Side and rear view
Brown School in Malaga
Township, Monroe County, Ohio - Taken about 1976
See front and side view by
clicking Brown School
Brown School,
located in the west one-half of the northwest quarter of Malaga Township s
Section no. 27 (T-5, R-5), is one of the few one-room school buildings still
standing. It is at the junction of T. R. no 78 (Grizzle Ridge) and T. R. no. 85
(Moore Ridge to Grizzle). The building was erected on land first owned by
Quaker, David Gray. He received his government land patent with the date
January 30, 1827. David died March 28, 1848.
David Gray s land was later owned by William (November 8,
1814-April 14, 1876) and Esther (Tipton) Brown (April 8, 1815-May 7, 1888) who
were also Quakers. The land probably belonged to their son, David L. Brown
(1842-1924) and wife Alvira (1845-1928) when the school house was built. Their
son, Charles A. (1882-1955) was a bank cashier in Woodsfield and then auditor
the O. R. & W. Railroad Company.
Some Brown s School teachers were Harry Penn, Garr
Dougherty, Amos Cronin, Oliver Dougherty, Elizabeth Thomas, Faye Rowley Lashley,
Red Cronin, Walter Moore, Faye Rowley, Mel Morris, Harold Christman, Raymond
Staudt, James Moore, and William M. Dickey. Mel Morris was the last to teach.
The school was closed in 1936. Harold Carpenter next owned the land. Leland
Beardmore now owns the land and school building.
(3) Photograph provided by Paul E. Young, Jr. --