Welcome to the Monroe
County History and Genealogy Website
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MCHS website
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MCC of OGS website
CDs of important Monroe County
record books are now available. Each
page of dozens of Monroe
County record books
have been photographed and made into CDs.
For a current list of available CDs click here.
(Note: The links below are to general sites
relating to Monroe County, Ohio history and genealogy. Family trees found on this site, family trees found on private websites,
and family
tree books can be found by clicking on these respective
- Belmont County, Ohio (parts of
which became Monroe
County) tax records
for the year 1811, please visit http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~saharmon
- Belmont
County, Ohio (parts of which became Monroe County) tax records for the
year 1812, please visit http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~saharmon
- Henry
Burke chronicles many facts and stories of Black history and the
Underground Railroad http://www.mariettaleader.com/henryburke.html; http://www.seorf.ohiou.edu/~xx057/sarahburke.htm; http://www.coax.net/people/lwf/hrb_seo.htm
- Ohio
River Valley Families web site http://orvf.com
- An
excellent site covering the Saxony, Germany region http://rosella.apana.org.au/~jgk/saxony/menu.html
- http://geonames.usgs.gov/ The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS),
developed by the USGS in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names
(BGN), contains information about almost 2 million physical and
cultural geographic features in the United States. The Federally
recognized name of each feature described in the data base is identified,
and references are made to a feature's location by State, county, and
geographic coordinates. The GNIS is our Nation's official repository of domestic
geographic names information. Information about foreign
geographic feature names can be obtained from the GEOnet
Names Server, developed and maintained by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency.
- The Antarctica Geographic Names
Data Base contains geographic names in Antarctica
which are approved by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names for use by the
Federal Government.
- http://www.topozone.com
is a
site that provides topographical maps of sites in the U.S. Upon visiting the site you are presented
with an opportunity to select a site of your choice. A topo-map for
that site and surrounding area is provided. The site is good in that it seems to
know about remote and historical towns that no longer exist. At a deeper level on this site you can
subscribe to more extensive services.
MCC of OGS has not subscribed and probably will not. If you elect to subscribe you are on
your own. But the initial level
found on this site, which is free, is well worth the visit.
- The Monroe County Chapter of the Ohio
Genealogical Society (MCC of OGS), as the name implies, is a member of the
state-wide Ohio Genealogical Society.
To visit the OGS web site, click on www.ogs.org.
- Monroe County Children s Home inmates in 1900 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~orphanshome/censusrooms/uscensus/ohio/1900/ohmonch00.htm
- Rutter Cemetery http://www.interment.net/data/us/oh/monroe/rutter/rutter.htm
- Dillon of Monroe- Lawrence Co. OH http://www.lawrencecountyohio.com/families/a_e/dillon1.htm
- a user-contributed 1860 index of Monroe County on Rootsweb.
- The Metcalf site is http://www.angelfire.com/nc2/CarawanOBX/page13.html
- Belmont County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical
Society website www.rootsweb.com/~ohbelogs/
- http://www.fuldaohio.com/genealogy/index3.htm
This Fulda, Noble County, Ohio site includes many of the surnames found in Monroe County. It has a few ancestors but most names
are of living people.
- This site is the Monroe
County Ohio GenWeb page http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohmonroe/ It has many useful references
and databases for the genealogy researcher of Monroe County Ohio.
- Tingley Kinkade: These
sites are primarily Tingley family tree but they
contain considerable Kinkade data also. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~tingley and http://www.tingley.org
- A history of most of
the eighteen townships of Monroe County, Ohio http://members.aol.com/RYouCuz/monroeco.htm
- Historical
Collections of Ohio by Henry Howe 1951 containing
a collection of the most interesting facts, traditions, biographical
sketches, anecdotes, etc., relating to its general and local history; with
descriptions of its counties, principal towns and villages.
Illustrated. Monroe County, Ohio begins on page 365 http://www.hti.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=moa;idno=AJA2910
- Photos
of Gravesites Free website of photos of gravesites. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=mr&MRid=46528272 See further details on this
site at: http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~harringtonfamilies/gravesitesDistler.htm
- http://longislandgenealogy.com/birth.html This is a link to a
specialized calculator that will calculate the date of birth when only the
date of death and age of the person is known.
- http://www.genealogyheirloom.com This is a link to a source of heirloom
family tree charts for wall decoration.
- http://www.paul-e-young.org/index.php?page=miltonsburg This is a unique website dedicated to the history and
culture of Miltonsburg,
- http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~maggieoh/pioneer.html A trove of
interesting and valuable information about Ohio history, genealogy, geography,
- http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~maggieoh/epd.html Dates of epidemics
- http://www.oldohioschools.com/monroe_county.htm Some photos of Monroe County Schools
- http://www.digitalshoebox.org
A collection of archival treasures in
Ohio libraries.
Use the
Back-arrow at the top of your screen to return to the Previous Page.
CDs of important
Monroe County record books are now
available. Each page of dozens of Monroe County record books have been
photographed and made into CDs. For a
current list of available CDs click
modified 1 March 2011 by reh