Someones Ancestors: The picture appears to have been taken at the residence of James and Mary Eliza Howiler Stephens. All of the information from the photo has been reproduced below.


Information was written on the back of the photo but it appears to have been glued into a scrapbook as the right side of the information is covered with the black paper. It appears someone tried to remove it.  Taken at Jim Stephens about 190?.  ____    E__ N?ib, Lulu, Ella and ______________. Mill Mehr and Nellie Amanda Carpenter, Sallie Roe, Lizzie Hamilton, McMullen girls, Louise, ___ McMullen Rnie and brother, Will Calland, Oliver Carpenter, ___ mice Brown. 


An attached note reads:  Taken at James R. & Mary Eliza (Howiler) Stephen's home.  Parents of above named three people, Maxine lives there now.  Taken about 1908.  Helma (Stephen) Christman and her sister Maxine (Stephen) Christman say their father Wilbert is sitting right front.  His sister Lulu (b 1897-98) is standing behind him.  Egger, his brother, is the first standing man, from right, front row. 


Any help in identifying the place, date, and subjects in this picture would be greatly appreciated. If you can help, please contact the webmaster at Richard Harrington.


 Photo provided by Altheda Somppi of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, in 1994



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