOL, who was born in Monroe county, Aug 12 1835. Her parents were William POOL & Jane SWARTWOOD. William POOL was born in Monroe county; Emma MITCHELL was born in PA. The children of Mr. & Mrs. HUFFMAN were: William S., born Aug 31 1867, died Nov 1 1868; Anna M., Oct 12 1868; Nancy J., Feb 28 1869; Mary B., Nov 12 1871, died Oct 1 1873; John B., Aug 30 1873; Minnie, Sep 22 1874, died Nov 18 1874; Oliver E., Feb 28 1878; Effie Z., Oct 28 1880. All of the seven children who are living are at home. Mr. HUFFMAN was in the service during the rebellion, being a member of the 2nd VA Cavalry, Co. C. He went into the service in 1861, and came out in 1865. He was in the battles of Williamsport, Flat Top mountains, VA, Gettysburg, Sheppardstown, Lewisburg, Harper s Ferry, Paintsville, KY; did a great deal of fighting in the Kanawha Valley. Mr. HUFFMANN s grandfather, Thomas MITCHELL, built the first grist mill in Perry township, southeast from Antioch 1 miles. Thomas MITCHELL came from PA at the same time that Mr. HUFFMAN s father did. Both settled in Monroe county, OH. Mr. HUFFMANN s grandfather helped to organize the First Christian church in the township, of which he was a member. He also contributed liberally to the building and support of churches. Mr. HUFFMAN s grandfather was in the war of 1812. His uncle, Phillip HUFFMAN, was supposed to have been killed by the Indians; he was in the army and never returned. Mr. HUFFMANN s uncle, Abraham HUFFMANN, was in the war of 1812. His brother, J. M. HUFFMAN, was in the war of 1861, and served in the same regiment and company and in the same battles. His brother, J. M. HUFFMAN, was sergeant. Mr. HUFFMAN is a farmer of Perry township. Address, Antioch, Monroe county, OH.


WILLIAM T. H. KOONTZ is a son of Peter F. KOONTZ & Ann SPECK. He was born in Monroe county, OH, Sep 26 1850. His wife was Alice E. SWARTS, to whom he was married in Brownsville, OH, Jul 8 1875. She was born in Sistersville, WV, Mar 23 1852. Her parents were James SWARTS & Sarah HILL. The children of Mr. & Mrs. KOONTZ are: Harry F., born Aug 25 1876, lives at home; Oscar E., Oct 21 1877, died Jul 21 1878; Frank M., Sep 30 1879, died Jul 21 1881. Mr. KOONTZ is a resident of Perry township, and is engaged as a general merchant. Postoffice address, Antioch, Monroe county, OH.


HENRY LONG was born in Germany in 1789. He traveled nine years to escape the compulsory draft into the German army. Came to America in 1816, and first settled in eastern PA. He there married Frances EBERLY. He then moved to Belmont county, OH, near St. Clairsville. Thence he came into Monroe county, where, after a time, he purchased 80 acres of land in Malaga township, on which he settled. He afterwards sold this, and bought 100 acres of land one mile south of Miltonsburg, where he spent the remainder of his days in quietude. His death occurred Jul 12 1871. By occupation Henry LONG was a glazier, having learned the trade in Germany. His wife died on the same farm in 1835. He was married twice, both times in this country, and had seven children by the first wife and one by the last.


JOHN R. PENNINGTON born in Harrison county, OH, Mar 17 1827, came to Monroe county in 1837, is a son of Thomas PENNINGTON, born Jan 10 1803, and Sarah RANDOLPH, who died Jul 1 1874. He married in Perry township, Sep 1 1853, Sarah J. OKEY, was was born in Centre township, Monroe county, May 18 1830. Her parents were James OKEY, born Mar 3 1806, died Nov 27 1880, and Catherine AGIN, born Mar 20 1809, died Dec 18 1880. The children of Mr. & Mrs. PENNINGTON are: James T., born Oct 16 1854; Annie E., Dec 24 1856, lives at home; Oliver M., Oct 23 1864, died Sep 18 1865. Mr. PENNINGTON has been clerk of Perry township for several terms in succession, and is holding that office at present. He was land appraiser of the township in 1880. He also has taught school for over 25 years. He is a resident of Perry township, and engaged in farming. Address, Antioch, Monroe county, OH.


CORNELIUS THOMSON is a son of John Q. THOMSON, deceased, and Sarah ARMSTRONG, the latter living now in MO. He was born in Madisonville, Hopkins county KY, Dec 29 1839, and came to Monroe county in 1880. He was married at Antioch in May 1880 to Mary E. TRUAX, who was born in Monroe county, Aug 7 1842. Her parents were Allen TRUAX and Susan VANANDER. Mr. THOMSON was a member of the 1st IA Cavalry, Co. I, went into the service in Aug 1861, and was discharged in Sep, 1864. He was in the battles of Prairie Grove, Little Rock, and Saline River. The regiment was under fire 40 days at Cameron, AR. He was also in engagements at Blackwater, MO; Brownsville, AR; Newtonia & Oscelola, MO. He was wounded in the shoulder by a Minnie ball at Silver Creek, Jan 8 1862. At the same place he also had a personal encounter with a Confederate of large stature. At first he halted him, but he paid no attention to it, running around a tree; Mr. THOMSON followed, when he turned and fired, wounding him in the shoulder, also clubbing his gun struck him over the head knocking him down for the second time. Mr. THOMSON rose up and, drawing his saber, struck the Confederate a heavy blow across the forehead, splitting it open to the left eye. Mr. THOMSON was afterwards taken to the hospital where he recovered. The Confederate was also taken care of by the Union officers, but death resulted from his wounds. Mr. THOMSON is a resident of Perry township, and engaged in the hotel business. Address, Antioch, Monroe county, OH.


ALBERT H. WEBER the subject of this sketch was born in Lewisville, Summit township, Monroe county, OH. Was in the employ of C. G. OLBINGER & Brothers, of Lewisville, for eight years. He then came to Antioch, Perry township, Jan 25 1880, and was for one year in the employ of F. M. AMES, in the mercantile business. He then traveled for H. Childs & Co., of Pittsburgh PA, for six months, but not liking the business he withdrew, and formed a partnership, Jul 4 1881, with W. T. H. KOONTZ, of Antioch, for general merchandise. The name of the firm is Koontz & Weber.




Transcribed by Dr. Shirley A. Harmon, e-mail:



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