Graysville High School
Basketball Team
Graysville High School
Basketball Team - 1950-51
1950-51 the Graysville High School was still functioning and producing good
basketball teams. However, the wheels
of consolidation were already at work. Skyvue High School opened around 1958 in Stafford,
Ohio. It brought together the Lewisville, Graysville, and Bethel High
Schools into a single facility at Stafford. The Stafford school, however,
was an old school. After several attempts to pass a levy to build a new
school it finally passed and a new school was built on Hartshorn Ridge.
It opened in January 1966 and retained the name of Skyvue. A student and
subsequent teacher at Skyvue recalls, "I was a junior in high school
then. The first day back to school after Christmas vacation we were taken
to the old building at Stafford to get our belongings then we were taken to the
new school. That was pretty exciting. The 1966 graduating class was
the first to graduate from the new building. Then in 1994 Skyvue High
School became Skyvue Elementary School and the high school students went to
Monroe Central."
of the 1950 - 1951 basketball team above are as follows:
Row -- from left to right
Ralph Ullman, Lynn Whitacre, Dale Antill, Edgar Cline, Clyde Weckbacher, Gene
Row -- from left to right
Piatt, Junior Lisk, Ernest White, Jim Christy, Denzil Weckbacher
the Fall of 2002, Ralph Ullman provided the following additional
information: "Later Coach Ralph
Ullman became Principal of Skyvue High School. His 1965 Christmas was spent moving into the
new building. Ralph and Vera have two
children: Larry, a retired teacher and Karen Marks, a teacher at Caldwell,
Ohio. Ralph's wife Vera is the daughter
of Glenn and Mary Piatt. Glenn was a
teacher in Monroe County schools for 53 years.
Glenn and Mary both lived to be 100 years old and were married for 80