CDs of important Monroe County record books are now available. Each page of dozens of Monroe County record books have been photographed and made into CDs. For a current list of available CDs click here.








Monroe County


Woodsfield, Ohio


Monroe County Public Library


Site of the MCHS monthly meetings


Site of the MCC of OGS monthly meetings


Monthly meetings of the Monroe County Historical Society are held in either the office (the most common meeting place) of the MCHS located in the Health Department Building at 118 Home Ave., or the Parry Museum at 217 Eastern Ave. Both addresses are in Woodsfield, Ohio Meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are open to members and interested visitors. A schedule of the year s meeting can be found by clicking on Meetings. For additional information please write to MCHS, 118 Home Ave., Woodsfield, OH, 43783. Alternately, you can e-mail MCHS at: .

Monthly meetings of the Monroe County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society are held in the conference room of the Monroe County District Library at 2:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend. A schedule of the year s meeting can be found by clicking on Meetings. For additional information please write to: The Monroe County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society at P.O. Box 641, Woodsfield, Ohio 43783. Alternately, you may e-mail the MCC of OGS at:


Monthly meetings of the Monroe County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society are held in the meeting room of the Monroe County Public Library located at 96 Home Ave., Woodsfield, Ohio


Woodsfield, Monroe County, Ohio is at the intersection of Ohio State Routes # 78, 800, and 26.


The map above is a partial street map of Woodsfield, Ohio. The town square is located on the extension of Ohio State Route # 78 to the left of the above picture (i.e., off the picture/map to the left).

To get to the Monroe County Public Library, located at the star on the map above, from the central square in Woodsfield, Ohio, go east on Ohio State Route # 78 for about one mile. The Monroe County Public Library is on the right (south) side of Route # 78. It is a single story building of relatively modern design.


Maps for the above directions were provided by MapQuest.COM. If you have further questions feel free to contact the webmaster, Dick Harrington .


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