Web site by Dave Distler


This unique web site is a useful resource for researchers seeking ancestors and relatives who lived in the Ohio River Valley. Dave Distler has collected genealogy materials from many researchers to compile this database. The database is large and Mr. Distler has not been able to confirm each of the entries. As a result, it is recommended that users of the database use the data as an initial resource and if proven genealogy data are needed, researchers are advised to do their own confirmatory research. If errors are found in the data Mr. Distler requests that they be called to his attention so that appropriate action can be taken.

This unique database includes extensive free information on the web site. In addition the site offers some specialized services for a fee.

The Monroe County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society (MCC of OGS) does not assume any responsibility for information found on the Ohio River Valley Families site. The site is being made on the MCC of OGS web site as a service to visitors and members of our site.

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