We are indebted to Terry Willis who provided this extensive Carpenter family tree. The Carpenter family tree on this website is large very large. It occupies over 10 megabytes of web-space which is much too large for a single webpage file. It is also too large to conveniently use for research. Therefore two methods has been constructed to make your search easier. One method is a Carpenter Family Name Index organized by first names. By clicking on Carpenter Family Name Index you are taken to a page in which you can choose among 6 indices. Choose an index that will contain the first name of the Carpenter or a related family member you are seeking. Names are listed alphabetically in each of the 6 indices. When you find the name you are seeking, you can click on the name of the tree in which it is contained. The name of the tree is found in the second column following the individual s name. Once you are in the tree containing the name, use the Search feature of your computer to locate the name within the tree.
The second method for searching the Carpenter tree is to directly search each of the 20 subdivisions of the tree. For this method, use the table below. This table is a list showing each of the 20 subdivisions of the Carpenter tree. Once you are in one of the 20 trees, you can use the Search feature of your computer to locate individuals.
* Note that there is no single, integrated Carpenter family tree on this website. A single, integrated Carpenter family tree is too large to manipulate and requires too much time and memory to load onto a computer.
20 Descendant Outlines of
the Carpenter Family Tree
The above 20 descendant
outlines of the Carpenter family tree were selected as individual web pages
based on their size. The colored generation
number followed by a dot-leader identifies the generation number these
individuals would occupy in the integrated, 10.5 megabyte, family tree. In other words, each of the above descendant
outlines is part of, and has the same generation numbers that it would have in
a single, integrated Carpenter family tree.*
Each descendant outline begins with the name of that branch and contains
all of the available data for that branch, through the present. Links, in the color green,
can be found that will transport the reader between the first member of each
descendant outline (the names in the list above) and the parent descendant
outline. The color of the generation
numbers in the above table corresponds to the color code used for the Carpenter Family Name Index.
Unless you know which specific branch you are interested
in, it is recommended that users begin with the immigrant tree, John Carpenter (1731 - 1796), and follow the links to the desired
Carpenter branch. If you are not sure
which Carpenter branch your person of interest is in, first locate them in the Carpenter
Family Name Index, then go to the
specific branch by clicking on that branch following the name.
For the convenience of the reader, the above web pages have been hyperlinked so that the entire Carpenter family can be read as a single family tree. These links are in green to distinguish them from links that transport the reader to a different family trees of the named individual.
Click here to go to an alphabetical index of individuals within the Carpenter Family Tree
Provided by Terry Willis
Click here for the Short-Cut Table of Contents