Directions to the offices of the Monroe County Historical Society (MCHS),

The Monroe County Public Health Department,

Monthly Meetings of the MCHS,

Senior Center



Starting from the Woodsfield, Ohio town square*, go east on Eastern Avenue toward Clarington, Ohio and the Ohio River. Within Woodsfield, Eastern Ave. is also Ohio Route 78 going east. If your destination is the Parry Museum, you will find it on the right (south) side of the street, about 0.1 miles from the town square. If your destination is the offices of the Monroe County Historical Society (MCHS) continue on Eastern Ave. about 0.2 or 0.3 miles from the town square to Home Avenue, also on the right (south). Turn onto Home Ave. and proceed about 0.1 miles to the Monroe County Public Health Department on the left. The MCHS is located in the Monroe County Public Health Department building.


*The town square is a large square located in front of the Monroe County Courthouse.


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