Copied 10/20/2001

By Karen Romick

Located on Pea Vine Ridge (Township Road 478), off County Road 10 in Green Township, Monroe County, Ohio.

Northwest to Southeast. Approximately 50 x 40 feet area.

Most stones are on the northeast side.

Row 1 - Field stone

Row 2 nothing

Row 3 Fieldstone.

Samuel Swartwood, d Aug 8, 1845 in 13 yr

Row 4 William T. s/o J.W. & A. Wickham, Jan 7, 1849

Sandstone, information flaked away

Row 5 Footstone, "E. W."

Row 6 Field stone

Leaning against tree, field stone, roughly hand carved, "F. M."


(Leaning against tree), Evaline d/o A. O. & H. May?, d Oct 20, 1849, age 18m


Row 7 Field stone

Handcarved field stone "S. M."

Thick square stone, no writing

(Leaning against above stone) Handcarved field stone ____ 20, 1869, M. D.?

Row 8 Field stone

Abraham Matthess d Sep 25, 1858?, aged (in ground and couldn t move)

Hand carved "J. M."

Sandstone, no writing

Row 9 Field stone

Small pile of stones, could possibly have served as markers.



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