Lendon Family Members


Description: Description: C:\Users\Richard\Downloads\#54 (2).jpg


Back Row, left to right:

Jay Paul Lendon    s/o Leonard  Jr. and Beverly Miller Lendon (Stotler

Jerry Don Lendon    s/o Leonard Jr. and Beverly Miller Lendon (Stotler)

Erica Lendon Arendt    d/o of Carl and Faye Caldwell Lendon 

John Lendon  s/o Thomas Keith  and Doris Jane Davis Lendon

Robert Lendon    s/o Thomas Keith and Doris Jane Davis Lendon

Zachary Lendon    s/o Carl and Faye Caldwell Lendon


Front Row, left to right: Lendon Sisters   d/o's of Leonard Sr. and Estelle B. Morris Lendon (Schaub


Elsie Lendon Bonam

Cora Lendon Blackstone

Betty Lendon Matson

Frances Lily Lendon



Jay Paul and Jerry Don are brothers

Erica and Zachary are brother and sister

John and Robert are brothers


Photo taken June 25, 2011


Provided by Betty Matson


Last modified 15 May 2012 by reh