In a subsequent e-mail message, Patricia (Pat) Hall discussed additional information that she has on the Hines line. Pat gave her permission to link the information in her e-mail message to her surname submission with the hope that it might help someone researching this line. Pat also welcomes e-mail contact with her at the address listed on the Surname list of the web site.

I know that .. Joseph Hines and his wife Elizabeth had 5 daughters, 2 sons. One of the daughters was named Mary or Martha, perhaps; Joseph the oldest son and Thomas the youngest. I know that Joseph died right around the time that Thomas was born.1817. I have no idea of the age of Joseph. Most likely he was older then Elizabeth.

I also know that there was a John Hines in Monroe Co. Oh in the 1830 Monroe Co. Oh census Cornelius P. O. Perry Twp. I have had someone ask about him, and all I have is that census record. That record says he was between 20-30 and one female same age. They also had 2 slaves. Perhaps he was a brother of the elder Joseph Hines. There was a Joseph Hines in the Augusta Co. Va. area early on. I also have seen the History of Monroe Co. Oh by Hardesty, and it says a Joseph Hines named the town of Swazee. It also said he was buried on the side of the road by the river. That info has been recited to me by someone related to Joseph Hines, son Joseph and that the Church was moved from Joseph's land to another spot, I think it was a Methodist Church (all of this family were Methodist in Spring Hill) but renamed Hines Chapel Church of Christ, and Joseph was removed to that cemetery. Have you heard any of that?

The Hines family was very well known in the Johnson co./Miami co. Ks. area.
Large land owners, One of Thomas's sons owned the grocery in Spring Hill,
one owned the Pharmacy, one was a Bank officer in the Bank of Spring Hill,
others owned land and a lot of it. Joseph Hines, Thomas's eldest son, owned
land in the thousands of dollars. I don't think Thomas was as wealthy. They
do have a monument stone, over 6 ft. in height, for the listing of all of
Thomas's children, and Joseph's children, where they are both buried. My
father, grandfather, grandmother on both sides are buried in the next row
down from them. My g. grandmother is also buried on the same row, about two
graves from Thomas monument. She died young in 1900 of lung disease. Her
husband my g. grandfather remarried and is buried with his second wife, in
Coffeyville, Ks.

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